Triskaideka | Teen Ink


February 9, 2013
By Zchurchith BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Zchurchith BRONZE, Auburn, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The man who doesn't fall, is the one who can't stand up."
-Fedor Emelianenko

There once was a man who owned the tallest hotel in the world, It had many floors, some people even thought there were over a thousand. If you had asked the owner he’d say “All but the 13th floor.

You see, the 13th floor was unlike any floor. Well, It wasn’t a floor. There was nothing there, It was just 10,11,12,14 No 13th floor...

You may ask, isn’t there still a 13th floor? Couldn’t you just call 14 13, and then say there’s one less floor? No, you can’t there is no 13th floor... The owner says he was walking the halls and saw that the 13th floor had disappeared. It was gone, and so were the people staying there. One other day, he found that the 26th floor disappeared... He was an old man, so checking every floor would take forever... Maybe every thirteenth floor disappeared, He had his nephews come in and check all of the floors. Suddenly as they searched, they were on the last floor. Floor 1300, “Isn’t 1300 divisible by 13?” asked Damon, the youngest of the 5 boys. “You don’t thi...” Thats all Adam, the oldest of the boys could get out.... The floor had disappeared. Everyone framed the old man, but he was just as confused... Why did this happen? He went into the bathroom one day to wash his hands, and saw the word “Triskaideka” Written in blood on the mirror. “Why?!” Screamed the old man. “Why do you have to do this to me?” No one could hear him, all of the floors disappeared now... He was all alone, or so he thought.

He found a book titled thirteen in the room he slept in. He decided to read it, It made no sense, but he noticed something... If you read every thirteenth word it does make sense! It gave him clues to find out what was happening... “I... I cannot believe it, my son!” He was as terrified as he’d ever been, his son dreamed of being a magician, but his father crushed his dreams... He ran away when he was 9, and he started killing people.. They locked him up, but still... He wanted to be a magician. He was making the floors disappear, his son, Mark suffered from triskaidekaphobia... He wanted to get his dad back, “Why?” is all the old man heard in his head. He went to splash some water on his face, but when he looked up he saw a man behind him with an axe.. “Hello dad.”

The author's comments:
My inspiration for this novel was my birthday (November 13th)and triskaidekaphobia.

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