A Change of Heart | Teen Ink

A Change of Heart

May 20, 2016
By IzFawn SILVER, Woodstock, Virginia
IzFawn SILVER, Woodstock, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and… bad things. The good things don’t always soften the bad things, but vice versa, the bad things don’t necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant. -Matt Smith (Doctor Who)

Curtains open
Part 1- Landon stands center stage texting and snickers, Merigold and Ella walk in lunch trays in hand and sit on the bench stage left

Merigold- I can’t believe he would say that and,

Merigold looks to Ella whose attention is on Landon in a dreamy state

Merigold- Are you even listening to me?

Merigold waves her hand infront of Ella

Ella- Oh sorry I was just.

Ella looks back to Landon who is now talking with friend(s) inaudibly

Merigold- Just what?

Merigold pauses to look at Ella then to Landon and Back to Ella

Merigold- Oh, somebody's in love.

Merigold smirks and mocks Ella

Ella- No, I,

Ella pauses to look at Landon, and quickly away

Ella- Yeah.

Curtains close
Part 2- Landon and friends stand stage right, Merigold enters stage left making her way to the group

Landon- Dude today in,

Merigold interrupts swinging her arm around Landon

Merigold- Well hello Landon. 

Landon- What’s up Merigold?
Merigold leads Landon stage left leaving the friends to talk inaudibly

Merigold- You know Ella, right?

Landon pauses to think

Landon- The girl in choir, right?

Merigold- Yeah, well she likes you.

Landon- uhh, okay then.

Landon moves Merigold’s arm and awkwardly walks back to his friends

Curtains close
Part 3- One row of desks with nametags and books on each Merigold is in her desk as Ella paces the room frantically

Ella- You what!

Merigold- Ella calm down it’s not like

Ella interrupts, still frantic

Ella- Like what, like the fact there is a -60% chance that he likes me back? Or is it that on the very off chance that he likes me,

Ella pauses to exhale

Ella- I can’t, even, date. 

Ella looks defeated, and Merigold looks to Ella saddening

Merigold- Look I,

Merigold looks to the floor

Merigold- I’m sorry. You know, you could always ask him to the dance on Saturday, maybe you could explain things there.

Ella pause looking to Merigold, and turns to Landon’s desk

Ella- Fine.

Ella walks to Landon’s desk and begins to wright

Curtains close
Part 4- Ella sits in what appears to be her bedroom, sprawled out stage left doing homework, her phone rings, as she answers Landon and friend(s) enter stage right, with an obvious split center stage. Ella looks nervous

Ella- Hi Landon.

Landon- Hey Ella, look,

Landon tries to keep from laughing as he looks to his friend(s), Landon snickers and attempts to recover

Landon- I’m going to the dance with some friends, but I’ll save a dance for you.

Landon looks back to his friend(s) who are trying to keep from laughing

Ella- Yeah, fine.

Looking confused Ella hangs up on Landon

Curtains close
Part 5- Ella and Merigold stand stage right, Landon and friend(s) stage left along with a snack table

Ella- I don’t,

Ella pauses looking to Landon, and then to Merigold

Ella- I don’t even want to be here.

Merigold- It’s not that bad just,

Landon walks over to Ella, cutting her off from Merigold

Landon- Since I promised, you going to dance with me, or what?

Ella fed up with this nonsense

Ella- Because, you promised? No, I will not dance with you, not out of your pity, not ever

The author's comments:

A personal story that took place over two years compacted into a two day plot.

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