Going Out With A Bang | Teen Ink

Going Out With A Bang

September 8, 2023
By DonnaMoore7 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
DonnaMoore7 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was the big day; I was so ready to marry the man of my dreams. Everything was perfect and there with me by my side were my mother and my sisters Amelia and Alice. I was so happy to receive my mother’s gift. It was a family heirloom a beautiful vase it had been around for some time, and I couldn’t wait for it to finally be my time to inherit it.  But something told me all this happiness would all soon come to a dead end. It was approximately two years after the wedding took place, we started to build our untroubled home. That’s the way it was or so I thought. This day was no regular day, it was the day of our wedding anniversary. But it was clear by his clandestine attitude that he paid me no mind as he marched right pass me to the door with an object he quickly hid in his bag. Suspicious, had he forgotten? Was it my anniversary gift? I was devastated the one day that we had celebrate our endearment would be ruined. I had no gift for him, I was a married women and I had no one to turn to but family. Things had already been off to a bumpy start so, I did all that I knew to do, I called my sisters. The phone ring three times, but there was no answer. My mind went silent, as I stood there thinking of my next move but there it was someone picked up the phone. This phone call didn’t start with any regular old greeting it was my sister Amelia her tone of voice sounded very resentful. As we proceeded to have a conversation, there was a loud bang! Followed with the noise was a scream, a scream so strong that could travel for miles and miles. That had been the last minutes of our phone call. With a pounding sensation in my chest, my body was experiencing an ascendancy of panic. I contemplated repeatedly, what might had happened. The scenarios played persistently in my head like a melody that never ended. Still shaken up from the mysterious clang over the phone I decided to run over to see what the problem was. I grabbed all my things and placed them in my car immediately. As I pulled up towards the house it was clear to see that the door had been open for a while. I approached it and there it was again that same clanging noise that I heard over the phone. I rushed inside of the house and the commotion was coming from upstairs I creaked up the stair way and to my surprise it was my husband and my sisters. It had seemed as if Sebastian and Amelia both teamed up to torment Alice. No one seemed to notice that I entered the home. As I peeked around the corner; I signaled for Alice’s attention. She knew that help would soon be on its way. At this point one two things came clear to me. I married a fool, and I was being betrayed by my own blood. The noise that made a was a bat Amelia was striking Alice. In her hand lay a vase, that Sebastian attempted to pry from her hands. The same vase that my mother gave me on our wedding day. My blood pressure ascended how could the people that I once went to push me away. Who would have known that it would have been my husband the whole time. He wasn’t thinking of me, he took away the last thing that my mother gave me. That was the last straw, I rushed into the room and Alice came rushing towards me and handed me the vase. I began to question what was happening. As she tried to puzzle together her thoughts, she struggled to get her words. She pointed to the vase and pointed towards the vase huffed and spoke. “The vase, that’s what they are after. Amelia and Sebastian have teamed up behind your back to sell mother’s vase. The investors after mother’s passing said that it was worth millions”. Surely, I treasured this memorable vase, but I had to admit that it was very banal. Mid conversation Sebastian came charging at me trying to take the vase and Amelia behind him. I had no choice but to defend myself and fight back. I kicked I punched, and I fought but nothing seemed to hold them off from the vase. It was the vase they wanted, and it was the vase they got. I stepped back lifted my arm and swung the vase towards the both of them. And there they both landed on the ground taking their last breaths. I had no idea what I had just done but I found out who truly loved me. Amelia and I vowed to never speak of this again. And went out with a bang.

The author's comments:

I am a very fascinated person especially when it comes to drama, love, and horror. And I wanted to create a story that has all of these characteristics in one so that you can enjoy a little bit of everything. Thank you for reading my story and I hope that you enjoy!! <3

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