Testimony of The Confused | Teen Ink

Testimony of The Confused

November 30, 2023
By Titan_Sanchez SILVER, Palm Bay, Florida
Titan_Sanchez SILVER, Palm Bay, Florida
7 articles 1 photo 0 comments

The streets are lively, like they had always been on nights like this. The couple walking across the road, the old lady walking her dog, they were a simple breath of fresh air for me. I had decided to stop by a pub, it was just down the street from here, not too far away. Along the way, I can’t help but notice a man next to a car struggling to start his engine. Being the gentleman I am, I offer my assistance, but he declines with a rather hearty tone. I presume he is just stressed and I continue to the pub like I had planned.

Along the way, I see a woman, rather pretty might I add, looking through a window to the bakery. She seemed to be ogling the pastries in the front window. Part of me wants to talk to her, but I feel as though I would ruin her enjoyment, so I continue to the pub like I had planned.

Along the way, I find that my usual path is blocked by yellow tape. I presume something must have happened here, but I haven't a clue what transpired. It seems that a pole had been taken down from a car accident; there must have been a careless driver on the streets this evening. Although, it has nothing to do with me, so I take a detour and continue to the pub like I had planned.

Along the way, I noticed the police, interviewing a pedestrian. I hope that nothing terrible has happened. Although, to my eyes, it looks like an accident, I could always be wrong, in fact, I am wrong quite often. But that’s besides the point; I must continue to the pub like I had planned, or else I might get distracted and wander off.

Along the way, I found some brilliant looking tomatoes in the market! How fine they looked this evening! So fine, in fact, I couldn’t stop myself from purchasing a few for later. If the tomatoes are so fresh, I must look at the other stalls for some once in a lifetime deals of fine produce! So, I walked to the other stalls like I had planned.

Along the way, I see another pedestrian being interviewed by the authorities, this time they were a vendor for one of the stalls. I was curious to see what they could possibly be talking about, so I wandered to the premise, not to bring attention to myself so as to not cause a disturbance.

Along the way, I overheard the vendor talking about a car accident in the street just down the block! How wild is that! It also happens to be where my favorite pub is. I hope the pub isn’t involved in the accident. Just then, the vendor locks eyes with me, so I give him a friendly smile. But just then, he looks at me all horrified and points his finger in my direction. He’s screaming ‘That’s him! He's the guy!’ and all.

Now of course I’m shocked, I’ve never done anything to warrant the police arresting me, but that's exactly what happened next! I was trying to tell the officer that he had the wrong guy, but he wouldn’t let off! He dragged me to the car and, after a while of pulling and tugging, he finally humored my request to plead. 

I told him I was just out walking, and that's all I ever did. He then asks what I was out and about for, and I told him that I always take a walk just cause, you know; I happened to really like walking after all. And he asks where I was just a few minutes ago, and that's where I get a little confused.

I told him I was just in my apartment and decided to take a walk, that's all. Then he says something crazy, he says I caused a car accident on the road just a block down the street! Now of course I have never heard of this accident before, so you can tell why I’d be so surprised. But when I told this guy that I didn’t know about this accident, he told me that he knew I came from that road.

And of course I don’t remember ever coming from there so I told him so, but he insists that I did because I bought tomatoes from the vendor down the street. And he even pointed to some stall at the edge of the market, at some intersection, but I don’t ever remember even speaking to that guy. But this is the craziest part. The man points to my hand, and in my hand is a bag.

You must understand how crazy this sounds when I tell you that, to my surprise might I add, that there were tomatoes in this bag that I was holding; rather fresh ones too, might I also add. But that's besides the point. Regarding the rather delectable tomatoes I possess, it made no sense why they were in my possession in the first place. I have an allergy to nightshade plants; so after all, I can’t even eat tomatoes! Once I told him that, he squinted and looked all confused and what not. ‘You just purchased those, did you not?’

Now of course I ask him why he thinks that, and he tells me that the only stall that sells tomatoes was the one just down the street. 

I don’t get it.

I tell him I have no idea what he’s talking about, but next thing you know, I’m in the officer's vehicle! I squirm around but it's no use, he had slipped some restraints on while I wasn’t paying attention. As I’m sitting there, I ponder, why am I being arrested? I don’t even remember the charge, and when I ask him what’s wrong, he just laughs and continues driving.

“Where are you taking me, sir?” I ask him.

“Well of course I’m taking you to the department. I’ll be asking you some questions about what happened earlier.” He responded.


But I was at home just a few minutes ago, so I mustn't be too far from my home now. The car ride was long, and I grew sleepy.


Along the way, I catch a glance of a woman, rather pretty might I add, speaking to a man with a broken down car. Although I couldn’t get much of a glance, it looked as though she was offering him some sort of pastry. Part of me wishes I could have talked to her; too bad I never got the chance…

The author's comments:

This Short Story was written originally by my good friend Rio Ames and he entrusted me in submitting this for him. 

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