Lake Of Sin | Teen Ink

Lake Of Sin

February 28, 2023
By madsmao BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
madsmao BRONZE, Raleigh, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     The lake didn't remind me of summer today, it was dark and rainy, cold, like winter. The grass hasn't been cut today, its spiky blades are brushing my leg. Grandpa made sure to cut the grass every single day. The water is a deep muddy blue with hints of green, you'd never know what is underneath the surface. The clumps of algae look like my grandmother's delicious soup with cabbage chunks. The rain is causing it to be spring with the freshness of the watered grass. Staring into the water all I see is my reflection, it stares back. The fish still breathe, while filling their lungs they make bubbles that pop along the surface.   

     The trees surrounding the lake have leaves that fall off reminding me of fall. One leaf fell off of the tree me and him used to play at, the leaf scared the squirrel when it made the crunching among the others. The fish in the lake swam around, until the other fish came around. That one was as white as a ghost, the others were scared of him, I was a little bit too. The closer I got to the lake the more it smelt like decaying plants and musty sweat. The rain got harsher like nails hitting my head. The animals and fish all scattered, other than the white one. I felt like the white fish.

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