Birthday | Teen Ink


July 29, 2024
By SunAndMoon_ SILVER, Shenzhen, Other
SunAndMoon_ SILVER, Shenzhen, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When life gives you lemons, make lemonades!

They'd warned him not to go out after dark. He turned around and faced up to them: "But it's my birthday today~."

Ten, nine, eight. Candles were blown off, and people were left in pitch dark now. The crowd burst out a mechanical clap orderly, "happy birthday and happy death day!" Someone shouted at him, and he responded with a morbid smile. "I know."

Seven, six, five. This is a celebration with no feelings. A rancid cake. Some withered flowers. Some uncanny pumpkins with embers inside... Wax and wane, pale and wan, it seemed like everyone was missing a thing here, and they all gave out a faint smile to him when he passed by to greet everyone. He was aware of the unenthusiastic crowd, but he still shuttled back and forth among them, and smiled, because he was the same as them... He was the center of this celebration, the birthday clown of tonight... quirky as he... He left his party stealthily...

Four, three, two. Knock knock. "Trick or treat?" "You know what I want." "Take this." A blade was handed over, glinting in the darkness. It nicked his fair skin, and blood oozed out slowly. He observed the dripping blood on the ground and licked a bit. Ready for the final countdown now, he thought.

One. Heading towards the graveyard, his azure eyes were determined. Neither the saint nor the devil, hell or heaven? He pondered. With blood still dripping down his arm, he stopped before a tombstone.


It was high time. Blood blushed the stone and penetrated through it, wrapping the rock around.

A flash. A groan. A reborn. 

Hell, or heaven?"



"I know."

The spirit smiled morbidly: "Happy birthday, happy death day and happy worst day."

 “I know.” He faded.

The author's comments:

Inspired by KPOP band Xdinary Heroes' "Happy Death Day", and here let me write down something from Red Velvet Seulgi's solo trailer "28 reasons":

Good and evil people are not clearly distinguished.

Good and evil coexist within one person.

Even if one seems good, greed and temptation

always exist together inside. We simply

try to resist from being captivated by evil.

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