The Man | Teen Ink

The Man

May 16, 2014
By Alex morris BRONZE, Crewe, Other
Alex morris BRONZE, Crewe, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sun rose, onto another bleak day. The city was slowly falling into disrepair. The rats run freely, The streets were stamped with mourning and the buildings were decaying. Most of civilisation had left this place. No birds flew over this once thriving place. Rumours say parts of this site are visited by the spirits of the past. In the west wing of city, Apartment buildings sat in decay. Inside apartment block 2, on floor 8, flat 11 lay a mattress and an out dated newspaper. Next the mattress was a door leading to a balcony. Stood on the ledge was a figure. They wore ripped trousers, dirt covered shoes. The figure also wore a grey body warmer, which lay on top of a ripped shirt. On their head lay a cap which was grey. The entrance to the flat swung open, The figure on the balcony turned, A man stood at the door, he wore a camouflage jacket and trousers, He pulled out of his jacket; A pistol, He said looking at the man on the balcony “Michael, come with me.” Michael stared at him. Michael then jumped off the balcony – falling to his doom. Before he hit the ground Michael gripped onto a metal support that was sticking outwards – his hand ripped open – blood gushing downwards. Michael screamed in pain. He needed pain relief fast. As he looked around, He felt his hand starting to loose grip on the support. He looked desperately for help. He then looked behind him. A way out of this mess! A breach in the wall. Then a problem arose. If he missed – He couldn’t grip onto anything- because of his hand. He took a deep breath- and jumped. He made it but the crevice in the wall leaded to a staircase. Michael crashed down the old staircase then rolled down the next staircase- onto a few rickety wooden planks. The pieces of wooden planks gave in – sending Michael through the depths of the desolate buildings. Almost like he was falling into hell. He broke through 3 floors- now onto the ground floor. Michael was hurt- really hurt. He was covered in blood. He so wounded he could easily die here. He could let go. He could give up- in an instant. He could close his eyes and never wake up. Like a new chapter in his life. He knew this but he thought this would be selfish – That’s how his brain worked. He had always wondered why his brain was like this. Even as his child he thought how his brain was different. He disliked the word different; In fact- He hated it. So much that he would think about this every day as a child. Now he thought normal people would give up. He wouldn’t. Never. But he was in serious trouble. A man from the government wants him – Michaels hurt. “What I’m going to do now” He thought to himself. He set it upon himself to get pain relief. He needed it if he wanted to see his family again. He tried getting up onto his feet. His strained his back. He managed to get up. He looked around – There was a door way- he pushed it. As he opened it- light surged in. His eyes adjusted to the light. He glanced around the place; He was looking for some sort of transportation. He noticed there were wheels and a wheelbarrow. Nothing he could really use. He then had a strain in his back. He soldiered on. He looked upwards towards the sun – he put his hand over his eyes- blood leaked on to his face. Then light poured in from no wear. Almost like he floating into heaven. The truth is – when he tumbled down the staircase- he fell into darkness – The pain overcome him. He had died when he fell. He no longer is in pain. The end.

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