The Other One | Teen Ink

The Other One

September 7, 2023
By is0299022 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
is0299022 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For all Chloe could remember is that her mother only wanted the best of the best for her since she was a child, her mom had always had a thing for ice skating but never did accomplish it because she had been with child  so she made a promise to herself that by the time of 11 chloe would learn how to ice skate and nothing would ruin her , so she did do that and over the years chloe hated it with a passion but she never wanted to make her mother upset so she did it to please her mother. Chloe never felt good about herself or liked her appearance or her lifestyle. She went to boarding school at the age of 17 she did not like that very much either , she woke up every morning wishing someone would replace her. Her friend ivory picked her up for school once in a while because ivory had a boyfriend named gabe ,so chloe had to take the bus with this awful boy who would bully her just to make his friends laugh about it .Waking up for school she didn't want to go today with anxiety she got ready as usual ,stepping down the stairs foot by foot she could smell her mom cooking breakfast for her and her dad as he was reading the newspaper with a side of coffee 

“honey i made you an omelet” mom said

 “Chloe,  did you get any sleep you look tired ?” dad replied as he over talked mom

“No not really” chloe said 

“how about you go back upstairs and go put some makeup on, you look like a corpse i promise you'll feel much better if you look nice” dad said 

“now her omelet is going to get cold” mom replied 

“we all know she isn't going to eat that “ dad said as chloe walks back upstairs in despair of thought why she wasn't naturally just pretty by design,as she's upstairs her parents are down stairs 

“you don't have to be so harsh on her my love” mom said

 “our daughter hasn't brought a boy home she has no social life nor any friends the past two years her weight has dropped,she doesn't talk to us anymore ” dad said while sipping his steamy warm coffee

 “ my love, maybe she's just a late bloomer. She needs time to find herself “ mom replied.

While upstairs she can hear her parents mumbling downstairs in the quiet house she ignores it as if she does everything else ,looking in the mirror fixing herself up she finds a weird thing in the corner stuck between the mirror and the wood on her vanity she tries pulling it out with her boney fingers but it won't budge,she grabs a pair of tweezers gripping the piece of folded paper stuck now unstuck she unfolds it with disbelief it was a ultrasound with twins on it thinking as if how when where and how did it get there? She folds it back into her pocket and checks the time the shes late for the bus, as she hurries down the stairs with a rush she gives her mom a look and tells her

 “mom i missed the bus”

 “at least u look much prettier now sweetie “ dad said 

“ okay dont worry ill take you myself “mom replying to chloe, 

“have a great day love ” mom said 

“mhm” dad mumbled.

While the drive to school mom lecturing chloe about how she needs to get her stuff together chloe stayed quiet the whole drive while listening to music ignoring her mom and her rubbish, pulling up to school mom parks in front of the school telling chloe opens the door as getting out of the vehicle

 Mom says “did you bring your ice skates with you ?”

 “Yes mother" Chloe replied 

“okay make sure after school you go practice I don't want you to be a failure like I was “mom insisting 

“okay” as Chloe slammed the door behind her putting the other earbud in her ear. 

Walking in the hall to her class she sees that awful bully named james and he tripped her while walking past him against the locker with all his friends laughing and giggling about her falling with her study books on the ground across the hall she saw ivory and her boyfriend gabe. Getting up in a rush clutching her books against her chest walking towards ivory, as james and his buddies laughing behind her 

“how come you didn't help me back there”chloe said to ivory “well you know how they can be, there just messing around don't worry about it”

.As the school day went on all chloe could think about is how that ultrasound got in her vanity mirror and whose was it  she somehow felt connected to it in a weird way, the last hour of school had arrived and she knew she had an obligation to go practice ice skating after school if not her mother would be upset with her , walking to the abandoned tree house that had a frozen lake where she practiced ice skating everyday after school taking twirls and spins on the ice the scent of pine trees all around her was the only thing keeping her calm and stable .As night came she got tired chloe approached the bench across the lake and switched her shoes to more comfortable ones, walking home in the night she saw home ,opening the front door in silent and closing it in silent she could hear her parents arguing in the kitchen about something related to her 

“we have a messed up daughter” dad saying in anger

 “yes i know but i'm trying my best to raise her like you never did “mom replied 

“what's that supposed to mean?” dad saying with confusion

 “it means you were never there for her or for me “ mom said.

