Paranoia | Teen Ink


October 22, 2013
By Moore96 GOLD, Udell, Iowa
Moore96 GOLD, Udell, Iowa
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?

Mary had one chance to get this right or it would happen again. She didn't know what would happen this time it was just like any other day she showed nothing. Walking to school she covered the scars on her arms hoping if they showed no one would ask questions. First hour was the best class her teacher understood her like no one else did. She would sometimes stay after school for help on her homework but she really didn't need it she just didn't want to go home. Every night she would get home and would cry herself to sleep hoping he wouldn't show up that night. Her parents knew she had the reoccurring nightmares and would even scratch herself to sleep tonight. The problem was it was happening more and more. Mary is not your normal girl if you haven't figured that out yet. She is awakened every night by a blood curdling scream and when she opened her eyes there he was. The white figure breathing heavily next to her bed, he had black holes where his eyes were supposed to be. What do you want! Please just leave me alone! The figure made her do things she never wanted to do, very bad things. This time it was too much she couldn't handle it she wasn't going to do it. She screamed NO, but that never stopped the figure, it lashed out causing huge scratches down Mary's back. She couldn't scream or even fight back she could only lay there and move her eyes and feel the pain. She wanted to scream so badly, she tried so hard but nothing came out not even a whisper. The next morning she would wake up and recall all of the details but the scars would be healed and the pain would be gone but if she didn't do what she was asked it would happen again and again until she completed the task. She told her parents every time this would happen and finally they got an appointment with a therapist to see if that would help any. Mary knew that she was not imagining these things they were just too real! The therapist asked some questions and Mary gladly answered them without hesitation. This man he just comes out of nowhere and wakes me. He asks me to do really bad things and if I don't he will come back and hurt me every night until I do it.

What are some of the things he asks of you? He wants me to hurt people but I don't want to do it I just want it to stop! OK sweetie let's see your back where the scars are. Ok I'm not seeing anything can you describe where they are? They are all over they are from my shoulders all the way to my lower back. OK they must have had time to heal. No they were just there today! Mary looked into the mirror she screamed with anger! They were just there! They were just there! OK sweetie calm down it is going to be OK we are going to get you some help. Mary left the therapists office only fearing what would happen when she would fall asleep that night. Mary slept with her parents that night hoping it wouldn't happen again. She closed her eyes and fell asleep after hours of thinking what would happen next. Mary woke up once again only this time she was tied to a hospital gurney beside her parent's bed with men in white clothes pushing her out the door. She screamed to her parents, and they emerged from the living room. It is for the best honey these people will take care of you they won't hurt you. I will come see you as soon as I can. They had her in a straight jacket so she couldn't move as they loaded her into the back of the ambulance. They shut the doors and slowly proceeded down the road. Mary was heartbroken, why would my parents do this to me why? They arrived at a facility after about an hour's ride. She was unfamiliar with this place but it looked like a prison. It was a mental hospital where they kept it locked up so crazy people couldn't hurt themselves or others. They took her into a room with a padded floor and walls. The men sit her down and shut the door behind them. Mary curled up on the bed and waited, suddenly she felt a cool breeze. She sat up and saw something moving down the hall, it was blurry but she could still make it out it was him coming into where she thought she would be safe! He walked through the door like it was nothing and came up to Mary.

You can't complete your tasks in her now can you, why would you do something so you would end up in here? I didn't it was my parents!
Oh your parents you say, I guess I will just have to have a little talk with them now won't I. No leave them alone it was me I told them about you.

Ah Ah Ah now don't you lie to me. He brought back his hand and this time whipped her across the face splattering blood everywhere against the white walls. Mary once again tried to scream but nothing came out. She fell to the bed and passed out. She woke up the next morning only to find the room white as could be and no trace of the man at all. A tall man came to the door and unlocked it. He led Mary down a hall into a room where her parents were waiting. Honey how are you? It happened again last night mom it happened, Mary screamed! She started to throw stuff off of the table and the men quickly grabbed her and put her back into a straight jacket and put her back into the room. That day she just sit and starred into the corner. She wouldn't eat or drink anything so they had to hold her down and force it down her throat. She fought it but in the end they got her to eat some of it. Her parents had went home that evening scared out of their minds. Their daughter was going crazy and there was nothing they could do. They laid in bed thinking and hoping this would clear up and she could come back home. That night her parents were sleeping in their bed Mary's mother felt a cool breeze come into the room but thought they had just left a window open so she curled up and fell back asleep. She was awakened to a loud scream and both her and Mary's father sat up out of bed only to see the same figure that their daughter had described.

You should have believed her now our going to have to pay!

They looked at each other and as they looked back at the figure he raised his hands and slapped Mary's parents in the face breaking both of their necks and not leaving a trace of evidence behind they could feel the pain but could not move they could only move their eyes and nothing else just like Mary described. The next morning Mary's parents woke up with full recollection of what had happened that night. The phone rang and Mary's father picked it up. Sir your daughter has escaped do you have any idea where she might be?
No, how did this happen?

We don't know the security footage shows her leaving the window around two this morning.

Her father's attention was turned out his living room window to see police and ambulances across the street. Hold on a second sir. Mary's father saw a woman in the back of a police car across the street wearing a hospital gown. He ran out the front door and up to the police. It was Mary in the back seat in handcuffs. What happened? The Jones's daughter was killed this morning by that woman right there. The officer pointed to the car where Mary was. The Jones daughter was only five years old. No! No! How did this happen? She was stabbed eight times in the chest with a steak knife. Can I speak with that woman she is my daughter. I'm not suppose to let anyone talk to her but I'll give you one minute.

Mary! Mary! Why would you do this?

Mary looked up with a glare at her father. I have completed my task.

The author's comments:
It was a piece inspired by a Stephen King style writing.

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