Games after Dark | Teen Ink

Games after Dark

March 13, 2023
By Anonymous

Chapter 1
First Encounter

Josh wakes up from a good night's sleep and heads to the kitchen to get breakfast. He gets the almost-finished milk and pours it into the bowl. He reaches to the top of the fridge to get the cereal and gets a banana from the basket next to the table. He dumps the cereal in the milk and cuts a banana into small slices. He puts them on top and eats his breakfast.

He leaves his plate in the sink and heads to the living room. He sits on a couch made of full-grain leather, but forgot to get his chips from his room and leaves to get them. While going to his room his Dad, Jose,  comes out of the bedroom.

“What are you doing?”

“I'm just going to my room to get something”

“Why are you up so early?” asks Jose 

Josh looks at the time on his phone and notices that it's 5:30 in the morning.

sh*t, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up”

“It's fine but go back to bed after you're  done” Jose demands

“Alright” Josh replies 

Josh leaves for his room and finds his chips on top of a cabinet. He wants to go downstairs to watch a Netflix series, but knows that his dad will be mad at him if he sees him awake. Josh instead thinks of watching it on his desktop computer. He turns on the lamp next to his table and plugs his PC. he gets his chips, sits on his chair, and lays back.


Josh wakes up realizing he fell asleep and looks at the time, he sees that it's 11:23 AM. He runs downstairs to see that his family is having breakfast. His father is on his laptop doing work while drinking coffee. His little brother Tommy is playing with some legos that he got for his birthday and his mother Maria is making breakfast for them. He goes to the kitchen. 

“Good morning mom”

“Good morning josh”

“You ready to have breakfast,” maria asks 

“No, thank you”

Josh goes to the fridge and sees that the milk has run out. He asks what happened to the rest of the milk and Jose says that his mom used the last of it to make the batter for the pancakes. Josh says he’ll get some milk from the store later. The rest of the family sits down except for josh.


“Hey, ima go to the store for milk”

“Arlight, just be careful” maria replies

Josh heads to the grocery store to get milk and some chips because he ate the ones he had in his room. He goes to the milk section and sees Alfonso, a friend from his high school. He looks back at him and they wave hello. Josh finds the milk and gets his chips next to the cash register.

He pays for the chips and milk and leaves. 

While he's outside he sees a kid from his school running from something. He follows him from a safe distance to see where he's going. The kid runs into a dead end and Josh watches from afar. Josh sees a man in a mask hopping out of a van. The man in the mask walks to the kid and he screams for help. but josh just watches.

The masked figure lunges at the kid and puts a cloth over his face. The kid passes out. The masked man carries the kid to the van. The masked man sees Josh watching from the edge of a wall. The masked man takes out a hunting knife and points it at josh. Josh runs but the man does not give chase and instead leaves with the kid in the van. Josh keeps running until he reaches the house.

Josh comes barging into the house and slams the door closed. Josh looks around but no one is in the kitchen or living room. Josh hears a noise coming from the bedroom. Josh goes upstairs quietly and goes to the bedroom. He opens the door with a pocket knife in his hand. He walks in and sees his dad.

Josh sighs in relief.

“Did you get the milk?”Jose asks

“Yea I got it”

Josh leaves his room and lays down on his bed and watches some videos on his phone. Josh is distraught by what he saw…….He witnessed a kidnapping. Hours later Josh gets an amber alert. He knows why. 


He checks the time on his phone and sees that it's 11:23 pm. Josh is ready to go to bed but is still thinking about the kid. Tomorrow he has school and Josh forgot to do some work from one of his classes.

He looks in his backpack and finds it. He works on it for 30 min and puts it back in his backpack after he's done. He goes down to eat chicken in mole with some rice and after he's done he heads to his room to take a shower. He gets his stuff ready for tomorrow. Josh puts on a pair of socks and underwear and falls on his bed.

Josh gets up to do his morning routine. He brushes his teeth and takes a quick shower before putting his clothes on. He heads downstairs to have breakfast. Maria made some eggs with sausage and orange juice. 

“good morning mom”

“Good morning dear”

“Are you ready for school?” Maria asks while serving the plates.


Josh sits down and eats before he leaves for school. Josh watches some people on social media before finishing breakfast. He says goodbye and leaves.

Chapter 2

High school Trials


Josh is walking down the street when he runs into his friend Damien.
“Hey, whats sup bro” damien asks

“Nothing much”josh replies 

They both head to the bus stop and wait for 15 minutes.


Once the bus has arrived they both get their wallets to pay for the bus.

Damn..” damien says while sighing 

“What happened”  josh asks

“I dont got my wallet”damien says

“It's all good, I'll pay for yours,” Josh replies while taking the money from his wallet.

They get on the Bus and head to school.



They make it to school after 15 minutes.

“Do you know what we gon do for class today” asks damien 

“I don't know man, probably just the same as always” josh replies 

They walk to class and sit down to take the lesson with their teacher.

Mr Carlos. 

“Alright class ,welcome back to science class. Today we will be having a partner project. You will be getting a partner to do this assignment”

Josh and Damien agree on working together. 

“Hey teach” yells josh 

“Yes Josh?” Mr Carlos yells back

“Can I go to the restroom?” josh asks 

“Go ahead” mr Carlos replies


Josh leaves the classroom and heads to the restroom. While walking to the restroom he looks outside the gates to find a homeless man sitting next to the bathrooms. Josh watches from afar. Josh could only watch in fear as he sees the same masked man from before drug homeless man and drag him in a Van. For a split second the masked man sees Josh's head peeking out and points the knife at him again. Josh runs back to class and the man yells.....


The author's comments:

i have made this little story for a class project. i'm not completely done with it but i hope i can finish it soon. 

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