Chloe opens the front door again and slams it shut so her parents could know she just got home ,the yelling stops

 “sweetie are you home?”Mom said in a worried expression 

“yes” chloe said while holding back tears

 “are you hungry?” mom said

 “no” chloe said 

while going upstairs to her room, thinking she had enough of a bad day already she walks to her restroom to turn on the bathtub faucet to hot closing the bathroom door the restroom starts getting foggy with the steam from the tub, she hears a odd sound coming from somewhere but from where?

 “Im right here” her mind said calling out to her

 chloe thought she was going crazy

” turn around” her mind said again 

and again in a scratchy voice chloe turned around slowly with one eye peeking but all she could see was the bathroom mirror filled with fog

“closer” the scratchy voice calling her “closer” 

getting closer to the mirror Chloe reached out to the mirror with her fingers trembling ,she wiped the mirror in shock she saw  herself but it wasn't her it was a reflection of her smiling back at her “what are you?” chloe said

 “what do you see” the reflection said with the grin on her face 

“i see me “ chloe said

 “we are beautiful “ the reflection said,

 chloe smiled as the reflection said that 

“i know what your going through chloe” the reflection said with a sarcastic frown

 “no you don't?” chloe said in confusion

”i know ur in pain and want revenge on the people who had hurt you and continue to, i've been by your side forever you just don't know it “the reflection said.

Chloe ignored her reflection in the mirror and walked away from the mirror and continued her bath , the restroom still foggy and the water still running in the tub she shriveled up sitting in the tub and  thought to herself if she was seeing things or if it was reality, walking back to her room in the dark hall covered in her blue towel she closed the door quietly ,sitting down in front of her vanity staring at herself trying to see if that person would come back but it didn't,chloe's hair still wet dripping on the wood floor forming a little puddle she got up and changed into pjs going to sleep chloe couldn't stop thinking about the picture and the her reflection of the mirror. Morning came and she walked to the restroom again to see her reflection and she was there chloe asking the girls name

 “maria is my name “ the reflection said 

“you know i can take your place for you and take away all your pain” maria said with a sweet tone 

“really you can do that?” chloe replied

 “yes i can, i know how much you dont like ivory “ maria said

 “ no she's my friend she likes me “ chloe said in a sad voice

 “remember that time in first grade she left you to play with the other kids even tho y'all were best friends'' maria replied

 “i don't remember” chloe said 

“ you do, you just don't want to remember “maria said

 “I'm going to school, bye” Chloe said with an attitude.

Walking down stairs where her father and mother have been 

“Who were you talking to, sweetie?” mom said 

“no one mom “ chloe said

 “i'm going to school bye “chloe said

“ have a great day “ mom said as chloe slamming the front door behind her ,

 going to the bus stop with snow falling down the sky the bus came to a stop for chloe as getting on the bus she saw james waving at her ,chloe didn't sit next to him getting off the bus for school she puts both earbuds in her ears to distract herself from this hell hole,as the school day went by chloe went to the abandoned tree house after school to practice ice skating, while skating chloe felt a rush of loneliness and sadness she felt as if there were a void to be filled inside her that she didn't know about , after feeling that chloe walked back home in the cold snowy night ,with every block down the street were street lamps that hovered over her with a warm yellow light opening the front door she saw her mom in the kitchen cooking and her father in the lounge area watching a documentary.Going upstairs to her room to put away her belongings and getting ready for her shower in the restroom she looks herself in the mirror

 “maria you there” chloe whispered

 “ have you thought about what we talked about earlier” maria said through the mirror

