The Quest for Peace | Teen Ink

The Quest for Peace

March 25, 2015
By ZaneP. BRONZE, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
ZaneP. BRONZE, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

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“Imagine this, Doug. If you join the 13 Chaos Lords you will have power! It had all came up to the evil side and the Chaos side fighting and we have taken over! It had all come up to your decision. Good, Evil, or me?” Excretion bellowed.
“Think back Doug!” wailed the King. So that’s what Doug did.
Earlier on Doug was in the fields of Battleon city. Just protecting the citizens from common seed spitters or wandering skeleton warriors. Then the unexpected came. Princess Tara was coming for Doug as he was chopping up the last standing seed spitters. “Doug! Doug!” she called. “There are a bunch of warriors at the castle gates! You must join them! Lot’s of danger is waiting for you. The king wants to see you!”
“Slow down,” Doug replied, “You must go to downtown Battleon city bar. Get Xmax, Death and Thrills over to the castle!”
“Ok! I’ll try!” she said as she rushed down the rolling hills. Then Doug rushed to the castle. He was shocked to see that the Princess wasn’t kidding! It was like the whole underworld came up here! Doug really needed his bow but it was still in the castle! He drew his iron-bladed sword and started chopping bones off of the skeleton warriors. Before Doug knew it, he was surrounded! Then the unexpected happened! Xmax came swooping in from the sky! He stole a fire staff from the skeleton fire mages (basically a wizard but lower ranked). Xmax held up his staff and yelled the words to summon a fire ball.
“Let’s move toward the castle!” Xmax yelled. We will meet the others there!
“What do you mean? The King? Or Twills and Death?” Doug asked. “Both!” said Xmax. Bravely the two heros went into the inside of the castle. Fighting skeleton warriors as they rushed in the throne room to see Twills fighting the shadow elementals,no Death in sight though.“Why are there pieces of Evil lord Yuguledor’s armour on the ground?” Xmax asked
“Long story short, he died...” Twills replied. “Oh!” Doug replied.”
“This war ends now” Excretion bellowed as he came flying in. The king appeared to be trapped in a shadow cage. This is the current time from earlier on.
“So...?” Excretion tempted Doug to join the Kaos side.
“I choose to....” Doug yelled. Then Excretion smiled as Doug drew he is sword. “Light!” Doug finished and freed the king.
“No! It doesn’t matter! I will take over the sector called Rivera!”Excretion yelled. Then Excretion flew away. Then Doug looked at the king as a ball of chaos hit his shoulder.

Sector 1:

