Calling My Spirit | Teen Ink

Calling My Spirit

May 9, 2019
By Anonymous

The ram horns sounded through the air with fury. Pacing slowly up the muddy trail, marched the caged wagon whom captivated the mighty lone wolf, that roamed the forest every summer, in search for anything with cute little ears as its’ next meal. As the end of it was Pan sitting in his throne waiting for the judgement ceremony to cease, for the whole village was urgent for this day to come. The animals were going bizarre and the elephants played ritual melodies by stomping their mighty trunks. It was late night. The cold wind brushed the hair of the foxes.

“And so I continue to live young wild, & free. My mischievousness landed me here!” said the big bad wolf to everybody in the world. “I do not wish to see nobody suffer before me, but by all means, do not leave your doors open at night because he whom you praise would still come and take everything you love!” the wolf spoke with sarcasm.

“How could one say such things?” yelled the yellow toucan.

“You do not get it, when you actually travel beyond the mountains, there lies a land full of these demon things! They’re called people! And they do not care about the trees!” the wolf pleaded with cries & tears in his eyes.

            “Why should we listen to you?” questioned the rabbit.

            “Yeah!” angrily cried the pink hare. “All you do is try to eat us!”

            “But you don’t understand! I have to eat you guys, just as the bears eat the wolves, and the wolves eat the rabbits! And eagles eat the fish! It is just the way life goes!”

            “It doesn’t make sense, we are all here to love each other!” cried the tortoise.

            “Yes, but the humans are coming! They are going to take our land and make these square shapes that are really big! And they’ll destroy our water!” And then God rose. The chanting stopped. The torches went out. The moon light turned to glass and shattered. The crickets chirping stopped and the world stood and stared.

            “Where is this life you speak of?” Pan questioned.

            “It’s beyond the forest and over the peak of the mountains!”

            “Why would god ever have to question life? Isn’t he the one who created it?” whispered the tortoise to the other hare. The hare smacked him.

            “Are you slow? You don’t ever question god’s work.”

            “No my sweet child, this is beyond my power of reason. All life I give learn to love and respect life.” Pan spoke. His powerful words echoed through the crowds, shaking the earth underneath every bodies’ feet. Pan stepped down from his throne and released a dove from his sleeve up in to the air of the direction towards the mountains. Mumbling began. The crowd was out of order and an eruption of questions began.

            “What is this new life you speak of?” questioned the lion.

            “Why haven’t we ever seen it?” asked the cubs to each other.

            “Do you know if it tastes good?” the hyena’s asked, not knowing if they were joking or not.

            “Animals of the kingdom, make no mistakes, for gods’ & goddesses’’ make no mistakes. I have sheltered and nurtured you all for thousands of years, to rise up to be all I imagined you to be! However, I am convinced there is a darker force among you all, and I cannot interfere with life of any other God without interfering with the very own life I've created.”

            “I know I shouldn’t ask this. So is God a mistake of man? Or is man a mistake of god?” asked the oak to the maple.                  

“I mean I don’t know, we’re both still alive, so I guess.”

            “I guess? what?”

            “Oh you know, If god made us, and we still haven’t learned to move, then these humans they speak of are probably going to come kill us. Literally, not even the bears can kill the big bad wolf.”

            “You’re pretty dark for a tree.” said the maple tree to the oak.

            “Yeah, I guess you could say I come from different roots to, haha joking. No, God created me to, I just lived around long enough to see everything is perfectly imperfect. Just saying, humans might be the mistake of God, you never know.

The chilly morning came. The lone wolf, still captivated in a cage. His plea of justification spared his breath for the night. He had Pan interested in to who these so called “people” were.

So they talked.

“It has come to my intention, that you are a lone wolf here, in my forest. Is that so?”

“Yes, Im a lone wolf, I walk the forest alone, day & night.”

“What happened to thy family?”

“When I was just a pup, my father confused me for being a fox. He was angry, my mother tried to calm him down, show him I to, was a wolf like him. He was too stubborn. Stubborn like me. He attacked her by the night and left me to rot with her.”

“What a sad case, lone wolf. What is your name?”

“Symere, Symere from the woods.”

“Symere, the entire animal kingdom hates you. Do you have any idea why?”

“Of course I do, I am a bottom feeder. I came in to this world with nothing, I live off the land, the land shows me no respect, so i give the same energy back.”

“Mhm” Pan brushes his beard in wonder. Such a marvelous creature, he thought. “Now tell me about… what did you call them?”

“People.” Symere said in haste. “They are people, they are going to kill us, they are going to take over our land, & they are stronger than you God. They hate more than you can ever love. They show no respect for the land, & instead of love, the world spins by with this new evil called “Money” & they use your name to acquire it. People are killed, for money. These people only praise evil.”

“How do you know all this, Symere? You seem to know these creatures very well.”

“I went missing for a few years. A pack of people captured me, encaged me. They forced me to hunt for them. When i escaped back into the wild, murder & survival was the only thing on my mind. That is why I'm so vicious God, forgive me.

“I forgive you, I will talk to my brothers., Zeus & Poseidon, to secure the land. Thank you.”

The author's comments:

Pan is the Greek god of the wilderness. Originally written to show just how bad the human race is to the world & nature, I decided to write a short greek story.

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