In the closet | Teen Ink

In the closet

May 1, 2024
By sofiasharipova BRONZE, Myrnohrad, Other
sofiasharipova BRONZE, Myrnohrad, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Central Hospital, famous for its decent medical workers and their valid treatments, but at one moment their glory is stained with blood, there are police, flashing lights, screams, fear-it is felt everywhere, and all because of a mysterious murder, where one of the best doctors in the hospital is suspected of killing his patient, The murder was the result of a wrong dose of a drug, it could have happened, but the doctor claims it didn't happen and he didn't give him the drug, but his fingerprints are on the syringe, there are no witnesses, it's almost impossible to prove your innocence, but what if you're really innocent, and then the doctor starts his own investigation, he starts with the drug itself, looking at it he realizes that such a drug was really prescribed to him, but only for the patient's relief, as no doctor knows how to treat such a disease, The patient himself knew about it, of course it is hard to accept that no one will help you, but it had to be accepted, and the doctor noticed that the patient had been calm lately, and especially kind and smiling to him, the doctor himself did not suspect anything, because not in vain they say from hatred to love is one step, in vain, he realized that the drug had been administered in the afternoon towards evening, while patient rounds take place in the first half of the day, so there was no way he could have administered the drug to him, at least not him, after checking the alibis of all the staff, which were all ironclad, he realized that it couldn't have happened, it was just magic, but he remained a suspect, the main suspect, because no one else could, it was his patient, so what to do, his head was cracking, fear, misunderstanding, and most of all hatred, why so, why him, but at a time like this you can't give time to feelings, but it seems he missed the most important thing, which is to check the place where the drug is, sticking his hand in his pocket, he found nothing, exactly, how could he not notice, the keys to this cabinet were missing, so someone took them without permission, he had to kick the cabinet door, and he saw a note there "Hello, my favorite doctor, if you are reading this it means I am gone and I did what I wanted to do, it also means you figured it out and are going in the right direction, which is annoying, why couldn't you do the same with my disease I knew, I knew that you are not good at what you do, people like you can't be doctors, you belong in prison, and I did everything I could to get you there at the cost of my life, although sooner or later I would have died from your inaction, it's better that way", the doctor was speechless, his patient decided to set him up, just because medicine couldn't help him, he was overwhelmed with emotion, his eyes were swimming, but it didn't stop him from comparing moments and building a picture of what had happened, his patient because of anger and resentment towards the doctor decided to frame him and accuse him of his murder, for this purpose he traced where he takes his medicine, then he stole the keys from his pocket and took a syringe with his fingerprints, he injected himself with a lethal dose wearing gloves not to erase his fingerprints. 

The author's comments:

Hello!!! Thank you for this contest and the opportunity to participate! I am very happy to present my work. I hope a lot of people like it, it was really interesting and unusual to participate in something like this and I enjoyed it. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

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