Mystery Story | Teen Ink

Mystery Story

June 4, 2014
By Anonymous

The man suddenly woke up from a dream that he had just had. He was a fly zooming around a house which was filled with mysterious liquids. The fly stood at the end of a jar marked vinegar. The fly fell in and drowned. The man got out of his bed to check out the pool that he had just purchased. He walked over to his massive backyard to see the 10 foot deep pool. To his surprise the pool was not filled with water. It was actually filled with a sticky solution that looked rather familiar. He had a terrible memory, it could be something from six sentences ago or six years ago. The man walked over to see the liquid better. He tripped on a piece of cement around the pool that was to high and he fell in. he tried to swim out, but he was stuck. he tried to yell (only his wife screamed), but his mouth was soon filled the mysterious liquid. Everything turned black.

Half an hour later:

The man’s wife was staring at the pool watching several firemen and police officers pull out her husband’s body waiting to hear the news. One fireman named Steve who had a giant mustache in a very sad voice said “if we had rescued him just a couple seconds earlier he would still be alive”. The women had a heartache and was sent to the hospital. The happy couple was now separated.

This was what was on the paper the woman had brought into my office. I’m a police consultant like Sherlock Holmes, but sometimes I act as a private eye. Not many people have this job.
The woman in my office had dark blond hair, green eyes, a small short nose and a small chin. She was 5’ 5.3” I guessed. I’m usually right. Just that day I guessed the mystery of the ice cream shop. Sounds dumb I know, But you weren’t there so you wouldn’t know. My assistant, Peter Hayssen retired FBI agent (he got fired at a young age), had broke his pinky escaping a explosion that had looked like chocolate ice cream so ha! He broke his left leg slipping on the banana peel leaving the ice cream shop so he isn’t very smart anyway.

The woman said “I hear you're the best”
I said “ You heard right. I know you're single and don’t have a boyfriend. You like lollipops. You think you're overweight and you have big feet. You have been crying in the last twenty four hours. And you work at a nail parlour as a side job. You have at least two dogs. There is a man behind the door taking notes of what I’m saying. Plus, you're shocked I know this.”
With shock in her voice she said “ How do you know this, and the man behind the door isn’t with me.”
I stated matter of factly “ there is no man behind you I just wanted to scare you. In your purse I saw a napkin. It said Anne Marie’s Nail Polish. On it there is a spot of single drops of water obviously tears. There is a newly wrote phone number written in pen. It has been crossed out with a single pencil mark. No married women would have that. Your tongue is very slightly blue and green. Your shirt, pants and shoes are one size too big. There is a lot of fur on your first 2/7th of your pants. There is a little more fur higher up probably 3/4th of your pants. The fur is a little bit greyer.”
All of a sudden the phone rang. Of course I picked it up. It was the chief of police. He quickly said “There is a man here who says that he was just robbed by the ghost.”
“ I'm coming over." I said
She shouted "What about me?"
I would've replied, but I was already out of the building

A Quick Drive Later

When I arrived at the Police center in my Ferrari I met with person who got robbed. Peter arrived shortly after me on his red bike. He is huge about saving the environment.
I walked up to the man. he was about my age. Somewhere between 30-33 years old. I said “Tell me about the crime.”
He said “My name is Teddy Wegehaupt by the way, thank you for asking. I was minding my own business when…”
I interrupted him by saying “Teddy, speed this up. I’ve got pasta in the microwave and the only reason I’m talking to you is I’m trailing the ghost.”
He said” the ghost walked up on me and pulled out a gatorade and started drinking it. The ghost said ‘Give me all your money or I will say BOO! Obviously I gave him all the money and he backed away.”
“What did he look like?” I asked
“He had a white sheet on him with two eyeholes in the front. It was white in the front and red in the back…”
“ARREST THIS PHONEY!” I shouted. No explanation is required. he couldn’t of seen his back if he backed away. The police don’t need to hear about this. They might learn some other cases I solved them.
The policemen busted open the door and charged him for whatever they charge people for.
The women I say before ran up to me and said “I want to hire you to find the person who did this.”
I said “who are you and why do you care so much about this.”
She replied “ I’m Megan and My sister Laurel is the wife. The person who died is Laurel's husband, Andrew, died. Find the killer and I’ll pay you well.”

