The Keys | Teen Ink

The Keys

December 8, 2019
By mkernion BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
mkernion BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Keys

It was the night before Halloween in New Orleans, Louisiana, Taylor and her friends, Izzy, Julie, and Lillian were gathered at Taylor’s house to have a costume making party. They were being different puns that year.

After they finished making the costumes, they all went outside to play volleyball, but as they were walking outside Julie noticed an unmarked box on the porch. She then picked it up and told Taylor that they should open it. When they opened the box, there was a note with illegible handwriting that they could barely read. It said, “Go to the haunted house at City Park tomorrow night. There will be three keys hidden all around. If you fail to find all of the keys to unlock the box at the entrance by six o’clock there will be consequences .” Everyone was petrified. They had no idea what the consequences could possibly be.

As soon as they got out of school, they hurried to the haunted house, so that they could have a lot of time to look for the keys . When they got there, they sprinted to the haunted house. They started walking through it, and all of the actors were mediocre, so it wasn’t that creepy. The scary part was having to find the keys. They were half way through, and they still hadn’t found the first key. Then all of the sudden Lillian found the first key in bush covered in fake blood. They were ecstatic that they found it but knew they couldn’t get excited yet.

During the end of the haunted house, Izzy screamed, “I found one!” They were so happy. Then she said, “Just kidding.” “Ugh”, said Taylor in an irate tone. She admonished Izzy by saying, “That wasn’t funny. We need to find these keys.” After that altercation, they kept on searching, but they couldn’t find anything.

The haunted house was over, and they still had yet to find the last key. Lillian then said, “We can either go in the haunted house one more time, or we can search around the haunted house.” They all came to the conclusion that they were going to look around the haunted house. 

After twenty minutes of searching all over the field, they decided that they were going to check the hay bales. They looked through every single hay bale except for one. Not thinking they were going to find anything, the girls decided to check the last hay bale. As they were looking through the hay bale, they found the rusty gold key. 

They had been searching for an hour, and they only had 30 minutes left. They were running around like chickens with their heads cut off. They had looked in the haunted house, the field, and the hay bales. They were not sure what to do, and they only had three minutes left, so they walked to the box with the lock. This was a major dilemma, that they could not fix at this point.

On their way to the box, Julie saw a shiny silver key in the dewy grass. They were so excited and were jumping with joy. They ran quickly to the box and opened it. It said, “Congratulations for finding all the keys! You will not have to be terminated.” They still wondered who wrote the note. 

As they turned around, they saw their friends laughing, and they said, “We pranked y’all!  It was us the whole time!” They all laughed, and walked cheerfully back to Taylor’s house.


The author's comments:

I love to read thriller and mystery books. I like all of the exciment throughout the book.

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