What Will Really Happen? | Teen Ink

What Will Really Happen?

May 20, 2013
By Donovan24 BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Donovan24 BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

December 21st the world got screwed up. It all started at seven a.m. when the zombies woke up and went to work. Most of the zombies lived in Time Square because they wanted to be near Central Park. The only survivors were Bri Stemper, Matt Clavette, and Johnny Marquardt.

Stemper one of the survivors says, “OMG I’m so scared out here! Help me! I need food and water, OMG it’s so dark outside I can’t see!” Stemper is currently a junior at Arrowhead High School in Hartland, Wisconsin. The only reason Stemper is alive is because New York is about 2000 miles away from Wisconsin and the zombies haven’t located her yet.

Another survivors name is Matt Clavette. Clavette says, “Man I’m so scared out here I don’t know what to do! I need to find other survivors if there are any! I need help OMG!” Clavette is currently a Senior at Oak Hill Academy in North Carolina. Clavette is a semi-pro basketball player that is very close to going pro. Clavette is being scouted by the Milwaukee Bucks and Cleveland Cavaliers.

The last survivor is Johnny Marquardt, Marquardt says, “I feel like I’m living this life in fear, darkness, and feel like I’m buried alive. I need to get out of this hole, lol I’m dying.”

All survivors have 20 weapons each, which include AK47, M16, a knife, and a grenade launcher. The reason everybody is so screwed is that the three survivors have no idea who eachother are and there are 7000000 million zombies ready and hungry to attack.

Unfortunately no one survived this tragic accident and zombie apocalypse. The last three survivors were found and eaten alive instantly by a zombie named Karl. The world is now known as Zombieville USA.

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