10 minutes later

Myself, Peter, and Megan had a meeting. She told us that the night before her husband died he went to Miller Sausage, I decided to start there. I took my suitcase from my house and I was on my way.

1 Hour Later

If you have been to a large sausage company It isn’t very noticeable. I went inside to talk to the owner Lou Miller himself. Beside his name being an English bathroom was very interesting.
He said “ What is your name?”
I pointed at my name tag and said “I’m Berger, Sam Berger.”
He asked “What do you want?”
I answered “have you heard of the name Andrew Smith.”
He said “Yes I have. He’s the super rich client of mine. He brought me to the top.”
I reached into my suitcase and pulled out a strip of Bacon.”
He shouted “ Is that from Scheuer Bacon!”
I said “Of course”
He said “No more bacon.”
“Okay,” I agreed.
All of a sudden Peter burst through the window. The glass shattered and he knocked him out with a blackjack.
I said “ What have you done? We needed him!”
He said “I don’t know”
I said “I need to go get something to eat and drink. To the mall.”


At the mall I got a Mtn Dew and some Chinese food. I needed a new tennis racket so I went to the sport store. When I got there two High schoolers were playing basketball. One had Hall on the back of her jersey and the other had Schneider.
I asked them “ What are you doing here?”
They said “ We practice here because our friend Lillie Zuelske let’s us.”
I walked on. Thats when some people with baseball bats attacked me. The Biggest most muscular one shouted “Get him!” I know that’s so stereotypical of henchman for evil villains.
I put on a lacrosse chest guard and a football helmet and I was ready. Two of the skinnier ones came at me. I ducked below one’s speedy fist and shoved him into a metal crate full of size four soccer balls. The other angry henchman do you mind if I use that word charged at me with a lacrosse stick. lucky slipped on the slippery ground and his head crashed to the ground unconscious. The other one charged at me right before he attacked I ducked sending him flying over me. his head crashed into a bar. I said “A man walks into a bar he says ‘ouch’ Ha ha get it”
All the other people ran away except for a silent one in a black mask. Peter came from behind him and hit him with a ten pound weight straight to the head. While the man was dazed Peter tied him to a chair and put him on an elevator to the top floor. He looked at the two unconscious men’s jacket It said in bold letters “Stelzer and Wydeven Technology Corp.”
Peter said “What does that mean.”
I said “Cue the two villains.”
Peter said ”I know you want to be dramatic and stuff, but you can play tetris on the men’s badges.”
I said “Really? How did you notice that?”
He said “Well there was a button on it so I pressed it. The blocks started to fall you swipe the screen to make it change sides”
I said “We must meet the twins”
He said “Maybe they can make us one of these” he held up the badge.
End of part 1

The twins are French twins named Felix and Casper. They don’t go into the field although they invent some gadgets for the people that do. Felix and Casper have known me since 4th grade. The laboratory looks like a garage. I walk in and Casper shouts “Testing!” A dart flies right across forehead and hits Peter in the face.
“Oops” says Caspar “didn’t see you there.”
He picks up some sort of a machine and Peter wakes up. Caspar leads us past row of windows with a variety of mechanical beasts and clone experiments. Soon we enter a room with a sign that says “Cool Stuff.” Felix runs down the stairs and says “The infinity pool is done! Well, hello Sam.”
“Hello” I reply.
“We have some new gadgets for that seem like there right from a James Bond movie.
He walks to a closet and pulls out a suit with golden buttons, 2 pockets, and a red and blue bow tie. He also pulls out a Kevin Durant Jersey. Felix states all cool like “The suit is bulletproof and the bow tie is swagalicious and works a recorder. In the pockets there is wallet with a false driver’s license and a 10,000 visa credit card. In the wallet there are 25 quarters. The quarters are explosive. To activate it peel off the eagle side and stick it on a wall then quickly run away. There is as much explosion in this quarter as a land mine.”
“What about the Kevin Durant jersey?” I ask.
“That’s mine,” he says quickly.
“Next we have your gloves.” He says “They can stick to any surface. Plus, if you press the button a USB drive pops out of this socket. It will connect to our computer. It will automatically hack it. If its something hard to hack we’ll help out. Plus, there is an invisible microphone and hearing thingy. So we can to talk to you the entire time.”
I asked “Do I get a car?”
He replied “No! what do you think, we have all the resources in the world?”
“Yes,” I replied.
“Well yes, but we’re not going to spend it on you!” Caspar shouted.
I left the garage, next I needed to prepare Peter and myself to raid Stelzer Tower.