As Doug and the rest were chasing Excretion, Excretion was throwing strange things. They looked like pure darkness, like chaos balls! “Gahhhhh! Me no like chaos boom boom! Me scared!” whined a cyclops as Doug and his friends were running after the first chaos lord. As the three heros advanced through the storm of chaos, Twills was feeling like the cube of power was near, but how? It was like no one ever knew where it was. This pursuit started after talking to the king.
“You must get the cube of chaos....”The King said.
“But your majesty! Where is the cube?”Doug wailed
“In the ruins of Rivera dungeon,” replied the king. So there was his decision. As Twills finally found something the heroes saw a tower emerge from Lake Rivera. The tower looked like the picture on the first page of the Book of Lore. It had a caption that said: Only the true hero can take down the chaos tower number one.
“So now what?” asked Doug as he walked forward into the city of Rivera. It was nothing compared to the damage of Battleon city. Houses were twisted unnaturally and the sky was grey.
“It looks like the city was deserted...”Xmax said.
“I don’t know about that,”replied a mysterious person, “I’m Yirmir, the ruler of this sector. Who might you be?”
“Us? We are from Battleon City,”replied Twills.
“Ah finally! A lunch break!” screamed Xmax as he ran over to a broken hotdog cart. “I don’t know if you want a month old hot-dog hero. Besides, that was stolen from the future with our very own teleporter.”
“Really? Where in the future?”
“About the twelfth of February of twelfth from New York city at 10:29 am.” Yirmir replied. “Now I know you are after the cube correct?”
“Um... Yeah...” Doug answered awkwardly.
“So you might want the first piece in house 424, but you must prove yourself by eliminating the cyclopes at downtown Rivera. Then I will let you heros stay here for as long as you need.”Yirmir challenged.
“Ok, so yeah we can beat one, but an army of cyclops?! NO WAY! We can’t do that!” Xmax said “Yes we can!” Twills said encouragingly.
“Let’s all go!” said Doug as he started to walk towards the center of town.
As the heros of Battleon adventured on through the maze of twisted buildings, and of course, hotdog carts, it started to get dark outside. “What’s going on? It’s only noon!” Xmax whined.
“Keep going!” Doug replied.
“Actually Doug, I think it might-” Twills started when it started,“ raining....” Twills finished with a even worse attitude than Xmax’s was. “Fine we can stop and hide inside a twisted house.” The rain started getting harder and harder and the heroes don’t know which house they were entering. Take a hint #424.
As the heroes entered the strange house, it wasn’t twisted on the outside as much as the inside. If you look up there are doorways on the ceiling. On the walls are the same. “You go,” Xmax whimpered to Twills. The only reachable doorway on the ground had a golden threshold. As Twills walked though Doug and Xmax lost sight of her.
Then Twills said “Up here!” The boys looked up to see that she was on the ceiling.
“Cool!” exclaimed Xmax as he ran through the golden doorway. Then Doug looked up and sure enough Xmax was on the roof of the strange room.
“My turn!”Doug said as he rushed through the golden door way. As soon as you knew it, everyone was on the ceiling! It was like witchcraft. “Hey guys! Look!” hollered Twills and she went toward the next door frame. There was a lot of doors like the one they entered and every time the heroes went through a door frame they ended up in another room on either a wall, ceiling or even the floor again. This was a maze. This chaotic house was filled with mind benders throughout the house. Then the three heroes decided to spit up and they each took different routes. Doug went into a kitchen, Xmax went to a balcony and Twills ended up in a kind of Living room.
Xmax found that on this balcony he was upside down. Then he saw a really unfriendly eye that belonged to a cyclops- no wait! THREE!
“Hey look! Me found dinner!” said the first Cyclops.
“No! Me no think that dinner, me think it prisoner.”said the second one.
“DOWN WITH THE TOWER!”roared the third. “Me no think that tower, me think it house twisted up by chaos boom boom!”replied the second Cyclops.
“YOU THINK WE DUMB?!” roared the first one. “Sheesh! You guys really need a breath mint!”Xmax teased.
“NO! We smart! Right?”the third one replied.
“YAS!” the second one spat. Xmax ran back inside the house with the cyclops outside looking for something to smash the twisted house of 424 with. “Aw man! What now?”Xmax wailed. He ran into the kitchen with his staff of fire.
“WHAT?!”yelled Doug as he was rummaging through a drawer of goods. “Sorry!"Xmax wailed. Suddenly a giant bang from the outside occurred.
“ME WANT SODA!”yelled cyclops #1.
“Why you want soda?!” cyclops #2 surveyed #1. Doug gulped and looked out the giant lopsided window. The three cyclops were holding trees from the forest. They were big ones!
“Oh god! Ohhhhh... GOD!”screamed Doug as a giant tree branch shot through the glass of the twisted window.
“I think we should leave this place!” whined Xmax.
“What about Twills?”asked Doug. “We will pick her up from-” Xmax was interrupted by a giant tree crashing through the house!
“Ayeeeeee...!”screamed someone from upstairs. It wasn’t Twills it was, Death.
“Well you might have as well destroyed my house you no brained dweebs!” said Death as he spread his wings to strike with his Fiery Greatsword which had flames covering it from blade to handle. Doug realized he wasn’t aiming for him and Xmax. He was swooping toward the cyclops with the trees. With one strike, all three of the brutes fell headless. “Booya! Three more gigantic lens for me! Looks like I can make my very own telescope!” Death celebrated.
Later the heroes finally got their dinner with Yirmir. “I don’t know if this cyclops meat is good as a hotdog, but I will try it!” Xmax suddenly said with a “Cyclopdog” placed in front of him. “Gross! I could see they never cleaned themselves since there is maggots in this food!” replied Twills who was about to throw up. “I’d prefer a Cyburger!” said Doug sarcastically. “So now what?”asked Xmax who was really confused. “Well we do know that cyclops love pizza. Say! I know that Battleon city has a pizza place. We can borrow a costume for Doug to wear and then he can bring in a decoy for a stack of pizza boxes! Some of them can be real some not!” explained Death really boringly. “Ok!” said Doug really excitedly. “Alright! Here’s the plan...

