The truth about Alex | Teen Ink

The truth about Alex

December 18, 2013
NicoleLathrop18539 PLATINUM, Adel, Iowa
29 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you realize who the good people are in your life, you're so lucky.

It was a cold and windy night out, the stars were mesmerizing. Katie was deep in thought when she heard a twig snap behind her and loud, quick footsteps. Katie took off running. She ran and ran, but the footsteps grew closer. She heard loud panting and a deep voice yell, “Stop!” but Katie kept on running. Branches grabbed at her and scratched her body as she darted through the trees aimlessly. Roots snagged at her feet. Katie tripped and hit her head hard. She saw stars in her eyes and then everything went black.
Katie woke up with a terrible headache that felt like it would never subside. She sat up and found that she was in the backseat of a car, speeding down the highway. She wondered what had happened to her. Then she remembered everything. She started to cry with fear, “What do you want with me?” she asked. The car slowed down and stopped. The person turned around and she found herself looking into a boys face. He looked about her age,16, and he had light green eyes and platinum hair. Katie couldn’t stop staring at him. He took a deep breath. “I want to know what you were doing out there first.”
“Who are you?” She gasped. “How...How did you find me?”
“Answer my question first.”
“I asked the first question!”
He chuckled.
“You have some sass, Katie.”
Katie’s eyes were wide; she was stunned.
“You still don't know who I am?” He exclaimed. “Fine. I'm Alex. From North High. I'm in your math class Katie. Am I that much of a loser that you don't even know I exist?”
That was like an abrupt slap in the face to Katie. She was one of the most popular girls in 10th grade, and she just got kidnapped by some...some skater boy? This would ruin her reputation!
“Get me out of this car NOW.” She scolded. But then she realized...the door handle was right there.... She lunged for it, but before she could open the door, Alex grabbed her arm. He was so...cold.
“I'm not letting you go till you tell me why you were out in those woods so late at night.” He said firmly.
Katie rolled her eyes. “Why should i tell you? You'll just report me.” “No i won't. I PROMISE.”
“I was running away.”
There was silence for a few seconds.
“Why Katie? You have everything. Popularity, wealth, you can have everything you ever wished for. Why run away from it?”
“I'm done for now. Its YOUR turn to explain why you kidnapped me!!!!!!” She yelled.
“I didn't kidnap you. I saved your life. Those woods aren't safe! Theres werewolf-”, he quickly realized that he best not tell Katie everything yet, “theres um, wolves in there.” She laughed. “Give me a break, Alan.”
“Alex. and there ARE wolves. Very dangerous ones.”
She decided to go along with it. This could be funny.
“Ok, ALEX. What kind of wolves? Explain.”
“I..I...I can't.”
“Then I don't believe you.”
Katie sat there for a moment. Then she burst out laughing. What a day. First she's kidnapped by some loser, then hes trying to tell her that there are werewolves in the woods? What is this, fairytale land?
“Listen, Alex. I suggest you get counseling after this. Because werewolves don't-” suddenly, a deer slammed into the windshield. Alex slammed forward, but the airbag saved him. Katie wasn't wearing a seat belt, and she was flung forward. An awful crunch came from her arm. Her face slammed into the seat. Katie felt vivid red blood dripping down her face. Katie screamed in pain as she connected with the seat in front of her. Pain radiating through her arm,katie started to cry. Everything hurt so much. Katie closed her eyes and was about to drift off to sleep when she heard a loud thud outside. She screamed in fear when a werewolf came running to the scene. It picked up the deer in its massive jaws and ran, paws shaking the ground like thunder.
Alex got out of the car and opened the back seat door, he grabbed Katie and pulled her out of the car gently. She lay on the ground whimpering from pain.
“Are you okay?”Alex panically asked.
“IT HURTS!” Katie sobbed, “My arm hurts so bad!”
Then everything went black.
As i stared at katies crushed form i couldn't help but feel panic and sympathy for her,i tried to warn her that werewolf’s actually existed but of course she didn't believe me .I knew deep down that she was hurting but i couldnt imagin strong katie actually being hurt ,i mean i do hate her its just that she looks so pitiful just lying on the ground bleeding to death.I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stick up and got the weird sense that someone was watching me but i shook it off
