Fluorescent | Teen Ink


January 4, 2016
By beeconn BRONZE, Carbondale, Pennsylvania
beeconn BRONZE, Carbondale, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fairies will come and fairies will go
Fairies stay true and are good for the soul.
But when the source of their magic does break
The darkness of their hearts does then awake.
Once upon a time, in a land far away, lived the White Fairy. She resided in King Peter and Queen Charlotte’s castle and spent her days spinning beautiful colors of thread by combining her magic with the string. With only one tap from her magic wand, the thread would light up and spin rapidly until it was complete. The incredible and vivid colors she created would leave her highnesses in awe. The fairy’s glorious and bright creations earned her the name “Fluorescent.”
One frosty, winter night while Fluorescent sat in her room, spinning thread, she became quite lonely. This glorious castle held hundreds of rooms filled with satin bed sheets, pillows filled with goose feathers, and a massive window that had the most beautiful view of the entire kingdom. The new nursery for the royal child on the way even contained a closet just for jewels. But, Fluorescent was left in the cold cellar with a bucket of water, a grimy sheet for a bed, and an old crow that would sit outside her window and squawk until her ears became sore. There was no one to talk to, no one to share stories with, and no one to keep her company. She dwelled on her loneliness as she spun thread for a blanket that she would give to the king and queen as a gift for the baby.
Red, green, and blue were the colors she chose for this special blanket; Red for leadership, green for harmony, and blue for loyalty. As the colors spun, Fluorescent picked up her wand and gently placed it on the wheel. She left it there for only a second longer than usual, hoping that the surplus of magic would make this gift extra extravagant. The wheel began to spin faster and faster and the wand would not let go. Fluorescent gripped it with both hands, trying to yank it off as the colors became brighter and the wheel spun even faster. The light was so bright that the fairy had to cover her eyes to protect them. As she fell to the ground and hid from the brightness behind her wings, the wheel stopped and she heard her wand finally let go and fall. Fluorescent’s wings opened up and on the dirty floor were three circles: one red, one green, and one blue.
She sat there in complete shock, confused as to what her magic just created. She then slowly stood up and tiptoed over to the three colors with complete caution. Before Fluorescent could even touch these mysterious circles, the colors grew taller and revealed arms, legs, faces, and even wings.
“Bust my button, this wand here created fairies!” Fluorescent cried with much joy as she held her wand to her heart. She would finally have some company in this old cellar.
“Well how do you do?” the Red Fairy asked as they all bowed their heads and curtsied.
“Flora is my name,” the fairy stated, “and these are my lovely sisters, Fauna and Merryweather.”
They were all dressed the same with long gowns, matching hats, and petite wings on their backs. Flora wore red, Fauna green, and Merryweather had blue.
“Oh tickle my tinsel! This place is splendid!” Fauna celebrated. The fairies were marveled at their appearances. The three of them kept examining one another; feeling the fabric of the dresses and giggling at each other’s wings when they would glisten.
“Please, you must show us your magnificent fairy ways.” Fauna pleaded Fluorescent. “Share your wondrous gifts and tasteful talents!”
“Oh! Do tell what this is!” interrupted Merryweather as she picked up Fluorescent’s wand from the ground. In panic, she immediately swiped the wand from Merryweather’s grip.
Fluorescent politely stated, “My darling friends, this is where all of our astonishing power comes from.” With a flick of her wand, each fairy now had a source of magic in their hands. “I would most definitely love to assist you, you sisters of sparkle.”
Fluorescent was ecstatic and was more than willing to share all of her fairy knowledge. Within weeks, the three new fairies were able to cast spells, fly at every speed, take proper care of their wands, and even spin thread with the help of their beloved magic. Their talents were unstoppable and cherished by the entire kingdom.
Fluorescent, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather were the best of friends. The king and queen were also fond of them; so fond that they moved the four of them to one big room in the upper parts of the castle. Together, their business was booming! They created royal flags for the knights, bed sheets for the maids, warm coats for the peasants, and stunning gowns for the queen.
In the early spring, Queen Charlotte was ready to deliver the newest edition of the royal family. The entire kingdom waited outside the grand castle for the official announcement of the baby. Fluorescent, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather stayed in the nursery where they garnished the room with new items such as deep violet curtains and blankets of red, green, and blue. They filled the closets with little, pink nightgowns and tiny, blue trousers for the unknown gender of the child.

After many hours of waiting, the king and queen finally brought their new baby girl into her nursery.
"Madams," announced King Peter, "I would like you all to meet our newest princess, Leah." He then handed the beautiful child to Fluorescent. All the White Fairy could do was smile and gently tickle the princess's little nose with her sparkly wings.
"Merryweather, please hold her. I will be back in a jiffy!" Fluorescent handed the child to the Blue Fairy and flew to her room to retrieve the four wands. Once she returned, she stated that each fairy would give a special gift to the princess as a token of their love.
Flora granted baby Leah the gift of beauty, Fauna granted song, and Merryweather granted loyalty. Once it was Fluorescent's turn, she flew over to the cradle and lightly tapped her wand on the child's head as Leah waved her arms back and forth, playing with the fairy dust that would fall around her.
"Dearest Leah, I grant you the," Snap. The child held the tip of the wand in her tiny hand and Fluorescent was left with the handle.
"Fluorescent? Are you alright and bright? You could use my wand if you'd like." said Fauna. But Fluorescent stood there and stared at the child in complete and udder silence. Flora quickly flew to her and touched her shoulder in reassurance. As soon as her hand made contact, the deepest shade of black poured down Fluorescent’s wings. Her gown of pure white was now long and murky. Her fingers began to turn pale. The half of the wand grew into a large staff and the annoying crow from the cellar perched itself right on the top. She then slowly turned to the three fairies with dark devil horns protruding from her scalp. Her eyes were now filled with evil instead of her innocent and loving self. She once again glanced at the child and raised her scepter.
Queen Charlotte screamed, "Don't you hurt her! If you so much as lay a finger on her, so help me I will..."
"Dearest Leah, I grant you the gift of misfortune and heart break. Just as you did to me, one day, I will steal what you, my darling, love most." announced the new evil fairy.
"You menace! You malicious, monstrous, you maleficent!" cried Merryweather.
The dark fairy looked up. "I like that. Maleficent." She smashed her staff on the ground and her spinning wheel appeared. As she stroked the charcoal feathers of her crow, she bent over the child and whispered, “I’ll be back.” With the final clash of her scepter off the palace floor, Maleficent vanished into the air with her cherished black bird, her possessed walking stick, and her beloved spinning wheel.

The author's comments:

This is my fractured fairytale on the background of Maleficent.

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