A encounter of the slenderman | Teen Ink

A encounter of the slenderman

January 23, 2013
By Fireball1999 BRONZE, Oakland, California
Fireball1999 BRONZE, Oakland, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't know! I don't know why I did it, I don't know why I enjoyed it, and I don't know why I'll do it again!
-Bart Simpson

It was a cold, February night. My younger brother, Max, was at a friend's house. He was going to sleep over, but he called the house and said that he was feeling sick and that he wanted to come home. His friend's house was a few blocks away, but our street went in sort of a U shape, around a small wooded area, sort of like Florida, the water being our street, and the land being the woods, but on a much smaller scale. As usual, he probabbly took the shorter way, through the woods.
Thirty minutes passed and he still hadn't arrived home. We figured the usual buisness of saying goodbye to one of his friends held him up, and that he would walk through the door any minute.
Another 15 minutes passed, and we decided to call Max's friend's house to find out what was happening. As the mother of their family picked up, we expected her to say something like, "Oh, he changed his mind and is feeling better! Sorry about the confusion". But instead, she said that he had left almost a half hour ago. My mother, being her panicked self, told me to go look for him. I'd figured that he'd just lost his way in the woods, and that he'd be pretty easy to find. After all, the woods are almost completely surrounded by street. The other end had a playground in a grassy field that we had went to often, but I figured that my brother, being who he is, had forgotten the way back from the playground. Being my 18 year old self, I took my beat-up Honda Civic up to the park to look for him.
Strangely though, he wasn't there. I parked the car and went looking for him.
I grabbed the flashlight I had in the trunk of my car and set off into the woods. After walking for about 10 minutes, I came across a tall tree with a page of a notebook pinned on it. On the page, scratched out in pen were the words, "ALWAYS WATCHES, NO EYES." I tore the page off the tree and stared at it, "What?" I quietly said to myself, then I crumpled up the note and put it in my pocket, dismissing it as a prank. I walked for about 10 minutes and realized something, the park seemed much bigger than it usually was, I would usually be able to see the street by now "Max!" i called out, i listened quietly for a reply, nothing. The strange thing though, was that I could hear this low booming noise. "Max! I can hear you! This isn't funny! Mom is scared straight!" i yelled. The booming just got louder. Suddenly, a cold gust of wind blew through the trees, leaving me cold and shivering in my T shirt and jeans. "MAX!" I yelled "Hurry up! It's F***ING freezing out here!" Rarely ever did I resort to swearing, but given the circumstances... Just then, I felt a sudden chill in the air behind me. I spun around with my flashlight, but saw nothing. I was scared now, the wind was whistling through the trees, and I was extremely cold. Just then, I heard a rustle through the trees behind me, and the booming stopped. I turned around slowly, holding my flashlight in front of me. Standing there, right in front of me, was a tall, slender, man wearing a tuxedo. He was extremely pale and about 10 feet from me. His arms and legs were extremely long. His long, sharp, fingers were covered in dripping blood. The scariest thing about him, was that when I looked up, I saw that he had no face.

The author's comments:
I would like to thank many people for helping me create this short story. First I would like to thank the creators of the Slender video game, thanks for scaring the crap out of me. Second, I would like to thank all the slenderman story writers on Creepypasta. Thanks for the insparation guys! -Perri

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 21 2014 at 4:03 pm
PirateCountry DIAMOND, Muncie, Indiana
91 articles 18 photos 330 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."

Slenderman IS a really creepy guy! But I can't help feeling a bit sorry for him. Maybe he just wants to be friends? Nah XD I really liked this story. It was short and sweet and to the point. Nice job!