The Asylum | Teen Ink

The Asylum

December 18, 2013
By Joshua Huizar BRONZE, Mountain View, California
Joshua Huizar BRONZE, Mountain View, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jack woke up in the middle of a hall. It was deserted except for loose papers on the floor. He sat up and looked around. He couldn’t tell where he was. There were doors on both sides of the hall. They all had barred windows and heavy locks. There was a breeze even though he couldn’t see any open windows. Jack tried to remember how he got here. His mind came up blank and his head throbbed.
He got up to try and figure out where he was. As soon as he did he felt a sharp pain shoot up his left leg. He looked down and saw blood on his jeans. He rolled up his pants leg and saw he had a gash about 4 inches long. As he looked around to find something to wrap around his leg he saw a pair of scissors a couple feet away. He reached down to get them, then cut off a piece of his jeans and wrapped it around his wound.
He was putting the scissors in his pocket in case he needed them later when he felt something else in the pocket. He pulled it out. It was his phone. He tried to turn it on but it was out of battery. He put it back in his pocket and started checking his other pockets to see if he could find anything else. He found his wallet, keys, and a comb.
He looked inside his wallet and found some cash, a couple of credit and debit cards, his drivers license, and an ID. He looked at the ID. It had a picture of a young man with neatly combed hair. That explained the comb. Next to the picture was his name. It read “Jack Alleva”. Under that was his other information. “Age: 26, Hair:Brn, Eyes:Brn”. Everything else seemed to have been burned off. He put it back into his wallet.
He limped toward one of the doors to see what was inside. The window was broken so when he looked in he saw the bars were covered in blood. He moved on to another door and this one also had blood in the room. He checked all the doors and they all seemed to have blood inside. It was all dried. He noticed that the walls and floor were also covered in gore.
He looked down and noticed that his shirt had slash marks across it like if a bear had attacked him. He didn’t have any blood on his torso.
He heard footsteps behind him. He turned around but found no one. It was a dead end, with the only place to go was in the rooms or around the corner. He headed for the corner when one of the doors suddenly slammed shut. Jack jumped and looked around but there was still no one there. He started breathing heavily.
He got to the corner and started walking down the hall. It was also splattered with blood. At the end of that hall he turned to the right and stopped cold. Halfway down the hall he saw a little girl. She was holding a teddy bear by the arm in one hand. Her dress was tattered. Her head was hung low and her stringy hair was covering her face. He then noticed that the teddy bear and her dress were covered in blood. He blinked and suddenly she was gone. He blinked again to make sure he had seen right. But she was gone. He walked to the spot where she had been. There was no trace that she had been there.
Now with sweat pouring down his face he moved on. He tried to ignore the gore everywhere and the footsteps followed by the slamming doors. After some time of walking around he found a clipboard on the ground. It had a paper attached. Most of the words were faded away but at the top of the paper Jack could make out “Carrabelle Asylum”. That explained the bars and locks, but what about the blood, and the fact that the place was deserted. And what about the little girl. Jack decided to move on.
He kept walking, occasionally turning corners. At least he knew where he was. Eventually he walked into a huge room with windows showing outside. It was night time and there was a thunder storm outside. Occasionally a flash of lighting would show. He noticed the asylum was on top of a hill, looking down on the city of Carrabelle.
Then he saw that in the room there was an empty pool. The little girl from before was sitting on the edge. She started to sing ominously “Ring around the rosie, a pocketful of posies, a tissue, a tissue, we all fall DEAD!!!!” On the last word the windows broke and she looked up at Jack. She had gashes all over her face. Her eyes were red and bleeding. Her teeth were jagged and her skin was pale.
Jack stood there, frozen from the thunderstorm behind him and the little girl in front of her. She got up and started to stumble toward him. He took a few steps back. Then he heard something at the entrance of the room. He turned and saw a man in gore splattered clothes with a bloody machete.
“Hello there, Mr. Alleva.” he said. He had a deep voice. He had long hair and his chin looked as if he had shaved with his machete. His eyes were wild and he had a crazy smile. But he somehow managed to keep a casual tone.
“Welcome to Carrabelle Asylum. Or at least it used to be. Now it is just an empty place full of ghosts of the people that used to live and work here. Of course, I was the one that killed them all. The girl is the ghost of one of the visitors that was unlucky enough to be here when I started killing everyone. Now she just roams around aimlessly.”
“Who are you?” asked Jack. “And how did I get here?” His voice was hoarse from disuse for so long.
“Oh, of course. So rude of me. I’m The Half-Ghost Killer. And I brought you here. If you don’t remember, you live in Carrabelle. I brought you here because it’s what I do every year. I kidnap someone from the city then bring them here to get scared. Just when they think they are going to escape I kill them. And this year you are my victim. When I was kidnapping you, you put up a struggle. That’s why you have a gash in your leg and slash marks on your shirt.”
“So what do you eat, since there is no one here?” asked Jack. He was shaking with fear from what the man had said. But it was true. He started to remember. He was walking down an alley when he came out. Jack had gotten a trash can lid to defend himself. The man had cut him in the leg then knocked him out.
“I don’t need to. I’m part dead so I get my energy from my yearly victim and any teenagers stupid enough to come inside here. Just to let you know, I’m hunting you starting in twenty minutes. See how long it takes me to catch you.”
And with that he vanished into thin air. The little girl stumbled a little more towards him then also vanished.
Jack started to figure out which was the best way to go. Inside the asylum he would stay dry but could get stuck at a dead end or get caught suddenly by the killer. Outside he would be wet and cold but he had a better chance of escaping.
He was about to run into the hallway when he saw an abandoned truck outside the window. Then he heard a rumbling sound in the hallways. The first one came out. It was seven feet tall. It’s skin was a lime green and it had claws sharp as a newly sharpened sword. The head was scarred with horns curving upwards. The eyes were small yellow triangles. The mouth was full of strong, menacing, sharp teeth. It’s torso and arms were muscled. It was hunched over, looking at Jack. He heard more coming. He jumped through the window and started for the truck.
As soon as Jack got in the car, the beasts massed at the broken asylum window. He started the car as they jumped out and ran at the truck. The ride down was bumpy and full of close calls as the beasts hurled themselves at the vehicle. He finally got on a freeway and headed towards the city. In the rear-view mirror he saw the monsters gathering at the edge of the freeway, just out of sight of the cars.
Once he got back in the city he headed for the nearest police station to tell them about the serial killer in the asylum. He was about to talk to one of the officers when an explosion outside rocked the building. He looked through the window and saw that the truck had exploded. And there were the green monsters outside everywhere. He also saw other monsters. Zombies that exploded when they came near something flammable. Flying beasts that sprayed acid at people. Giant snakes destroying anything in their path with their tail or mouth. And at least a dozen more types of monsters.
The wall exploded and in came a mob of monsters. The cops were trying to kill them but the pistols only did so much damage. Jack ran out into the street, trying to find a place to stay so he wouldn’t be killed. He ducked into an alley as acid shot toward him. He recognized the alley. It’s where he had been kidnapped. He started running down it but he tripped. He looked up and saw Half.
“Why hello there, Jack” he said. “I told you I would catch you. Only that it seems that I forgot to tell you that if you did somehow escape, than the rest of the world will suffer. Oh well, I guess I have to kill you now. You were such fun.”
“No”said Jack. “The rest of the world will fight back. They will kill all of you. We will win.”
Ghost smiled. “I’d like to see them try.” And with that, the last thing Jack saw was the machete coming down on him.

The End

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