The Life Without Parents | Teen Ink

The Life Without Parents

January 6, 2016
By khi_2002 BRONZE, Ledyard, Connecticut
khi_2002 BRONZE, Ledyard, Connecticut
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

It was the crash of some plates breaking on the ground that woke me up that hot and treacherous day. I got out of bed and looked around my room. I could see those delicate stacked books that looked like it took one million years to make. I’m glad that was not me who stacked those I thought. 
I opened the bathroom door and looked in the mirror. I really have bushy hair and really dark hazel eyes. I walked out of the bathroom and went into the kitchen. I could smell the waffles and bacon being made by my brother, Sam.
As I walked into the room, Jim and Kevin looked up from their plates of waffles drowning in syrup and bacon floating like boats trying to save the other pieces of bacon. I stared at the plate thinking I am glad I am not those bacon pieces.
“What time is it?” Sam asked.
“It is July 26th, 2020 but I need a watch to tell the time,” I said.
“Oh wait, July 31st is your birthday so write down your birthday wish list,” Sam said.
I did what he asked and wrote:


Sam took the piece of paper and almost fell over. “Well if that’s all you want you have a 50/50 chance of getting it,” Sam said shocked, “because that’s the only thing you want.”
I put the page on the fridge then walked out on the hot day of Ledyard, Connecticut. I could hear the birds chirping and could smell the pinecones on the trees. I saw the blue sky and it calmed me. I walked down the street thinking that the first day of school is going to be as fun as the Topsfield fair. I kept walking down the street as the bus turned around the corner. The bus doors opened and the whispers of the chatty children flew into my ears. I stood looking at the stairs for five whole minutes.
“What are you waiting for the sky to fall?” the bus driver hissed. I heard him but ignored him and got on the bus. I flew to the back seats and sat down. The music kept ringing in my ears until I finally got off the bus. In all of my excitement, I ran into several people and they started yelling, “Hey watch where you are going.”
“Ok, I replied”. I kept walking as I heard the teachers and students talking.
Once the bus arrived at the school, I stepped down on the cold cement ground and felt a shiver though my body. I walked into the steaming building of Ledyard middle school. I walked into the cafeteria full of loud monkeys as the bell cut me off and then I went to block A. I set my things down and I opened my agenda and wrote down my homework. I finished doing that and then I watched the bubbles on the screen until our teacher Mrs. Ongsingco told the lesson for the day. The bell rang and I not involved in the discussion so I was late for my next class. I packed up all of my binders and left to homeroom. All of a sudden, this kid named Hunter just ran into like I wasn’t even there and all of my binders fell on the ground. Everyone went dead silent.
“Hey watch it,” I yelled with anger. He just turned around and I could see fire in his eyes. A bunch of kids scrambled to pick up my binders and then I thanked them for helping me. They gave me my stuff and then the bell rang so I was late to homeroom. Everyone was in there waiting as I sat down and also waited for the announcements to come on.
The morning announcements came on and then the next block came as quick as a rabbit. I started walking to my class and the same kid Hunter walks up to me and says “I deeply apologize for making you late to class, I wont do it again”
“I accept your apology, and what class do you have now?”
“Oh me? I have science now.”
“Oh same as me.” We finally made it to science class and we had nearly everything in common, so we became friends.
“So when is your birthday?” Hunter asked.
“Mine is on the 31st of July, “Matthew said.
“Wait that’s on Friday, I will get you a watch that creates time travel.” He zoomed off and I thought I was the most popular kid in the school. I went home after the awesome day and I told my brothers on how I made a friend. I finished my homework and BOOM Friday was already here. I woke up and NASCAR cars and tracks surrounded me like air and in the corner was a box. I got out of bed and opened it and there was a …watch. I dashed into the kitchen and thanked everyone for the watch and in two seconds I was at school.
I walked into the steaming school and I saw Hunter holding a box like a prince.
“Here its for you,” Hunter said. “Thank you,” I shouted with joy. I opened the box and I found a watch. I put it on and I disappeared. 
It was the crash of some plates that woke me up that hot and treacherous day. I got out of bed and looked around my room. Those delicate stacked books had spider webs and dust all over them. I looked at the date on my watch. I nearly fainted as it said July 31st, 1,002,020. I walked into the bathroom and I looked the same as I did one million years ago. Where am I, I thought? I walked though spider webs and dust until I got to the kitchen. I saw three piles of bones sitting in the kitchen. I shivered at the sight of cold bones.
I ran out the door and I sprinted as fast as lightning to the Middle School. As I got there I was greeted by 15 alien ships sucking up what was left of the Middle School. I yelled with anger “WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THE MIDDLE SCHOOL?” A long faint sound filled the crisp air. No one answered. Except for the howl of the wind. I could see that hunter was in charge.
I ran down to the Middle School and I saw Hunter. “What is this?” I protested.
“Its the end,” he replied.
‘The end’ I thought. “Where am I?” I spit out.
“You are in Ledyard, Connecticut.”
“I know I am.”
“Then why did you ask?”
“I thought you changed it like you did with my life. Hunter I hope you feel ashamed of yourself.”
“Actually my name is Destroyer.”
I walked away and I turned back around and said, “Well you had your way, I am going to break the watch.”
“I care why.”
That set off a bomb inside me and so I took the watch and threw it on the ground. The world did not have a breath before it… Exploded… I didn’t know what had happened next because I was in an ambulance in the sky and I heard a faint eerie noise coming from my ears. 
“What ...happened …to …me.” I tried to say.
“You fell onto a pile of rubble and broke 7 bones in your back,” the doctor said. Wow he really ‘did not care’ about the watch. I got to the hospital and I was taken to a hospital bed. I was there for three days.
I heard the doctors talking one day and they were saying, “Matthew … is … going … to … die … by … Hunter.” I heard that and opened the solid shut window and jumped out. I pressed my watch (that was broken and still worked) and I was back in the warm school. 
I saw Hunter in front of me. He had a card that said Matt on it. I looked at him and smiled. I took the card and opened it up as it said:
I looked up. “Dad,” I was shocked.
“I love you Matthew,” he said.
“I love you too dad.”
So as soon as I found out he was my dad we went home and had waffles that Sam made.
“Sam you are the best cook in the world,” Hunter mentioned.
Sam turned and his heart collapsed because he was so happy. “Dad,” Sam tried to say without crying.
“I’m home.”
“Dad where have you been?”
“Well it’s a long story. Sit down on the couch and I will tell you all about it.”

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