Jennie's Retribution | Teen Ink

Jennie's Retribution

April 3, 2014
By Lyze_of_Keil BRONZE, Colfax, California
Lyze_of_Keil BRONZE, Colfax, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Engage" -- Jean Luec Picard

She pulled the yellow stained knife from his cooling, lifeless body. The velvety red stain that always covered his cheeks, was drained away and replaced by a still gray. Finally she had done it, killed this heartless bastard. It had been about 2 years 5 months 3 weeks 13 days 3 hours 54 minutes and 21 seconds since he had unleashed hell onto her life. She was relieved, the stress, heartache, anger, sadness, resentment, and hatred melted away in a matter of seconds. It didn’t matter what happened next, she was euphoric and well, for the first time in a long time, happy; truly happy the kind that warms the heart, that a man might feel when he sees his wife after a mission overseas, or the joy that a mother might feel when she sees her first child take his or her first steps, no, Jennie was happy and nothing could take that away from her, not the police, not Julie, or anyone else.

Two years, five months, three weeks, four days, 22 hours, 57 minutes, and 45 seconds earlier

“I don’t know how we are going to, Alice!” said Jim.

“Well sorry none of us predicted you’d get fired! Right when the mortgage is due no less!” exclaimed Alice.

“I will figure something out!” He walked out of the room, slammed the door and left in the car. The stress was killing him, his family was falling apart, he had a daughter that ignored him and a wife unconcerned about his well-being. His only goal on his mind though, was to solve their immediate financial problem. The low gas light came on and Jim slammed his hands on the wheel. He pulled into the station and began to fill the car.

“Hey buddy, what’s yer deal?” said a man in the corner. He had a toothpick in his mouth nawed rough on one end. He was flipping a nickel off his right thumb.
“Financial problems, now if you don’t mind i must get to the bank.” Jim said in a solemn voice.
“I could help you out,” said the man

A few days later

“No we don’t know who killed them, the case is on going and further details will not be disclosed!” said the police woman.
“What about the girl?” a reporter asked.
“All i can say is she will be going into the system, staying in the local group home ran by Julie Vencine,” explained the officer. She then walked back into the house to examine the gruesome scene where Jim and Alice lay beaten to death, drenched in their own blood.

The author's comments:
Yes its meant to be vague, comment your theories please.

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