and i picked her up in my arms and carried her to the woods. I felt a change in the air around me and i began to sniff,the stench of blood that didn’t belong to anyone or anything i knew.i set katie gently on the ground and began walking away from her towards the weird scent.
“HELLO”i shouted to see if i could get a response out of the person or thing that i was smelling
i heard a twig snap and bushes rustling .i immediately got down in my defensive crouch and snarled,my thoughts were still with katie and i felt a strange itch in my chest to be with her back at the clearing where i set her down at.”help”i heard a moan where the scent was coming from.”i’m over here”.i felt panicky that voice.Mr.wiles.”i’m coming hold on!” i shouted and i immediately got out of my crouch and ran over to Mr.wiles.
“Are you alright?” i said in a rushed tone of voice.
“No!”he howled “I.Am.NOT.Alright my body hurts so bad!”he howled in pain .
i knew what had happened he had been bitten and there was nothing i could do to help him he was going to be just like the werewolf's .”Mr.Wiles,i can’t help you i’m so sorry”Alex choked out.he felt like running and never coming back to help him.Mr.Wiles was his favorite writing teacher,he always helped Alex when he was hurt or being bullied by his peers. Alex slowly backed away and ran when he was far away from Mr.Wiles. Alex felt a lump form in his throat and felt like he was going to cry.Alex sat on the ground heaving and gasping for air.why?he thought,why did this happen to the one person he cared about the he thought about it he couldnt rember the last time anyone was that kind to him how is he ever going to repay Mr.Wiles?
I quickly shook these thoughts out of my head and tried to focus on the big problem how do i fix her?my thoughts immediately wondered to katie i wondered if she was in pain if she was awake but mostly i wondered why i feel this warm fuzzy feeling when i think of her.”stop it”i scowled.i will never ever like her like that in fact i might as well just ditch her right now and never look back ever.As these thougts ran through my head i felt sick to my stomic and had to sit down at the clearing by katie and put my head between my knees and rocked back and forth.
i can't even imagine what it would be like when i look into her eyes and tell her i'm going to kill her,of course she doesn't know it yet but i start feeling desperate and i started to shake with fear.Could I kill her?i don’t think i can do it.I got this weird feeling in my stomach that something was wrong with katie and she needed medical attention immediately.I quicklty got off of the ground and crouched down beside katie,i put my fingers on the inside of her wrist and felt for a pulse.It was there but it was really faint and weak.I immidently got out of the crouch i was in by her side and picked her up in my arms and ran with her as fast as i could to the road .When i got there i set her down on the ground and tryed to flagdown a car with my arms waving over my head but there was none in sight.I got real anxiouse and feverent and was just about pick katie up again when i noticed a faint light in the distance moving closer and closer until it was 100 yards away and in plain sight.I jumped up and down trying to get the persons attention.

The car slowed way down and came to a steady stop right in front of me. I quickly ran over to the drivers side and yanked the door open “can you get us to hospital immediately” I pointed to Katie who was sprawled out on the road.The guy grunted and looked over my shoulder to where I was pointing and he nodded.the guy was chubby with cold blue eyes that pierced your skin like glass.His mouth was set in a permanent scowl and along with that he was so short.Im talking like 5’4 .His hair was long and greasy and the color of dirt.I shrivled up inside wanting to get away from him. He glared at me,his eyes flashed red. I backed away real slowly and ran to katies side.”hey can you hear me?...Katie we need to get you to the hospital” Alex said desperately into her ear.

The author's comments:
I want someone to read this and email me what they think...its not the complete stroy its just the start tell me what you think:)

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on Apr. 16 2014 at 4:06 pm
NicoleLathrop18539 PLATINUM, Adel, Iowa
29 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you realize who the good people are in your life, you're so lucky.

i have added on to The Truth about Alex it will be under The truth about Alex part 2 if you would like to read more