Young chalantic vibes (#one young chalantan1…) | Teen Ink

Young chalantic vibes (#one young chalantan1…)

December 11, 2020
By Anonymous

One very funny thing that can ever happen to you is to be lost in a foreign town.

"Shhhh, quit the shouting, eh. I won't hurt ya"

The chalantanic young man said to the tender and equally young lady sitting on the floor (which his hands covered her mouth) who wanted to scream out to all her arncestors and neighbors.

"But who are you", Charlotte asked like an inspector in a crime scene as she slowly removed his soft, tender finger from her questioning face.

  "Well ehm, let me say.. You see, I was thrown out of the train I boaded..."

"You were what?!!",

"Would ya allow me finish", the young Niel was now a different faced person from who she was just speaking with. He no more had that spectacular chalatanic smartness anymore.

"Mmhh, contiinnuue", she drew the "continue before she started giggling. She was somewhat merry when she liked you. The English woman covered her lips with her gloved hands.

"Okay, okay. Well, I..I tried scheming a place to stop the train in just one hit of the break.."

"You did what, oh so sorry, I didn't mean to cut you",she said as her brown eyes glimmered. Even for Niel, it felt like love to watch the seventeen years old girl giggling and chuckle marvellously, but he never had time for such a thing as love. He was more cunning than monkey. He then had a plan to escape from Oxford, to anywhere safer, of course, using Charlotte.

"Ah, it's like I've met the mother of God here on Earth",

"Eh, what", 

."Would you mind trusting this gentle french man, and give me honor of touring around England", he knew that with Charlotte on his side, he would be able to get out of Oxford than ever.

"You're french!!??"

"Oui, oui, mamoselle. And after a year", he was now holding her waist to his in a rather rooommantiiccc manner. "We flee to PARIE, the land of romance",

"Oh, but first, how do I escape the wrath of my mother?" She asked as she moved away from him.

"Do not under-esteemate the strength of love" he said drawing closer," You and I, will live together... Forever.."

"The what are we to do",

"We escape",

The author's comments:

*Niel  {the chalantan}

*Charlotte  {Lord Flood's last daughter}

Niel, who is actually a French young man, fled from his country, to steal a seventeen thousand dollars worth of artwork; a sculpture.

Charlotte, fifth, last girl and child of The great Lord And Lady Albert Flood.

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