Whispers Under the Bridge | Teen Ink

Whispers Under the Bridge

April 5, 2023
By KatieSei BRONZE, Muamee, Ohio
KatieSei BRONZE, Muamee, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Whispers under the bridge!

Imagine every time you walk past Maumee City State Bridge you hear whispers and you hear huffing and puffing like the 3 little pig stories. The sound of things dripping kinda like slobber. It's so scary that no one and I mean one is brave enough to walk, drive, or even go there, and the mayor of Maumee banned everyone to go even near it and if the police catch you, they will take you away to prison. 

The rumor that has been going around for a whole year is that in 1999 there was this big group of 5 kids riding their bikes to the park and the bridge collapsed. Then this monster came out of nowhere and ate them, and they have been missing ever since. After that happened it had to be shut down. But the police discovered that so many people are becoming late to work and school because so many people use that bridge to get where they need to go.

After a lot of careful consideration they decided to rebuild the bridge, and they all thought if there was a monster under the bridge, he’s gone now the bridge has collapsed there's know where to live. So they rebuilt the bridge, and the bridge is now in use again and people aren't late anymore to work, school, or doctor's appointments wherever they may be going.

One day I was meeting my bestfriend so we could ride our bikes to school together. “Hey Charles,” I said, “Hi Jimmy''. “Yo I forgot to do all my homework last night for every single class!” says Charles “Every class oh my gosh” I said. “Right! I'm going to have like seven strikes by the end of the day from all that missing homework, and there was homework in every class”.  We rode our bikes side by side from each other to school laughing and talking. Throughout the day Charles, and I kept meeting up with each other in the hallways sense we don’t have any classes together except for lunch if you want to count that as a class. As soon as school is over we run out of the building and Charles and I always meet up by the little blue fire hydrant with the little car sticker of Lighting Mcqueen on it, we have been meeting up at the fire hydrant ever since first grade. Don’t tell Charles I told you this but, I love him AS A FRIEND!!! “Where is Charles?” I say quietly under my breath. Oh there he is. “ Hi Charles, where were you? You took longer than usual.” “Oh yea sorry. I was talking to my new best friend” Charles said. “New friend?” I said with a little gravel in my throat of shock and surprise and a little bit of sadness. “Yeh this is Gaven! Gaven meet my best friend Jimmy, Jimmy meet my new best friend Gaven”. “Hi Jimmy, it's so nice to meet you. Charles has told me so much about you.” said Gaven “Oh he has good”. “Good?” Charles said. “Oh did I say good oh I meant cool.” “Ok?” “Listen Jimmy I know we were going to hang out today after school, But Gaven asked if I would like to go to his house and I said yes of course so I'm really sorry.” “ Oh I guess it's fine. I just had just a couple of fun things planned.” I didn't want to admit it but I was really mad and kinda jealous. I walked really fast so now one saw the tears dripping down my face. When I got home I ran straight to my room with tears still running down my face, and right after school I normally grab a snack from the pantry but, I didn't even think about it. That's how I knew I was really mad and upset, and just as i thought my feelings were getting better then my mom walked in the door. I quickly whipped off my face and blew my nose. I grabbed my bookbag and grabbed some random paper that was homework from last week because I didn't have any time to grab the homework from today, and I turned on my TV. She walks in my room and says. “ Hi honey how was your day?” “Good” I said “I know somethings wrong. What is it?” She says “Nothing just tired” “Oh come on now you always are down stairs eating a snack” ” Nothing mom im not hungry I guess” I said but I was actually really hungry I didn't really have any lunch. I couldn't sleep that night. I was too worried about Charles, and how he has a new best friend. RING RING RING!!!! “ noooo I don’t want to wake up, and I shirley as heck  don't want to go to school and see Charles.” I got there and everything was going ok at first so I thought. I see Charles and I say hi he just looks at me with a side eye, then he finds Gaven and he is all happy and cheery with him and I was so mad and so upset I wanted to confront him and scream at him, But I thought it would be better if I got revenge on him like maybe get myself a new best friend too or even better the little blue fire hydrant we painted when we were just 5 maybe i’ll paint that back to red. Wait if i wanted to do that then that would backfire on me because I love it. It has so many memories and I would chicken out of doing it.  

The next day on my way to school Charles was there too. “ Well look who it is… Charles” I said with a bit of anger in my tone. “ Did I do something wrong?” “ OH MY GOSH you don’t even know what you did” “no I really don’t can you help me” “ you and Gaven are replacing me”. “Excuse Me I am not trying to replace you with Gaven your my best friend why would I do such thing” “ I mean look at the way you have been treating me, when we see each other in the halls you just look at me and roll your eyes and as soon as you see Gaven in the halls you're all happy and all that with him” “Oh… I guess I have never noticed that I have done that "" I'm sorry I wont do it again”. “ Ohhhhh sure you wont. I mean why would you like Gaven so much more than me. You have been blowing  me off everyday this week. Like what did I ever do to you” I said with a strong gravel in my throat so I would sound tough. “Excuse me I do NOT like him anymore, and I'm sorry that you're so jealous of me because I have a new best friend. You have been my only friend since I could walk and just be happy for me.” “That's what a good friend would do”. “YOU THINK I'M JEALOUS EXCUSE ME” “ you could never have been more wrong in your whole entire life” “ You know… maybe sense you're not going to be happy for me for once maybe….” “Maybe what?” “ maybe we shouldn’t be friends anymore” “ FINE if that's what you want FINE” I was really mad again I started to feel tears dripping down my face again. “How could he do this to me? I mean how could he accuse me of being jealous, yea sure I may be a little but he should have never said that out loud.” talking under my breath so I didn't keep it bubbled up inside. “ I wish… I wish that Charles was one of those five kids who got eaten by the monsters under the bridge” we separated in our own ways, and then I heard a SCREAM!. “ That's Not anybody's scream THAT’S CHARLES.” I go running, oh my gosh Charles, you're getting man handled by the beast I'll come save you.” I ran as fast as I could. “ Charles you will be ok i'm coming. I get there, then I realize I'm only as tall as his big toe. I walk slowly up his tail, I jump on his head and then he picks me up by the collar. '' Charles I only have a few seconds until he eats me and I die. So i'm going to say this fast, listen i’m really sorry ok. You were right I was a little bit jealous of Gaven. I guess I was just so worried that you would stop hanging out with me and stop talking to me. I’m really sorry, and I never thought I would be saying this to you but…. I LOVE YOU!”. '' Oh Jimmy I completely understand you have been my friend since we could walk, and I am sorry if I left you out at all or rolled my eyes at you and it made it seem like I was mad at you. Charles said. “ Oh it’s ok if this is the end, then good bye you're the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. “ I LOVE YOU JIMMY” “ I LOVE YOU TOO” Then this tranquilizing dart comes flying straight for his head. It hits him and he tumbles to the ground. I go with him. Charles sees me falling, and he puts his arms out, and he catches me. I was so surprised! “ Charles you caught me wow” “ of course you're my best friend I would never let anything happen to you.”, and they lived happily ever after.

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