The next day Yirmir called the chaos tower with a voice changer. “Ok! Here it goes!” said Yirmir nervously. Meanwhile at the tower a cyclops answered the phone.
“HEEELLO!?” it said.
“Congratulations sir! You won a pizza party. In approximately 5 minutes you will get it!”said Yirmir with a cheery guy’s voice.
Five minutes later Doug arrived with the decoy pizza.
“Finally! Me with friends starving, human! Me go get celebration cake!” said the Cyclops as he rushed through a door nearby.
“Hey! Can we come out now?!”yelled Xmax through the stack decoy.
“OkeeDokee!”Doug replied with a smile. “Now all we need is to obtain the 2nd cube shard. It’s somewhere around here.” Doug informed.
“Then we can get the power of the evil Hydra away from Rivera!” exclaimed Xmax.
“All we need is for Death and Twills to get the third shard. Then I can get the whole village to gather their pitchforks and light their torches to fight the cyclops army!”Doug said in a nervous tone.
Not too far away, a drydel named Twilly, and Yirmir were leading the two heroes though the dark ruins of an old castle. Twill was leading the gang through the old rusty spear traps and weathered trap doors. Now they were in the throne room with the shard underneath the rubble of a golden throne.
“And here we are”said Twilly as he was pulling a thorn out of his large ear. “Now someone use their-” Twilly started. Then Yirmir used his Sword of pure Water to weather away a throne to leave it to be a couple pieces of rusty gold.
“Done.”said Yirmir. “Now lets go to the chaos tower with the villagers to defeat Excretion and bring peace to our sector!”

As we come back to the other group the two heroes encountered something familiar to them. It was a twisted room like House 424! They did bring something called purification powder which uncorrupted the hallway just like they did with the house. Then they found the cube shard and Doug was about to get it when- BOOM! The tower started to rock.
“Well, well, well. Look what we have here. What are you doing here, Delivery Doug?”said the familiar voice of Excretion the first chaos lord. “I see your friends are bellow at the base and I got your shards!” Excretion was right! Doug’s shard was gone! “Now as you know it is time to release the Hydra!” Excretion finished. “Vwalla! The completed cube! Now all I have to do with this is... THROW IT IN THE WATER!” Excretion bellowed.
“Sheesh! You need a breath mint too!” Xmax said while holding his nose.
“Excuse me?!” said Excretion really harshly. “ I shall throw you to the Hydra!”
“No!” yelled Doug as he jumped toward Xmax as they both were thrown out of the window.
At the bottom of the tower all four heroes met up to meet the most terrifying beast yet of each and every hero’s career. Sure they just fought three cyclops but the Hydra is tricky! With it’s three diamond scaled heads extending from the sea the Hydra took a shot for Doug and he was hit! Doug went flying through the sky.
“Well, we don’t need Doug to attack with us.” said Twills glumly.
You might be wondering where Doug landed. Well here it is. He is on a mountainside next to a cave. Doug woke up and started wandering. It was a misty land. There also was a nearby cave with a light inside. Doug decided to take a look at what was going on. So he entered the cave and heard a distant cry!
“What is that?” Doug asked to himself as he watched a man in grey beating up a monster covered in flames. Then Doug saw the man lose grip of a blade. It looked like it was the Blade of Destiny. Doug threw down his old broken blade and picked up the new one. Then he was surrounded by a ball of pure energy and when it stopped he was no longer with his cave and old blade. His old rough armour was shiny and pure steel. Doug finally started to developed a part of pure light. He knew he made the right choice back at the castle siege. Pure light was his destiny! Now all Doug needed was to find out where he was.
It took Doug long enough to find out where he was. The ruins of house 424. From there he went straight for the lake and saw that Hydra was starting to finally beat the last warrior standing which was Death. Then in one final swoop Death was off of his feet. Doug charged toward Hydra and with one swoop the Hydra’s only three heads were missing from their long snake like bodies. Yirmir finally appeared from behind a tree. Yirmir said “ Your friends are out Doug! Go get the medicine from the tavern! Oh by the way, nice upgrade!” “There’s no time for fashion! Now where’s Excretion?”asked Doug  “Oh! I finally found my chance to finish him since he was weaker than usual so I killed him!” said Yirmir with a smile. “Now go get the medicine!”Yirmir said with a frown as Doug ran off to the forest.

Meanwhile in a lair of pure darkness there was a meeting with the mysterious leader of Chaos with the rest of the overlords.
“Now I know that you guys are a little scared  about this, hero.”said the master mind.
“Why did you recruit us anyway?” asked Wolfwing.
“Well there is a team out there trying to kill us right? So that’s why I’m sending you! Xiang!” said the master mind. Destroy the hero’s destination while I sit and picture up plan for this hero in my head. “On it boss!” said Xiang. The master mind put his hands together and said: “Perfect.” Then the evil lord started cackling loudly.

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This article has 1 comment.

ZaneP. BRONZE said...
on Mar. 27 2015 at 12:39 pm
ZaneP. BRONZE, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:

I appreciate the amount of likes I got from this.