The Cursed House | Teen Ink

The Cursed House

January 15, 2021
By cseneriches BRONZE, Winchester, California
cseneriches BRONZE, Winchester, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was an abandoned house in the middle of a forest that was said to be haunted by spirits and demons of the nearby forest. So a few brave teenagers decided to go check out the house to see if these rumors were actually true. They arrived at 9:00 PM on a weekend night and the teenagers decided to split up to make the whole investigation a lot quicker. But 10 minutes into the investigation, one of the teenagers was missing and a loud scream was heard across the house. Soon after, more teenagers started to become missing until there was 1 alone teenager. Feeling spooked, he tried to get out of the house but when running through a hallway, he saw something lurking in one of the rooms but it was dark. Curious, he investigated, but it turned out to be a fatal mistake and when he entered the room, something leaped over him.

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