Forever my young love | Teen Ink

Forever my young love

May 28, 2019
By talia123 BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
talia123 BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You know jack, this has been the best summer of my life, you make me happier each day, and I never want this to end.

Me either. I love you so much

*Long pause*

Umm Gabbie, I have to tell you something. *he says nervously with his palms sweaty and a red face, scratches his head*

What is it jack?

Umm… Okay… Sooo… Umm… I’m moving to Los Angeles in two weeks…

Ha Ha, Jack you’re so funny *she says sarcastically*, I know you’re joking you always have that sense of humor that everyone loves.


I’m not though, my mom just told me the news today, I asked if I could stay, she gave me no choice, she has a job offer over there. And plus she wants me to go to college over there.

No, Jack, no, you can’t. What’s gonna happen to us? Are you breaking up with me? Why does she even want you to go to college over there?

No I’m not I would never, I love you way too much to do that, and I don’t know she wants me to stay close to family.

So we’re gonna do long distance then?

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking.

Jack… you know long distance relationships don’t work. You’re gonna find someone else.

That’s not true at all, I have friends who do long distance and they turn out perfectly fine, if our love for each other that will make it work.

Ok… I can see your point a little. I just don’t understand why she gets to choose for you what you get to do with your life. Like you’re 19 years old you should be able to pick your college.

I know that’s just how my mom is, you know this.

She is nice, but she should let you pick what you want to do with your life. You just finished High School and I’m going into my senior year.

Gabbie… I’m trying to do what’s best for us. For our relationship. For our future. I wouldn’t do this if I have to, it’s my mom. You can always come and visit me on the weekends or something

I know, and I love you, you always care about people.

*blushes and smiles* I love you more.

We’ll figure out a way we got this

Heck YES!

*Two weeks goes by and it’s moving day, Gabbie takes a pregnancy test*

Oh my god! It’s positive! What do I tell Jack? How do I bring this up to him?

Jack, come here for a second.

Ok be right there, let me just put these last few boxes in the truck

*thinking to herself* oh my god i'm so nervous oh my god!

*knocks on the bathroom door* What’s up Gabs

Jack… um… here… take this *she says all nervously, she hands him the pregnancy test*

*Laughs nervously but smiles* Ha what is this? *looks down at the pregnancy test* Wait. Gabs are you… PREGNANT?!

*sits down on the toilet seat cover and cries and nods her head yes*

Oh my god! Gabbie! This is great! We’ve always dreamed about starting a family

Jack what are you talking about? You’re moving away, your mom is forcing you too. How do you think she is going to react to the fact that her son is having a baby

I’ll stay here, I’ll talk to her, she will understand.

How can you be so sure, she forces you to move away, she’ll probably tell you to leave me anyways

She won’t cause I won’t let her, I’m staying here with you and we’re gonna take care of this baby. But I need to go unload the trucks then and tell her I’m staying.

Okay, go talk to her then

*jack walking in the driveway to talk to his mom*

Mom we need to talk

Jack’s Mom (Amelia):
Yeah jack? What is it. We gotta get going though.

Mom… Gabbie’s pregnant

Jack’s Mom (Amelia):
You’re kidding me right Jack! We’ve talked about this before! You need to be more careful! You realize your life is over! You’re just a kid jack! What were you thinking!

That’s what I was talking about! I honestly thought you would be more supportive of this. I’ve made the decision that I’m staying here in Miami with Gabbie and we’re gonna take care of this baby together, weather you like it or not.
Jack’s mom (Amelia):
Honestly jack, don’t even bother telling me anything about the baby, don’t come and visit ever. I don’t ever wanna see you again. You’re a big disappointment.

Wow. Just. Wow mom. I guess this is goodbye then.

*Amelia ignores jack, she unpacks all of the his stuff out of her car. Rolls her eyes at him and drives away without saying a word. Jack sits there in the driveway and just slowly walks back into Gabbie puking in the toilet.

*Gabbie making vomit noises, as jack runs in and holds her hair back.

Are you okay love? *he says sadly*

*cough cough* yeah I’m okay just morning sickness that’s all. What did your mom say.

*Jack fixes Gabbie’s messed up hair and he has her sit down on the counter as he’s scratching his head*
My mom wants no part of the baby, she said I’m a disappointment and she never *tears up* wants to see me again *starts sobbing*

*gets off the counter to hold jack in her arms and hugs him tight*
Aw Jack, I’m so sorry. I’m truly very sorry. That’s not right.

*wipes away his tears*
Yeah i’m really upset about this I want her to be apart of it but I don’t care I want to take care of this baby with you forever and ever, and start a family.

*hugs and kisses jack* I love you.


*1 year later when their baby girl (lavender) is born and Jack and Gabbie are perfectly taking care of the baby, with the help of Gabbie’s family. Jack is 20 and Gabbie is 18 and they live in a perfectly big house in Miami. But Jack’s family still wants nothing to do with him, and haven’t spoken to him in a year*
*Jack playing with Lavender*

Aw you guys are so cute.

*Jack looks up at Gabbie for a second and smiles at her*

We made the perfect girl Gabs

She is pretty cute

That’s all you sweets

I love you

I love you more *in a baby voice* and I love you too little Lav

*Gabbie joins jack as they play with Lavender as they hear a knock on the door*

*Jack opens the door*


Hi baby! It’s me

Mom! *he says really shocked* what are you doing here!?

I’ve came to my senses and I realized it was dumb of me to cut off contact with you, you aren’t a disappointment, I love you really much. And I would like to be the baby’s grandmother

Why now mom. I’m sorry but I can’t forgive you, you completely left me for a year and told me i was a disappointment. I struggled with depression for a bit because of what you said before you left for Los Angeles.
And I realize that Jack. But you have to understand it’s hard to see your son become a father at such a young age it was hard for me and I didn’t know what to do. I have changed

I’m sorry mom but it’s a little too late for that, I can’t forgive you. Me and Gabbie have a beautiful baby daughter, who’s name is Lavender by the way since you didn’t even know her name. If you don’t want me at my worst then you don’t deserve me at my best

*jack closes the door in front of his mom face, and he returns back to playing with Lavender and Gabbie*

Who was that honey?

*takes a breath* My mom

Oh my god! You’re kidding me. What did she say

She said she’s sorry and she wants to be in Lavender’s life and I told her no it’s too late for that

WOW! That’s crazy. I’m glad you did that though! That was very brave.

Besides I don’t need her I’ve got you and Lavender. That’s my life. And I can’t wait to see what the future holds for all three of us. God’s got big plans for us, I just know it

You’re right *gets up and hugs and kisses jack* I love you

I love you too. Now let’s start the next chapter of our life! You, Me and Lavender. Forever!

The End

The author's comments:

The plot: the scene takes place in Miami Florida. Two people met over the summer and they do everything together and they’re inseparable, but they also became best friends and they fall in love. But the Gabbie (17) finds out that Jack (19) is moving away to los angeles california.
Setting: It’s August 8th, and Jack and Gabbie are just sitting on a blanket having a picnic watching the sunset in Miami.

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