How the Zombie Apocalypse Began | Teen Ink

How the Zombie Apocalypse Began

October 7, 2013
By oragutanlover BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
oragutanlover BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

\It was a warm sunny day in North Dakota. Bob Bobby was riding his bike through his neighborhood. His bike ride came to a stop when he had an alert on his phone.

“Breaking News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

He rode his bike back to his house and turned on the T.V. He turned on Channel 7 Action news.

The anchor said “There has been a suspicious creature creeping through the woods. The creature was spotted an hour ago and since that time there has been 20 people missing.”

The lights turned off and the whole city went dark. Bob looked outside his window and saw the whole city, but in zombies. Bob is living in a Zombie infested North Dakota.

The only thing Bob could do is run. Run as fast as he could get to another city. Bob packed his bags and left. When he got out of his house it was cloudy and dark. He decided to take the subway to South Dakota. When he got in the subway, he was alone with bodies all over the floor, he couldn’t believe it. Right when he got there, they were evolving into zombies. Luckily, the subway was coming; he needed it to hurry up. The subway got there and the doors opened. A zombie saw Bob and chased after him. The doors shut and the zombie jumped to try to get in, but it was to late. The doors shut on the zombie and sliced it in half.

Bob sat down in the subway breathing heavily, when he noticed a little girl crying in back of the subway, so he ran to go see her.

“Excuse me,” said Bob “Are you a zombie?”

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Screamed the little girl.

“I dint mean to scare you, what’s your name?”

“Kara Donaldson.”

“Are we the only survivors?”

“I don’t know, the zombies attacked my family, I snuck out the back door and ran here.”

“Well we have to fight, we can’t let them win.”

“But how? There’s too many.”

“We have to make peace with them, here’s what we are going to do. We are going to make up and disguise ourselves as zombies and we will make a speech to all the zombies and say to stop eating humans and be friends.”

“I like that, let’s do this.”

They went to Kara’s house to get make up. They looked like zombies after nonstop make up. It was time to declare that zombies and human should be friends. They took a mo-ped to the tallest mountain in North Dakota. They saw a lot of zombies on the way there. They started climbing up the mountain. They took speakers and with a really, really, really long extension cord.

“Attention all zombies!” yelled Bob as the zombies turned toward the mountain. “we need to stop eating humans. They are stronger and smarter than us.”

“Are you being racist?” cried a zombie.

“I think they are,” yelled another “LET’S GET THEM!”

Bob and Kara tried to run but went tumbling down the mountains. The zombies devoured them and ate the last human beings alive. THAT IS HOW THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE BEGAN.

The author's comments:
It involves suspense. I like suspense.

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