Becoming Justice | Teen Ink

Becoming Justice

September 23, 2014
By Anonymous

In a year I’ll be floating off the coast of the Bahamas - not a care in the world. It won’t come easy, but who says things like that do? There’s just one thing I have to do first. Simple little task really. Then … then I shall finally be free. I will have to kill him.
     For years I have been a bird in a cage, to dumb to figure out how to open the door. No room for my wings - given toys to keep me happy. It all started six years ago when I decided to marry a hideous (yet filthy rich) haggard old man. He’s younger than he looks but no one would know that by looking at him. With nearly a thirty year difference, the excuse for  “love” just barely passed. Love has no bounds… or at least that’s what I said. But please don’t misunderstand me. I was broken, young, and foolish. If I had a chance I took it, blindly.  With no other options what luck! However I was wrong and had to atone for my sins. Telling myself I was strong, I took it. Now I’m stronger than I ever was, and now I’ll put an end to it. He’s done horrible things that would make your blood run cold and your skin crawl. And now it’s his turn to suffer. You’ve taken everything from me and you’re next. Get ready to pay because the price is bigger than
you could ever afford, and don’t forget there’s interest!

The author's comments:

I always noticed young girls marring old rich guys, and it obviously seemed because of the money. But one day I thought what if it was because of something else(most likely not) though I still thought it would be interesting if I wrote about it. I've never read anything like it so I thought why not. One day our teacher told us to quickly wright down a story from the words, "in a year" and this is what I came up with. I hope you enjoy{Savi}

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