Taming the Beast | Teen Ink

Taming the Beast

December 21, 2012
By Hkuehl1013 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
Hkuehl1013 BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Down a dark misty corner surrounded by harsh stone walls of grey sat a room with the door closed tightly behind it like it was hiding a secret. Past the cherry red wood and under the crack between the door and floor stood a creature, more than two thousand years old. When William saw the beast he reached out a hand and met crunchy fur that was damp and cold from the rain. Its smell of muck and forest debris wafted out the room and down the hall creating a stench that was quiet unpleasant. William backed away from the beast and it watched his every move with a sharp toothed smile as he pulled back the shades and opened the window with a long creak. The beast cried out and cowered to a corner against the green and yellow swirling wallpaper, his clawed tail tearing it to shreds. With a pang of sympathy William moved toward the strange creature with wandering eyes and tried to console it with a small open palm. He comforted the creature with words as gentle as velvet and the beast heaved its furry head forward in a great powerful shake. High on the nape of the creature’s neck lay a thin electric green rope that dangled across its back like a snake. In understanding William grabbed the beasts dirty brown fur in his small fists and pulled himself unto its back with all his might. He held fast the rough surface of the skinny green rope and gave it a light yank and suddenly they were moving forward at a surprisingly quick pace. As the beast approached the window William crinkled his eyes tightly shut preparing for the worst and they hurdled out the window. The wind shot back their hair as they flew high above the rooftops of the great city of London and they smiled sharing in the great impact of taming the fearful beast inside of us all.

The author's comments:
This piece is a descriptive sketch that I was inspired to write from a painting I came across. I hope this piece depicts the mystical mystery the painting did for me.

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