Halloween Horror | Teen Ink

Halloween Horror

May 20, 2014
By micah_wilde BRONZE, North Richland Hills, Texas
micah_wilde BRONZE, North Richland Hills, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wanted to scare my friends, to make them never forget this moment. I needed a plan. A plan to show them that I wasn’t boring, that just because I didn’t go to that dumb expensive haunted house I’m not scared.

I went into my basement to setup the party, or so they thought. Everybody is scared of something, and I know exactly what their fears are. All I needed was insects,, fire, a tank of water, and… the fog. It’s the only way to attract the monster; well that’s what Melanie believes.

When the time of the party comes there are four different rooms with each of their fears. It’s simple really, you just tell each one it’s a different thing they like. Melanie was the hardest to convince. I had to tell her it was a dance floor with a D.J. When she opened the door to her room the fog triggered “what’s happening” she said panicking. I looked into the room then... I saw it. The creature lurking in the fog; it was stumbling toward Melanie. I tried to scream, but it was too late. I ran towards her and it closed the door behind me. I start running, but I only break the walls separating each room. Bugs, fire, and the fog; all four of them merged into the fog. I tripped in the tank with no way out…forever.

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