The Pig | Teen Ink

The Pig

October 23, 2019
By ZippityZoo BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
ZippityZoo BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The howls of the night chill the air and the blood red moon swells in uncomfort. The small town of Trevel would lose one more soul that night. The morning soon came and I will solve this mystery. My name is Matthew and I have become an investigator of witchcraft and unknown as of three years ago according to this town, when i'm just a failed doctor who was out of the job for the disappearance of several patients. When the town lost sweet Misses Anna and her adorable child Makenzie they decided they needed someone to fix this mess and choose me the outcast of society ever since grade school. This year the mystery has grown exponentially more have been buried in bits and pieces the heads the only thing left untouched. It sickens most but I find it quite intriguing. I go to the pile of meat strewn about that was found across town near the farmhouse. Chunks the head separated from the rest of the hollowed body left untouched but discolored in its mortified state. 

“She was just a damn child” said old man Moe

“Why do you think he or she killed her” I respond 

“ I don’t give a damn why they killed her she'd already lost her parents and little brother now she's lost life itself.” spewed Moe looking down at her face “Hell didn't even respect her enough to close her eyes the sick bastard.” Moe now reaching to finish the deed. “Just get on with your work you bum” 

“Where were you last night Moe, some townsfolk said they saw your door open after curfew, and the victim would often annoy you by setting off firecrackers under your chair. That's motive and―” He rushes over to me quick and holds me tight by my shirt and spits 

“Don't accuse me of murder based off some dumb prank by some rowdy kid wanting attention, she messed with everyone including you” he puts me down and pats my back and whispers in my ear “everyone suspects that you did your wife in” My lips get chapped and my heart sinks and my body shakes uncontrollably. “Hell you might be this so called killer if I―” Moe’s eyes widen as he looks me dead in the eye I could see he was feeling the sharp pain reach its way to his stomach. I then shuffled to the side and pulled the knife along the stomach while he sat there then I quickly took the knife and slit his throat. He soon collapses forming a pool of blood at my feet.

Lying still on the floor gurgling blood Moe’s face turns a very pasty pale color he starts to drool, but before his eyes close I preach unto him. “Though all I want is a new peaceful life I will not hesitate to end those who threaten it, especially those few who remember that incident.” “Im  sorry Moe if you just kept quiet you would have had at least six more days left to live” I stay in the house overnight not bothered by any one and, cooking the meat that was carefully laid out before me. The taste so pure and amazing more and more tears flushed my eyes until Moes sickly pale eyes stare into my soul as if he knew everything about me. With those eyes a deep madness grew within me a madness that consumed gods whole then I took my knife and furiously stab at his face repeatedly until I felt satisfied everything turned to mush except those beady pale reflecting fish eyes.

Those eyes staring in my memories playing them back making me her, Anna, scream as her child lays dismembered in front of her in her own home along with me just watching her trying to run as a huge bloody gash slowly is pulled down her back, “I didn’t want her to die but” I begin to talk to Moe's faded soul but I was hungry, being sure to miss all of her vital organs, she collapses trying to claw at the floor towards the door I move to her and I take my weapon and decapitate her starting at the jugular to stop the screaming as soon as possible then slowly slide its blade across her throat repeatedly until I reach the back of her neck like with her daughter. Finally I take the lower parts of her body and begin surgery and remove the heart and other organs then hack up the less delicious parts then flush them out next to the bodies then return home and cook up the pieces. A sickly smile gleams across my face rewatching that moment of being able to eat once again.

I snap back from these glorious memories when I see beady glowing owl eyes staring at me from the window, In disbelief I scream“No no no no no!”. I run outside to where the beady eyes stare at me and see Moe standing right up I look at the fresh body still on the ground and look back up and can't believe it's Moe staring right back at me without his body his skin full of color and chest compressing and decompressing. Moe looks at me smug “You don't want a peaceful life you want to eat until you bloat like a pig.” 

“You’re wrong me eating is the peaceful life, I have control” I yelled “You’re just upset that  your dead and that I killed you” I screamed loudly to loud before i knew it a mob formed next to the farmhouse.“I knew it” said a woman from the mob. I'm shocked that I never thought I would be caught in the act. I run past the crowd as they chase me down I run to my house lock the door  and grab a black leather briefcase with my valuables in it. The mob soon follows and starts breaking down my door and breaking my windows with rocks. I run to the back of the house and open the briefcase inside I find a small bottle of arsenic pills with the label in case of emergency. I hear them break down the door as I choke down the dry pills. Feeling relieved I relax until i feel a sharp blow to my stomach and throw up the pills. The crowd has made it into the house, they all drag me out by my legs ripping my shirt in the process. My bare skin getting splinters from the floor then when im outside i feel my face being brushed against the soft grass I see a stand erected in the town square covered in oil. I’m slowly tied up onto the stand  by my wrist squeezing them to the point the circulation was cut. People start throwing rocks and beer bottles at me and I think of the last meal I had I let out a huge bellowing laugh stopping all motion in the crowd and they start chanting and i see a bright crackling warm fire of a soft dragon's breath “You have confessed to the horrendous murders that have occurred in our town and shall pay your dues to the lord,” said the mayor “burn in hell bastard” the crowd says in unison. Then the fire lights at my feet and quickly rises to my head engulfing and suffocating me and the crowd cheers. As I look at the ghost of Moe standing there laughing spitting out every bit of his soul his face slowly contorts to that of the devil and I see a grin stretched from cheek to cheek. I let out a hollow scream not out of pain but for fear of what would come next the devil used me for his sick games In my final moments I pray to god and let out a solemn apology to those i've wronged. The devil’s cackling louder blowing out my ear drums as I lose feeling in my body and succumb to the flames.

That night the many who died finally lay at rest with and Matthew burns his skin charred black and his screams of excruciating fear made its way to the shadowy new moon and the Nine circles of hell, but never to heaven. The town would use his name to scare children years later claiming his laughs of deep bellowing darkness can be heard on the new moon and his screams of sorrow, pain and fear can be heard at the bloody moon when its bloated and swelling like Matthew the Pig in his hell. Not many know his name now all is known is that there is a shallow grave no one built that stands on the outskirts of town with Matthews body laying still aflame. Many have come to the conclusion that his body is still on fire because he made a deal with the devil one that would burn his body until his heart actually became human.

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