The Coffee Shop | Teen Ink

The Coffee Shop

April 21, 2023
By Anonymous

It's 7:15 Tim just walked in for his daily coffee. He got the usual latte with extra whip cream and two shots of espresso. This morning, He looked tired and scared. He sat down alone at the table like he always did but I was worried about him. Yesterday he was so happy and today he looks like this. What could have possibly happened in the past 24 hours?

 After my shift I started to follow him down the street. He was with another girl. I recognized her when she went to my highschool her name was Karen. They were arguing. I needed to get closer. I could make out their words better. I started to hear what they were talking about. 

 “Karen I told you I don't want to do that to her, '' Tim yelled.

“Tim, why do you even care about how she feels? Why does it matter to you?” Karen cried.

“I don't care about her its just not right to do that to a person, I don't want you in my life anymore, please I’m begging you just leave me alone.” 

“Fine, go be with her then, since her feelings mean so much to you” she practically shrieked 

I was in shock. Was he talking about me? Is it me he wants to be with? He started to walk away from her and I followed further behind like I did most days. I decided I was going to just go home today. I didn't want to put any more stress on Tim. I loved him. No one will be with him other than me. He's mine. 

He didn't come in today, it was 7:15 where was he? Was it Karen? Did that girl hurt him? Was she jealous he loved me instead? After my shift I decided to switch my routine from following him to finding her. Maybe that will lead to him. I found her walking down Main Street,and I followed her home. Now I know where she lives, I'll come back tonight. Maybe I’ll have better luck in the shadows. Watching her. Waiting for him. 

It hit 12:00am. It was time to go. I grabbed my white air forces that I colored in with black sharpie, and a full black outfit. I would be unnoticed. I watched outside her window waiting for her to fall asleep, it finally hit 2:14 she was asleep. I checked for other places to get into the house, until I found the basement door. I slipped my credit card in the crease of the door and it popped open. It stunk down here. I could barely breathe. I held my shirt over my nose gasping for air. There was a body on the floor. Was it him? I couldn't tell it was too dark. I couldn't find a switch. 

I started slowly going up the stairs. FInding every creek making sure not to make a sound. I had to be as quiet as a mouse. I made it to the second floor. Where she was peacefully sleeping on her couch. The sound of the TV made it easier for me to sneak around. I searched the whole house for him. He wasn't there. Where did she put him? I grabbed my knife. I couldn't take it. I woke her up with it to her throat. 

“TELL ME WHERE HE IS!” I screamed. 

“What? Who are you talking about?” Karen cried and shivered. 

“You took Tim. I know you did.”

“NO I DIDN’T. He left for a couple days on a work trip.” 


“I knew you were crazy, that's why I told him not to go to your coffee shop anymore”

“You're lying… Your just jealous he's into me and not you” 

“No I’m not, he's my cousin. Are you crazy?”

“Now tell me where he is exactly or I will have to kill you,”

“I told you Tim is on a trip, He's out of state, I think he's in New York”

“Fine don’t tell me, I'll just have to find him myself.”

And with that she drew back her hand and swiftly jabbed Karen in the heart. 

The moment her breath stopped my thoughts redirected back towards him. I needed to find him. I leave her body and go back through the basement to try and get a better look at the body. The horrible smell tells me to use the front door, but I have to see if it's him. I check the body and it turns out to not be him. Oh well, that's none of my concern. I am only focused on one thing, or rather one person. I searched the whole county of Genesee, he wasn't here. Maybe she was right. What have I done? I need to fly to New York. 

I booked the first flight out, while I was on the plane I couldn't stop thinking to myself What if I find him? What about Karen? What if she really was just his cousin?  I didn't hide the body. The thoughts were filling my head. I couldn’t take it. My mind was so full I couldn't even take a nap. Finally we landed. I rushed out of the airport with just my backpack full of clothes. I needed to find him. I decided to check Times Square first, he wasn't there. I kept searching for him. I couldn’t find him. After a day of searching I decided to go to my hotel room. If he was here he wouldn’t be out at this hour.

I left at went to multiple coffee shops in between 7:05 and 7:15 that's when he usually got coffee. I had no luck. I went for a walk by the river to clear my head and think of other places I could look for him, and there he was. Stand there with another girl. Who was she? Why was he holding her hand? Him and I are supposed to be in love. Why is he with her? I ran up to him and ripped him away from her. Here was my chance. I was going to kiss him. I leaned in to kiss him and he shoved me away from him, I lost my balance and fell into the river. I started crying well, questioning if I should try and swim back up to the surface. I remember his face. The way he looked at me. He look disgusted. But then I remembered I needed him. He needs me. Were meant to be. Whether he sees it or not. 

I followed him to his hotel room that night to find out where he lived, and came to find out he was staying with her. What did he see in her? Why did he run away with her and not me? I waited for her to leave and I quickly caught the door and she walked out so it wouldn't lock. There he was. Sleeping so peacefully. Wow. He was so perfect. I wake him up and he started screaming at me.

“What the hell are you doing in my room?’ 

“Tim calm down, it's okay. We're going to get you out of here. I'm going to save you”

“What are you talking about, I love her. We came to New York to get married.” 

“No you can't marry her. I love you.”

“But I don't love you. We can't be together. You need to leave or else I'm calling the cops on you.”

“What. No I don't love you.”

“But I killed that girl you were arguing with the other day, you were dating her. How are you already getting married to someone else?”

“WHAT. thats….. That's my cousin.”


“I'm calling the cops, I can't believe you killed her. What is wrong with you?”

“But Tim, wait just listen to me. Please.” 

“I don't want to listen. Get out”

Tim we can leave the United States, we can get married and start a life and a family together.”


“Well then I'm going to have to kill you.”


“If you're not with me you can't be with anyone else.”

“No. Don't do this. If you really love me like you say you do let me be happy. Please don't do this.”

“I’m sorry Tim. I have no choice.”

I killed him. I can't believe I actually just killed him. Maybe I can save him. No. I need to get out of here. As I was running out the door his fiance was just walking around the corner. I couldn’t let her see me. I just couldn’t. I hid behind the wall and when I heard her screams I couldn’t move. I was frozen. She ran out the door screaming for someone to help. But no one came. I could finally get a grip of myself and I slowly walked away trying to stay out of sight. But she saw me. She saw the blood on my hands. She knew.


“I just got done seeing my boyfriend, I surprised him I have to go catch my flight.”

“WHY IS THERE BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS… did you.. Did you do this?”

“No this is just paint.”

“Wait. I recognize you. You're the girl that tried to kiss Tim earlier. YOU DID THIS.”

I ran as fast as I could down the hall looking for an exit. I didnt map out the building well enough. I should’ve planned this better. But I didn’t know it would come to this. I made it out the door, the hotel was surrounded by cops. I walked down the back alley so they wouldn’t see me. Once again hiding in the shadows.

I got my backpack full of clothes from my hotel room and left. I couldn't be seen here. I had to lay low for a while. Maybe longer than a while. I took a flight out to Mexico. Well, I still had the chance. Finally, I didn't have to watch my back. My every move. I got a job at a local coffee shop, because it's what I love. A few months went by and I loved it here. Then I started to notice a very handsome guy start coming in at the same time everyday. I figured out his name by having to call out his order. It was Justin. I watched him every day. At 8:30 Justin came in for his daily coffee. I knew right there. I was complete.

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