The More the Merrier | Teen Ink

The More the Merrier

May 19, 2014
By Anonymous

The more the merrier. A principle of amorality.
But it’s all relative, no? What’s good for you isn’t good for me, necessarily…
But. What’s good for me is good.
“For you. I’ve spent too much time on this earth not to spread some of my wishes in the form of dispensable wisdom.”
I’d spent two months looking for a way out, as most regents do. What made me strange was that I didn’t pass it on. A bitter dilemma to poison the youth of my people; youth being innocence… Isn’t that how it always went?
Some old man trying to protect his horde of reptilian concubines and unwashed ingots.
But I had nothing. And I had to defend everything.
“So… Shall we send the merchant’s children or rather the peasantry? They’ll be overflowing the orphanages soon enough.”
“Take the nobility.” The court shrieked. Not independently, of course. That was my only noble decision in that first two years.
“As you wish…”

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