2 hours later (after lunch I had pancakes)

Stelzer tower is epic-looking it is completely ominous. Its where people like that Lou fellow go to die. Don’t worry, Lou won’t die. Peter, Megan and I were in a car I stole from Felix. It was seven-wheel Drive and had two mini 3D TVs.
I announced “Megan you distract the guy at the front desk. Peter you bust in the window on the top floor and work your way to the middle. Don’t kill, use your tranquilizer and stun grenades. In the middle we will find Autumn and crack this case.” I then gave Peter the gloves but, I kept the suit and wallet.
“What about Clara?” Asked Megan.
“She died exactly a year ago today. An accident in an experiment. I stole the corporation's records so I know everything about here. Ready? Set? Go!” I said “By the way, it’s a race to the middle room!”
Peter yelled “How are you going to get in?”
I replied, “The only way I know how!”
Obviously, Peter didn’t notice that the hearing thingy on my glove was an invisible headset, I kept that and put it on. I said into the headset “Where’s my tank?”
Felix replied “In the basement of the tower. All you need to do is get there.”
I Whispered into the microphone “I’m going silent.”
While walking through the halls of Stelzer tower you get very intimidated. There were several burly guys who barely didn’t notice me. The tower itself is like the Labyrinth.
I got to the basement. Next to the giant tank laid my favorite gadget: a pistol. All of a sudden I got whacked on the head with a pink baseball bat that said hotshot in big purple letters and everything went black. The last sentence I heard was, “I am Javier Guerrero and you’ve been struck by a smooth criminal.”

½ an hour later

I woke up to see a woman looking at me. She had brown eyes and hair. She was taller than me. About my age. Next to her was the man named Javier. I was also sitting on a chair. In front of me was a plate with broccoli.
The woman said “Hello, my name is Autumn and you're my prisoner.”
I decided I needed to use my anti interrogation tactics. First, I tested the knot, it was an angel knot, which meant it is impossible to break out of. Then, I said “No, you're my prisoner.”

In Town

“My meats are way better than your bacon,” shouted Lou at Jason.
“You know that’s not true, you fiend,” he retorted back at Lou.

The two were having a cook-off nobody knew how or why, but they were. Jason cooked up a mountain of bacon while Lou made a hot day and brats. Then, all of a sudden, a man with a bed sheet over his head came and knocked out both Lou and Jason and dragged them into an eighteen-wheeler, slammed the door, and drove off.

Back at Stelzer Tower

All of a sudden a fist came out of nowhere and hit my nose. Blood squirted everywhere. “You're going to tell me why you're here.” Then she pulled out a weapon. “Because you don’t care about your life, I will take his.” All of a sudden Peter was thrown into the room. I felt around in my pocket, which I was just able to reach, and grabbed my golf ball. Obviously they didn’t know the potential of a golf ball. I smashed it against the leg of my chair. Luckily they didn’t hear me with struggling Peter. The golf ball broke in half and I used the sharp edges to cut the rope around my hand. Then the rope around my legs. Just when I was about to leave Autumn put a weapon next to Peter’s head.

