Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. | Teen Ink

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

February 17, 2016
By Hannah.Said BRONZE, Leicester, Other
Hannah.Said BRONZE, Leicester, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

No summary needed.

Chapter 1: The Truth.

In every story, whether its a fiction or non-fiction- the sun is portayed as a heroic element. Well, not this time- people seem to forget that the sun creates life but the mercilessly kills the new life. Not many survivors call the sun-"sun", its new name is "Janus", named after the Roman god who is usually depicted as having two faces. Ironically, the name perfectly suits the "sun" as its two faced. It shows itself as the hero and we humans are dependent on the sun's energy. Hence, we are biologically predisposed to percieve it as a beautiful. Firstly it's the source of our life- without it we would not have formed and we could not sustain life. However, despite all its advantages, it carries a misfortune a hidden truth, too much exposure in both humans and animals can lead to skin cancer. Plants are affected too- the result is scorching, which kills the plant.

Its the year 2050 and the earth is slowly dying- there are no winds, snow rain but just "Janus". The world is a desert. And i think im the only human left on the earth.

Chapter Notes:

I want to finish the story but its a work in progress. I need help finishing the story but its getting to complex.

The author's comments:

This plot was inspired by the huge differences between the rich and the poor. The sun is portayed as the ruler, predetor and its meant to show the strength of the goverment and what they can do and how they control people.  Its about the differences between the rich and the poor. The story reflects the country in which i live in.

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This article has 1 comment.

hayley45 said...
on Feb. 23 2016 at 12:36 pm
Great story