”yes but how will you take the pain away?” Chloe said in despair

 “we can switch places'' Maria replied with a grin

 “what do i have to do then” chloe said looking at the mirror 

“put both hands touching the mirror and kiss me” maria said 

“and that's it?” Chloe replied

 “yes now do it”Maria insisted , 

leaning over the sink counter both of them moving at the same time through the reflection touching each other's hands though the mirror and at last they kissed switching with no regret. Maria walking out the restroom with passion and confidence to chloe's room laying in the bed smiling about how she's in the real world now, while chloe is stuck on the other side of maria’s reflection maria falls asleep while in the other room mom is sleeping and is having a nightmare of her past about how she was pregnant and gave birth to two babies but one was deformed and the other one was beautiful after giving birth in the hospital bed the dad insisted that they get rid of the deformed one and keep the beautiful one, as mom was in the hospital bed the dad took the child away from her arms and burned it outside in the cold snow, mom didn't want to give the baby up but wanted to keep it. Mom woke up in a gasp and sweat from her dream, laying next to the dad she looked at him in disgust never forgetting what he had done to her, traumatizing her forever without him even knowing. Next morning had came and maria waking up in chloe's bed was the best feeling ever, going down stairs mom was in the kitchen and dad drinking his coffee like always “morning daddy morning mommy” maria saying with pleasure 

“someones in a cheerful mood this morning” mom said with a smile

 “yes mommy i am very happy to be here, i'm starving is there anything to eat  “ maria said

 “ yes there's some bagels and cream cheese in the fridge”mom said 

grabbing the bagel and cream cheese maria slaps the cream cheese on the bagel and eats it “mmm this is so good omg “ maria said

“ someone's appetite came back “mom said while maria devours the bagel

 “well i'm off to school “ maria said ,

 giving mom and dad a kiss goodbye.Maria arrives at school walking in the halls with confidence, she sees james leaning against the locker with his friends ,maria walks up to james and whispers something in his ear that makes him frightened and leaves him speechless she walks away grinning 

“What did she tell you man?” James' friends said laughing at James 

“she said nothing bro” James said while looking at maria walk away , 

maria sees ivory and goes up to her

 “What did you say to him?” ivory said laughing

 “nothing much,just something he needs to be told,hey do you wanna go ice skating with me after school like old times “ maria said smiling,

”sure we can “ ivory said smiling,

maria walked away from ivory and goes to chloe's locker and opens it where she sees a mirror and while looking into it she sees chloe on the other side laughing at what she just saw happen, maria laughed with her and closed the locker and walked to class , the day went by and school ended. Maria went to the abandoned tree house with the frozen lake where she saw ivory waiting for her 

“finally someones here” ivory said

 as they both ice skated together maria starts to chase ivory from behind and ivory gets furious and starts to go faster and faster as so did maria, ivory keeps looking back at maria and suddenly when she turns back ivory trips on the ice and falls on the ice but the ice was too slippery and she slides on edge of the icy lake and snaps her neck , maria hovers over ivory’s dead body and starts to smile and giggle maria leaves her there without anyone knowing about what just happened. Walking back home maria opens the front door and the house is quiet , maria closes the front door and goes upstairs to chloe's room to unpack her school supplies ,she walks to the restroom and looks in the mirror where she sees chloe crying in silent but maria is happy and smiling 

“why are you crying don't be a baby isn't this what you wanted “ maria said

 “i thought you were gonna take the pain away” chloe said in a teary voice

 “i did take away the pain “ maria said 

“i want to switch back “ chloe said while crying 

“ but i have only started “ maria said laughing ,

walking back to chloe’s room she sleeps and wakes up and gets revenge on james next, james had a hocket tournament and maria was there to watch him but after the game had ended maria loured james into the changing room and grabbed a hockey stick and broke his knee, maria leaves him there crying and in pain while she walks away and continues her day . Maria goes back home and sees mom

 “ remember you have your ice skating competition tomorrow “ mom said smiling

 “yes mom “ maria said ,

 next morning maria gets ready for her ice skating competition and goes to the restroom and looks in the mirror where she saw chloe crying and begging maria to switch back with her

 “can we please switch back “ chloe said crying

 “i think ill stay here, i'm getting very adjusted here '' Maria said laughing.

Going to the competition Maria ice skated with twirls and pleasure and every flaw that Chloe had , had been replaced by maria. It had been her evil twin that was not wanted at birth that replaced Chloe's life ,and living her life with pleasure and getting revenge on those who hurt chloe.

The author's comments:

im a boy 

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