Hopeful | Teen Ink


January 9, 2013
By WetnWild BRONZE, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
WetnWild BRONZE, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I awake this morning, to mute, still, silence. The epic vastness outside of these genocide torn

rags, awaits utter freedom. I conjure up as much of the strength I can get a hold of to boost myself off

my dirt ground of shame that I have been resting on. Nothing but gray bleakness has filled the sky for

the last 5 months, since the last fiery death grazed these once prosperous lands. I await another day of

pain, Grief, and sadness as I watch my family wither away into nothing from the starvation and stress. I

am at ease as I stand though,my feet feel every contour of the land beneath, my eyes fix upon my

distraught devastated family. I pick up my gun then toss it back down, as I feel in my heart I will not

need it this day. My knee bends at the seem as I raise my sole off the ground, only a couple feet away

awaits the opening of this makeshift home. I place my hand upon the opening. I feel around for the

zipper at the top. My fingers clamp onto the stamped metal and I start to pull down. The smooth

droning sound of the zipper cuts though the quiet lull as it files down and an opening starts to appear. A

light brighter than I've ever seen blinds my eyes, with sharp brilliance. My spirit and my soul

automatically explode with luminous colors, and emotions, as tears start pouring down my face. The

zipper touches the ground and everything is increased tenfold with excitement. With confidence I take a

step forward as the brightness lights up my pale leg. I heave my limp body into the sunlight. And look

about. All my senses have been melted. And my emotions flare even higher. I start weeping as I run in

what feels like the first time my skin have been touched by the warmth of air. I can't help myself from

screaming and shouting under the vivid morning sun shining upon gods, once again beautiful green

earth. I never thought I'd feel hope and happiness again.

The author's comments:
A life after a nuclear holocaust

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