In Spite of You | Teen Ink

In Spite of You

May 20, 2016
By Anonymous

Mr. and Mrs.Everts stand stage left in a bedroom setup up, adjacent on stage right Chris and Em sit at the door listening.

Mrs.Everts :There was once a time when you were the perfect husband, the perfect father figure to my children, where did that go? Why is it that we were friends for 3 days, engaged for two, and married for a week, and then you disappeared and this person… this person that I don’t recognize. He’s now living in my home, terrifying my children, the very same children that you, the you that I fell in love with, the very same children you vowed to love protect and care for as your own children.

Mr.Everts : (obviously pretending to cry) please I’ll do what you want, I’ll go to those counseling sessions, I’ll take care of the children more I, I’ll do anything, just please, please don’t do this, don’t leave me.

Mrs.Everts : Seven years we’ve been married seven years, and you just now offer to fix this, I’ve been begging you for seven years, and only just now are you willing to fix this.

Mr.Everts : Please just le-

Mrs.Everts :No, leave, just leave

Mr.Everts :(he starts packing his things, and walks toward the door, on the other side sit Em and Chris)

Chris: (whispers) Em we should go

Em: (whispers) go, go, go, go, go! (she pushes him behind the couch and scrambles over between two shelves as Mr.Everts  walks through the door)
(Mr.Everts stomps out the door , and later Mrs.Evert walks out)

Mrs.Everts :(she tilts her head and walks to the couch) Chris why are you back here?

Chris: (not visible) We had to hide

Mrs.Everts : We? (she turns her head back looking to the shelves she then stands and shakes her head as she walks to her room)

Scene Two

Mr.Everts stands alone (or in a line)
Mr.Everts : (on the phone)I don't even know why she just flipped out on me, ya she wants a divorce, I don't know well It’s about my turn to get in here, ya ‘bout to talk to my lawyer, yes I’m doing this again, if I can’t have her, she can’t have anything.


Scene Two Part Two

Mr.Everts sits on a couch center stage

Mr.Everts : (mumbles) Two a.m., good (he picks up his phone) Hello my dear, enjoying your time away from me? Well I was talking to my lawyer earlier and he tells me that you were calling a man in the week before you broke us off… whether it was intimate or not does not concern me, what I am worried with is that the court will be told this, and they don't care whether it is true or not, they will count this to you as an affair, and you will be responsible to pay for the court case, forcing you to sell everything, and after you will have nothing, just you and your mentally challenged children. That is unless you change your mind, wifey.

Scene Three

Mrs.Everts, Em, and Chris sit in the living room from scene one

Mrs.Everts : (crying on the couch) I know you kids won't understand this, but I have to let him come back.

Em: Let that tyrant back in our home, mom our family is just now healing, how could you! (she storms off)

Chris: Why?

Mrs.Evert : Chris, sometimes you need to deal with bad people to protect your family.

The author's comments:

An inside veiw to how a mentally abusive relationship works.

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