“You’re going to tell me what you’re doing here or I knockout your friend.” Said Autumn

“Gee whiz another stereotypical spy movie villain, I’m so scared what are you going to do shoot me with a laser? What is this, James Bond?” I said sarcastically.
She answered. “This plot is so bad did you really expect anything less of a stereotypical villain?”
I said “No.” I saw her settle back on her heels meaning that she felt safe. Javier wasn’t gripping the bat tightly. I don’t know what that means, but it is probably good. I jumped out of chair kicked the weapon out of Autumn’s hand. I tried to catch the weapon in mid air but I dropped it. I grabbed Peter and smashed out the window. Using the sticky gloves I gave him he stuck to the wall. We started to climb down. We were half way down when Autumn shouted “You let him escape! what do I pay you for?” Then, I heard a crash sound and Javier came falling out of the window. With my cat-like reflexes I caught him, but Peter couldn’t support the weight. As a result of this Javier and I came tumbling down the tower. We were about 136.253 floors above the ground. Before I blacked out I shouted “Javier, what did you eat for breakfast?”
Now, you may be saying how can he survive the fall. Well, Felix was waiting in a truck with a mattress. He drove over and I landed in his truck. I landed mostly unharmed except for scratches and bruises.
I woke up in my office sitting in my chair and a doughnut on my desk. On the opposite side of the room sat Megan, Javier, and Peter. Peter stood up as soon as he saw I was awake. He said “Sam we can’t take down Autumn and her tower with just the three or even four of us. We need more alliances. “
We thought for about an hour and came up with a list of people consisting of
Matthew Schiff (a close friend)
Lou Miller (Sausage company owner)
Jason Scheuer (Bacon company owner)
Taylor Hall and Claudia Schneider? (annoying basketball players)
Logan Lafferty (a librarian)
Nick Noble (Pizza Deliverer)
Caspar and Felix (Inventors)
I decided To take the top Four. I was excited to see my old friend Matthew. I arrived at the address on the other side of town where only the billionaires live. On my way I decided to count the Mcdonald’s restaurants I passed. I had count 536 by the time I arrived at Matthew’s mansion. Two M’s I know right. Anyway Matthew's wife Veronica opened the door. She said “Hello again Sam, Matt’s in his office.”
“I know the way” I said

24 hours later

We spent the rest of the day finding people who wanted an adventure by the time for take 2 we had 12 people. Felix and Caspar had prepared helicopter for alpha squad (Me, Javier, Peter and Felix) While delta squad (everyone else) would attack by crashing a bus into the tower to distract the guards. I heard a beep on my watch. Signal for all clear. Suddenly, the bus crashed the tower and apple pies flew everywhere. The guards wearing their bunny hats charged out. I heard in my radio that delta squad has fallen. Alpha squad and I jumped out of the helicopter which blew up moments after we jumped. I crashed through the glass on the top floor. In the room was a giant robot being controlled by a scientist. I pulled out a pen. Not just any pen it shoot a laser. With the laser pen I cut through the legs of the robot and jumped out of the way. Then I broke the hinges off the door and ran into Autumn and her guards. I hid behind a pillar, but it was too late she had noticed me.

“Get him!” she shouted. I ran up stairs to Autumn’s office. I was cornered next to a glass wall. Moments later Autumn and her two guards charged into the office. Autumn smirked and her two guards pulled out their bow staff and advanced. I looked behind me and ran up the wall. I did a backflip and fell flat on my face. One guard tripped and knocked both of them out. I got back on my feet. When I got up Autumn was near the glass wall. Suddenly, the window shattered again and the ghost himself knocked out Autumn.
“Enough with this game.” he said “I will finish you here”
He pulled off his mask. I knew who he was. He was John Quber my neighbor. “Kaboooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!” The building exploded. I had prepared for this I pulled my parachute. I landed next to the rest of alpha squad and delta squad. I gave everybody a high five, walked home, and took a bath. Sadly this is where the story ends.

Perhaps it would be the end if only he saw the dark green eyes that could have meant anything or the hand jerk out of the rubble. Perhaps, perhaps.

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