The House That Kills | Teen Ink

The House That Kills

September 12, 2022
By Noelbomb06 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Noelbomb06 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
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Miguel, John, Roman and Drew had always wanted to go to Halloween horror nights at Universal Studios, so they decided that they would finally go. When they got there the place was crammed full of people, but they were excited that they could finally go through the famous horror houses at Universal. Before going to the houses they noticed that there was a show that was going to start soon, and this show consisted of a clown and his goons that kill people through really gruesome ways, but they noticed that they kept the actors the same from the You-Tube videos that the boys had seen.

After that, they went to a horror house centered around Friday the thirteenth. It was a satisfactory house with the actors doing a phenomenal job, and they had an even better time when they saw a group of girls scream loudly whenever one of the Jason actors jumped out at them. Also the gore was so great that it almost looked realistic. From there one the boys went to a house that was styled after all of the Universal horror icons like Dracula, Frankenstein's monster etc, the house also included icons from the amusement park itself like the clown from the show that the boys went to watch earlier that night. This was a fantastic house as well because they had stations for each of the creations so it was a pretty big house and secondly all of the sections felt like they were unique to each of the characters, and gave each of them their well deserved spotlight. The house was also pretty benign in the fact that there was no kills involved in the house since it was mostly just a showcase of the characters.

Following that house, they went to other houses and shows that were styled after other established horror icons and they were other houses styled after shows like they have one for Stranger Things. After going to all of the shows and houses they were heading home but then a random guy that was also heading out told them about a house that was towards the back of the park. The boys started to walk over to the house and then they saw a sign for the house, “The House That Kills”.  When they kept on their way they kept hearing people talking about the house, so they started to get excited about what they would find inside the house. 

When they got there the house looked pretty baral, decrepit and not as thought out as they thought it would be but the boys were optimistic and decided to go in because it would be the last one of the night. On the inside the boys were astonished by the surprising amount of gore that was included in the house. It was even weirder since the lighting and other effects aren’t near as good as the other houses the boys have been to that night. It took the boys a while to get through the house, one because it was pretty long and two because the boys kept staying in the different areas so they could see the actors and the realistic gore. 

When the boys were nearing the end of the house they witnessed a group of people getting captured. At first it seemed like it was one final part to send people who go through the house with a really good scare, but then Drew realized that he remembered seeing those same people once at the entrance and another time walking around the park. When he told the other boys their emotions became capricious and started to run around the house so they could find ways to escape the killers.

When they were running, Roman tripped on himself and was caught by the killers. When they saw their friend get captured they were horrified by what they knew would happen to him. After running some more John made it to the entrance but then one of the killers popped in front of him and captured John leaving only Miguel and Drew. Suddenly Miguel noticed a window and told Drew that they could get out through there. Drew helped get Miguel up to the window but when Miguel reached down for Drew’s hand, Drew was captured along with his friends. After that happened  Miguel started to run from the house continuing to be chased by the killers, but then Miguel had the idea to run towards the security guards office, and when he entered he saw that the gang of killers were heading back towards the house.

When the security guards saw Miguel, they noticed the fear on his face and grew worried. When Miguel told the guards about what happened to his friends and about what the killers were doing by using the horror house as a cover up for killing the park guests, the guards' faces started to turn from worry to anger. Then out of nowhere one of the guards tazed Miguel enough to where he got knocked out and started to take him back to the house. When Miguel awoke he noticed that his friends and himself were locked up in jail cells in the basement of the horror house where  their pleas for help could not be heard and their fate being sealed.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece based of The horror houses at Halloween horror nights at Universal Studios

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