Night of Halloween | Teen Ink

Night of Halloween

September 15, 2022
By Anonymous

Alex Hersh is your stereotypical protagonist who is just the most basic kid there is to be who does some sports and makes very average grades. But something very tragic happens in this story that will change his life forever. It was 1978. I woke up this morning as usual, but then I realized it was the thirty-first of October. Halloween, I hate Halloween, I can’t stand it because it's a way for people to scare me easily. As I get ready I take a look at my multiple band posters surrounding. After I brush my teeth I head downstairs to find my mom, who is in her early thirties slim and brown hair, making breakfast and dad at the dinner table. Mom is making her usual bacon, eggs and pancakes while dad, who is in his late thirties bulky, tall guy with black hair, is reading the newspaper. The main headline says that there are masks on sale for fifty percent off. They looked plain, they were just a white face with some hair on the top. Also in the newspaper it says that (foreshadowing)there is a killer on the loose whose name is Nike Nyers or something along those lines, who has been considered dangerous and has killed fifteen people in the next town over. The head line says that he is a tall but strong man who has been wearing those plain white masks and a blue jumpsuit. After my dad finishes reading the newspaper he turns on the radio and turns it to 105.7 The Hawk. The signal was just static, but after my dad hit it on the top the radio started playing music. “Food’s ready” my mom said. She serves us the bacon, eggs and pancakes. She served me two pancakes, some eggs and two pieces of bacon. While she serves my dad three pancakes, half a plate of eggs and four pieces of bacon.

While we are eating she serves me orange juice and serves dad coffee. In the background the radio is talking about giving away tickets to see some band. Once I finished eating and cleaning my plate, I looked at the clock and realized I’m running late. I say goodbye to my parents and headout. As I barely made it to the bus and sat down I realized I had forgotten my homework for Algebra. I sighed in disbelief knowing that I’m gonna fail his class. When I get to school the bell rings for class. I get to class, sit down and endure getting taught about U.S History. Rinse and repeat till lunch where I sit down with my friends, Max and Rebecca, who say that after school we should go somewhere to eat. I asked my friends which restaurant they wanted to go to and my friends said they wanted to go and my friend Max said that we should go get some pizza while my other friend Rebecca said we should get burgers. Something you should know about Max and Rebecca is that they always argue like a married couple (Simile). They are your stereotypical best friends. They’ve always argued like this since forever. The first memory I have of us together is that we were arguing over which color is better blue or red. Me being the tie breaker said neither and said that the better color was green. Since the beginning of our friendship I have always been the tie breaker. Like usual I have to be the tie breaker and say we should go to get pizza and burgers. Best for the both of them, so they agree to do it after school around four o clock. Once lunch is over we go back to class where, we all go to Algebra, we get scolded by Mr. Yaley. Mr. Yaley was your average big mean teacher who was really strict about rules and had a body of a walrus and his mustache resembled a handlebar (Metaphor), about not turning in my homework and he told me to stay after school tomorrow to make up for the homework.

So after school is done I go home and tell my parents about the movie but not the detention. They tell me that I can go and be back when it starts getting dark because of the killer on the loose. I agree to their terms and leave to meet my friends around 3:15. I see them both bickering about something obscene and they stop once I get there. First we go to get some burgers where we see Mr.Yaley orders a meal meant for a family and we had to see if he was going to eat it all and he ate it all within forty five minutes. We were all shocked because we ordered just a quarter of what he had and we barely finished it. So after we finished eating we all went to some stores to check out  Halloween decorations and I guess we lost track of time because when we went out of those stores it was already dark. So we all said our goodbyes and went home. I had to sprint home so I wouldn’t get yelled at by my parents. But then I noticed something. There was someone following me wearing those masks I saw in the newspaper and in his hand was something. So I start running thinking it was the guy from the newspaper, but as he catches up to me I turn around and I clocked him in the face knocking him to the ground. When he was on the ground I unmasked him. It turned out to be my dad trying to scare me. In his hands it wasn’t a knife he was holding, but tickets to see Kiss. Once he awakens from his wonderful slumber, he asks me what that was for and I told that I thought he was that killer from the papers. He said that was ridiculous and said that he was a town over. So I apologize for my actions and we go home and never mention it to mom.

The author's comments:

This is your basic horror story with a lighter twist

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