Destination to Nowhere | Teen Ink

Destination to Nowhere

September 12, 2022
By kkaki BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
kkaki BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Yuna sood at the edge of the trail. After elevating 6,283 ft to Chaeinwangbong peak, the young woman was desperate for a ride home. The boots she wore began to cut off the circulation from her feet, and her throat begged for some water. Within mere seconds, a black Honda Civic steered past her before coming to an abrupt stop on the inconspicuous shoulder. Throwing her backpack over her shoulder, she rushed to the vehicle and pulled open the door to the passenger seat. “Hello!” she greeted with a swift head bow. Excusing her muddy boots, she sat on the seat with a wide smile. Gray orbs floating across the blueish sky. If she was out there any longer she would’ve been soaked in the upcoming rain. “Where are you off too?’ the driver asked. The man seemed to be around his early twenties. Fairly attractive with freshly dyed platinum blond hair. Yuna buckled herself in, giving the man a glance before replying, “Gyeonggi Province.” Resting back, her eyes drifted to the window on her side and basked in the beautiful nature they drove past. “Do you live alone?’ the man asked, slicing the thick silence between them. The woman stared out the window, her gut feeling telling her she shouldn't be alone with him. “There,” she pointed at public restrooms in the distance. “Can we stop? I’ve drunk a lot of water while hiking up the trail” The car drove up to the concrete building overtaken by mother nature. Her knuckles pale from the grip she had on her Nakia. She walked into the public restroom and into the stall. She locked the door, and rested her back against the wall covered in God only knows what. Phone vibrating from her hand, she brought the device up and read the notification she received. ‘URGENT,’ it read. Pressing the notification, it sent her to an article. The first few lines caught Yuna's attention. ‘Joshua Hong is still on the loose. Police officials say his location may be around Jirisan National Park.’ Scrolling down the article, a photo of the man that was driving her appeared. Through, his hair was blond, and the man in the photo had coal black hair. The man’s features were the same. Fear roared through Yuna’s sore body as she dialed 119. From the other side of the door, Yuna could hear loud footsteps. Aggressive knocking scared the young woman, causing her to stumble back. In panic, Yuna held the phone up and slammed it into the glass window a few feet up from the toilet. Nothing could ever prepare her for what came next. As she leaped onto the toilet and jumped up to the window to escape, hands grabbed onto her ankles and forced back into the building. Screaming, she did the only thing she could do and started kicking at the man, sending him inches back from the hard shove she did on his stomach. Her second attempt at getting away was more successful than the first. As she ran through the damp and moist forest, she dialed the police once again. The more she rasn, the harder it was to get a signal. Face making contact with the hard ground, she cried out in pain. Yuna didn’t want to die. Not yet. The young lady wasn’t ready for her life to be taken away. Her head snapped in the direction she heard a branch snapping. “Hello, please state your emergency.” Yuna stayed quiet as the roaring wind blew past her. Was she seen? Has Joshua gotten her where he wanted her? They were deep within the forest and hiding a body wouldn’t be all that difficult. “Hello?” the operator on the other line sounded impatient. “Help me,” she whispered to the phone as her eyes darted around her dull surroundings. ‘I’m at Jirisan National Park. A few miles down the peak where the bathrooms are located. I’m being chased by a man I think Is Joshua-” her voice faded as she spotted the man. His head stuck out from behind the tree and gave her the most gruesome look only a psychopath could look at somebody. It was clear that Yuna was a helpless pray to Joshua. “We are dispatching police. Please stay on the line.” Yuna couldn’t speak. At that moment, she was the most terrified she’d ever been. Yuna’s movements were slow as if she could trigger the hazardous man at any moment.. Bolting straight out of the situation, she was attacked back to the ground with an immense force. Screaming as Yuna tried pushing him off, she struggled. “Please, she pleaded. “Spare me, please!” She screamed as hands were then placed on her neck and choked her. Gasping for air, she blindly searched around for anything that could help her in the life-or-death situation. Fingers briefly touching a large rock, she grabbed it without a second to think and swung the hard object across Joshua’s head, sending him unconscious  to the moss covered ground. Abandoning her device, she took in fresh air that she lacked from being choked. Scurrying up to her feet, she ran. Yuna didn’t know where she ran off too, but she ran as fast as she could, Hands extending out, she grabbed onto the railing that separated her from the dropoff. If she waited long enough then they’d come looking for her. “You…” a voice muttered from behind her. Yuna slowly turned around and saw a bloody Joshua with blood streaming down his head, staining his blond hair. “You’re dead.” Joshua ran to her but Yuna dodged the upcoming threat. “Just die already!” Yuna screamed at the top of her lungs and pushed Joshua over the railing. Stumbling back when she realized what she’d done, her arms were suddenly contained to her back. “You’re under arrest for murder. You have the right to remain silent.” Yuna froze as handcuffs were retaining her wrists together. No, there must be a misunderstanding, Yuna wasn’t a killer. How could an outonoming girl like Yuna get arrested?  

The author's comments:

I've always loved to write ever since I was young. When I had an idea, I would open my notes and begin to write little stories that I made up in my head. Writing has always been somewhat of a way for me to express myself and get creative.

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