White Roses and Bloody Thorns | Teen Ink

White Roses and Bloody Thorns

December 1, 2013
By McMuffin9 BRONZE, Branson, Missouri
McMuffin9 BRONZE, Branson, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My breaths were deep and hallow, I wiped the cold sweat from my face as I rounded the corner. My fingers grasped the wooden paneling on the wall to help steady my feet as I ran. My nose smacked into the basement door it throbbed but there was no blood. My only focus was on the slow spaced out steps that were getting closer. I fumbled with the handle my fingers shook unable to grasp the knob. I screamed at myself to concentrate as a shadow came into view. I shook the door violently until it flew open and I barreled down the old wooden steps. I listened to the smack of my bare feet as they came into contact with the cement. I shoved boxes out as barriers as I made my way to the cinder block wall. I hugged my knees to my chest and waited. I watched as it stepped into the naked light bulb that hung from the ceiling. I shoved my hand into my quivering mouth to keep from making a sound. I could feel my heartbeat in my throat; if I coughed I was sure my heart would tumble out and drop to the ground with a juicy thud. The monsters tangled body was hunched over; its thick legs were tensed as it stood about a hundred yards away. Its eyes concentrated on me they held tortured secrets. Secrets I knew. Secrets I had to pay for. It carefully opened its mouth revealing jagged teeth and a snake like tongue. A thick almost brownish liquid poured out of the beasts’ mouth, clawing its way in between teeth. My eyes watered as the strong pungent odor clogged my nasal passages.

I listened to the sharp spatter as the bile hit the floor. I couldn’t breathe the air was thick and bitter. I stared at its long arm, its barbed claw scrapped on the floor as it stepped over my useless barrier. The roses held my attention countless fully bloomed and not yet budded white roses crawled up its arms. I ripped my eyes away from the flowers and back to the monster who now hovered over me. I hadn’t been paying attention I missed my opportunity to run. A thin layer of skin covered the beasts protruding chest I could make out every curve of the monsters ribs. I pressed my body into the wall and let out a whimper as it bent down and sniffed me with its pig like nose. I trembled violently my shoulder blades scrapped against the rough blocks, its wet nose smeared across my face. I reached my shaking hands up and pushed on the scaly flesh of the beast it let out a low growl and snapped its jaw spewing spit and left over bile on my face. I beat against its boney chest the monster shoved me farther into the wall, cinder blocks began to poke through my skin. I panicked and began flailing. The beast yelled something unintelligible before it scrapped its clubbed hand across my face. I could feel the spikes digging in and ripping out my flesh as it pulled away. I wanted to scream, I tried to scream but when I opened my mouth the blood poured in and filled my throat. I instinctively placed my hand over the wound, blood seeped through my fingers. I could feel the warm liquid soaking through my white beater. I stared at the pieces of my flesh that dangled from the thorns. The once pure white roses were now stained red with my blood, the petals bent backwards now too heavy to support themselves. I heard the plop as the beast plucked my flesh off its hand, with great care it loosened its grip and let it fall to the ground. It stopped and stared at me cradling myself in the corner.

“Dad?” I choked out. I covered my eyes as he dropped the broken beer bottle on the hard ground. His chest moved in and out quickly he ran his thin fingers through his salt and pepper hair as he staggered away from me. I watched through fluttering eyes as he tripped up the wooden stairs and turned off the only light. The slam of the door echoed in my head.

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