A Promise Not Kept | Teen Ink

A Promise Not Kept

April 4, 2013
By lilbit95 BRONZE, Delta, Colorado
lilbit95 BRONZE, Delta, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~ Dr. Suess

A Promise Not Kept

A little girl comes running up to me, her blonde hair flowing in the wind, her blue eyes uncertain, frightened.

“Mommy! Mommy! Something is out there!! Something is out there!!” Says the little girl.

“Now Jessica, what did I tell you about making up stories? There is nothing out there. Now stop all of this fussing!” I said. And suddenly I realized the little girl was me, and I was my mother.

The tree branches start scratching on the windows as I realize I was back in my best friends livingroom planning to have a scary movie night with her.

“Jess can you come help me grab some of these snacks?” She said and I turned away from the wall of windows.

“Don't you feel like people are watching you through those huge windows?” I asked, walking into the kitchen grabbing a bag of chips and the soda.

“No not really. I mean I don't like being home alone but when other people are here it isn't so bad. Why? You aren't scared are you Jess?” She asked, nudging me in the side.

“No!” I said laughing as we piled down in to the mess of blankets and pillows.

“Okay, so what movie is first?” I asked as Kristy walked over to put a DVD in.

“Paranormal Activity! I have wanted to watch this for such a long time!! We won't sleep for weeks!” Kristy said jumping up and down.

Screams filled the house as Kristy and I hid our eyes from the thing that kept haunting this family. We sat huddled together trying to finish the rest of this movie.

“Don't go back into the house!!” Kristy yelled throwing popcorn at the television.

We screamed as whatever was in the house attacked the couple.

“That was such a scary movie!” I said watching the end credits fill the screen.

“I know... Let's put in another one!!” Kristy excitedly said.

“I don't know Kristy. I don't think I can watch another scary movie. I'm already freaked out after that one!” I said while Kristy began taking out the next DVD from its case.

“Oh come on don't be such a scarrdy cat!” Kristy said laughing.

“Fine but I am going to go use the bathroom before this one!” I said as we both started laughing.

When I finally got to their bathroom I shut the door and turned the light on. I walked over to wash my hands and looked up into the mirror. In red letters the words 'Get Out' was written on the mirror.

“Oh my gosh! Not again!” I said, feeling my whole body shaking

“JESS!!! Get out here!! Hurry!!!” Kristy said screaming.

I ran in to the livingroom but Kristy wasn't anywhere in there.

“Kristy?” I whispered but there was no response.

“Kristy?!” I screamed this time.

Two hands grabbed my shoulders as a blood curling scream escaped my lips. I turned and saw Kristy pale as a ghost.

“Kristy? What happened?!” I said franticly.

I shook her shoulders trying to get her to say something but suddenly her hand just pointed to the wall of windows. My eyes followed her tremblying hand to a dark figure standing outside of the windows. Kristy and I were frozen statues staring into the eyes of our death. And suddenly I was a little girl again.

Playing in my tree house I heard a noise coming from outside. I peeked out the window thinking it was my father.

“Daddy?” I asked but he wasn't down there.

Then suddenly my trap door opened and a strange man looked in.

“Hello sweetie.” He said.

“Hi.” I said shyly looking back down at my dolls that were everywhere.

“What are you playing up here all by yourself?” He asked as he stepped inside my tree house.

“I'm playing house with my dollies.” I said continuing my game.

“Well you can't play house all by yourself can you?” He asked inching closer to my little game.

“You can, I do it all the time.” I said very proudly.

“Well a pretty little girl like you shouldn't have to play all by herself. Hey! I have an idea!” He said suddenly excited.

“What is that?” I asked not paying much attention.

“My house is full of dolls and little clothes you can dress them up in. Why don't you come with me and you can play with any of them as you want!” He said with a large smile on his face.

“I can't. My mommy and daddy said I can't live the yard and I can't talk to strangers.” I said obeying my parents.

“We aren't strangers. See my name is Jack. What's yours?” He asked, holding out his hand.

“I'm Jessica.” I said taking his hand.

“Well Jessica, looks like we are already friends.” He said with a sly smile on his face.

Next thing I knew he had a hand over my mouth and was carrying me out of my tree house. No matter how hard I kicked and trying to scream he was stronger and wouldn't let go. He threw me in the back of a van and shut the door. I cried so hard I finally passed out from exhaustion. When I woke up I was in a strange building and was so cold. It felt like I was in an ice box. I screamed and started crying again just wanting to go home when suddenly a large door opened and my kiddnapper came in.

“Would you stop making all this noise!” He said very angrly.

“Where am I? Why did you take me away from my mommy and daddy?” I said as large tears spilled over my face.

“I want a little girl as my own and you were the prettiest out of all of them.” He said as he came closer to give me a hug. I quickly tried to get away and kicked his legs. He fell to the ground and I quickly ran out of the open doors into an empty parking lot. I began running hoping he wouldn't come after me.

As I stared at the dark figure outside the windows I realized it was the same man that tried to take me as a child. I grabbed Kristy's arm and began running toward her bedroom. I turned around to see the man and realized he wasn't there.

“Get in your bedroom!” I yelled at her

The author's comments:
I had to write this piece for my creative writing class and struggled with it at first. But with my final project, I feel it turned out good.

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