The Thief | Teen Ink

The Thief

April 11, 2013
By Anonymous

It was a quiet night. Our house was all dark, not a creature stirred. My brother's computer was still on, with a complex program on the screen. All of a sudden, a flash of light was seen, then all was dark again. The next day, my mom was getting ready to go out to shop. She was looking here and there, in a frantic mood. I said,” Mom, are you missing something?” “Yes, I can't find my watch. The next day, all of my mom's rings were gone. We were all puzzled. Where could they be? That afternoon, I saw the reflection of something shiny underneath our storage room's door. I decided to disregard that as a trick of the light. But later that night, my family heard a loud crashing sound coming from the storage room. We quickly ran to the storage room, wary of our surroundings. As we were walking we saw trails of my mother's jewelry, then we found the whole stash of it. We all had the same question in our head. Who took all of my mother's jewelry and put it here? Quickly, some movement caught our attention. It was a burglar! We tackled him and restrained him.
We questioned him. Where did you come from? This answer shocked us. He said he came from a computer. I wondered how this was possible. How did he get out from the screen? He was not very cooperative, as that was the only question he asked. But he asked us if we could help him get back to his world. He also claimed that the computer was “shiny” so he took all the shiny things he could find, trying to get back to his world. We led him to the computer, and he returned all of the stolen jewelry. But something he said shocked me. He said, “More from the world of programs will be coming, much worse than me. They are very dangerous, so protect yourselves.” What did that mean?

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