Shrunk | Teen Ink


May 19, 2014
By D.Pink515 BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
D.Pink515 BRONZE, Pasco, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I opened my eyes, I could tell something was different. I blinked a couple times hoping my 20/20 vision would return to normal, but it didn’t. My whole room seemed to have grown while I slept. My replica plane was the size of a Boeing 747. It was as if I was looking at everything through the wrong side of a pair of binoculars.
I needed to get help so I stood up and walked across my bed. Step by step my foot would sink into the mattress. I swam through the sheets on my way to the edge of my bed. When I looked down I felt a wave of fear crash over me, as if I was looking down at the plummeting Grand Canyon. Jumping down to the ground would be impossible, “there must be another way,” I thought to myself.
Looking to my right I saw a box of Kleenex from last week when I had a miserable cold. I hiked over to the box and used all my strength to pull a tissue from the box. I grabbed two of the tissue’s corners and leaned over the edge of my bed. I was afraid of heights, and so scared that my entire body was shaking, but I had to do this.
Closing my eyes, I slowly pushed off and sailed into the air. The cool air whispered though my hair as I flew through the air. Using all my willpower, I peeked through my tightly squeezed shut eyes. What I saw was actually really cool, like nothing I had imagined. Flying high above my room, I could see how dirty it was. Clothes were strung out in mountain sized piles, along with green, fuzzy, moldy, dirty dishes and all my homework. What a mess!
Gently landing on the ground, I released my grasp on the Kleenex and watched it pile onto the ground. To my right was a tangled mess of rope. Oh wait, that was a piece of used floss. In front of me was a scattered mess of neon colored, glow in the dark beads that my sister must have spilled while she was making bracelets. Then to my left was my lucky baseball bat. I decided to take the route strait ahead of me. Weaving through the maze of beads, I made my way towards my bedroom door. The next obstacle in my way was an enormous mound of clothes.
Standing at the base of the mountain, I began to lose hope of ever escaping my room to get help. There was so way around it. I started my trek up the giant pile of jeans, socks, t-shirts and sweaters that I had worn last week, and soon became winded. Not only was the mountain steep, but it smelt like wet dog and sour, spoiled milk. Attempting to hold my breath, I ended up light headed and gasping for air. When I finally reached the top, I stood there for a couple minutes taking a look at my surroundings below. My mom really should clean my room.
I started my journey down the other side of the mountain. After walking down the downward slope for around 10 minutes there was a deep crease in the clothes, but because I was so small it looked like a jagged ravine. Taking the easy route, I walked all the way around it. The bottom of the hill was about 100 yards ahead of me. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see the floor of my bedroom. Picking up speed, I ran down towards the ground. Something must have caught my foot because I went flailing to the ground and all I remember is hitting my head on the cold, hard, wood floor.
When I awoke in bed, the room was spinning, my stomach ached, and my head was throbbing. I felt a sharp pain in my back and reached behind to find a small plastic army man. I sat up and rubbed the tender area of my back and realized that the toy was indeed little. Everything was back to normal! “What a strange dream,” I thought to myself.
After a long, hot shower I decided to take the day to clean my room instead of playing video games. How could I live in such filth? Walking towards the hallway closet, I stepped over mounds of grimy dishes and soiled clothes to get the cleaning supplies. I threw the vacuum hose over my shoulder, snapped on the rubber gloves and got to work.

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