The Thrillville Mystery | Teen Ink

The Thrillville Mystery

November 5, 2014
By Liz13 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Liz13 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We keep moving forward,opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.- Walt Disney

It was a crisp,cold October evening at the Thrillville amusement park in Brooklyn, New York. Halloween was around the corner when people were running to get their tickets to go on fun roller coasters. People were waiting impatiently in huge lines to get on the rides. The crowd was screaming as the rides began and the fun started when an eccentric man dressed as a clown came to a young 17 year old ticket vendor.

The ticket vendor stated,” Wow. That’s a great costume. I wish I had a cool costume like that for Halloween but I have to do my boring job so I can’t wear anything really special.

The man replied,” Thank you. I appreciate that you like the costume. I’m supposed to be a scary clown.

“Really?, implied the ticket vendor,”I’m not so sure you can scare people away.”
The man replied softly,” Oh, I think I can scare a lot of people.”
The man with the clown outfit disappeared into the dark. The young ticket vendor wondered where the man disappeared into but decided that he didn’t have to know. All of a sudden, all the rides came to a stop and the wind started blowing the red and orange leaves from the trees wildly. People were confused and scared about what was going on when a group of clowns suddenly came into the park led by an eccentric clown. The small group was approaching with knifes and guns so people started running away frantically. In a few seconds the park was empty with darkness filling the air. 

Few hours later, a bell rang at Bells Academy and four freshmen girls walked a few blocks to a nearby police station. They placed their heavy backpacks in an office room and briskly walked to a table filled with snacks and sweets. One of the girls named Noelle broke the silence and began talking.

“Did you hear about the strange happening at Thrillville last night? It was really eerie to me when I first read about it this morning in the newspaper and when my dad told me about it.” she began to tell. Noelle is an intelligent girl who loved learning new things and she had icy blue eyes and straight light brown hair. Her father was a member of the police force even though he was actually a well known detective in the state. 

Another girl named Skyler responded,” Yeah. I heard something about that this morning from some guys at school.”

Skyler was a tomboy who enjoyed many sports and other activities. Her personality was more of being a brave, adventurous student and she had big gray eyes and dark black hair.

A third girl named Colleen implied,” I heard from a lot of girls that a group of guys from our school invaded the park.”

Colleen Adams was a smart though girly and talkative student who had long straight blond hair and flashy green eyes.
The fourth girl named Macy replied,” Those are just ridiculous rumors. I wouldn’t believe any word that I’d hear from school.”
Finally, Macy White was an intelligent, musically-talented girl who had medium wavy red hair, thin sharp glasses, and light brown eyes.

All of a sudden the girls heard a door open in the kitchen and saw Noelle’s dad, Mr.Winter. He looked and had the same resemblance as his teenage daughter.He got a couple of crackers with cheese in a plate and talked to the girls.

“Hello, girls. How would you like to help me figure out what happened at the Thrillville park?”

“Dad, as much as we would love to help you…” Noelle responded but was suddenly interrupted by Skyler.
“Mr. Winter, of course we will help. It will be wonderful helping you with an interesting mystery,” Skyler replied excitedly.

“You can start helping after you finish your homework,” Mr. Winter told the girls.
The girls started doing their homework by finishing up their projects, other assignments, and studying for their tests before 7:00 P.M. There were some tasty veggie lasagna on a counter so each girl took a piece. They relished the lasagna were ready to begin work with Noelle’s dad.

“Girls, this is my assistant Miss. Roberts who has and always will help me solve different cases,” he introduced them to a young woman sitting in a desk in his office.
She had light blue eyes with soft silky light brown hair in a bun. Her desk was filled with stacks of papers. She looked about the age of 22 and wore a long dark blue dress.
“Hello, girls. I’m so happy that I get to work with you. You can call me Holly if you’d like. I can’t wait to start working on this case!” she spoke in excitement.

“Alright, I’m going to tell you about what we have heard about the case so far and what we think of it.” Mr. Winter told them.

The girls sat down in comfy chairs and listened to Noelle’s dad narrate the whole story and what they had discovered so far. It was their first case and Noelle knew that her dad wanted her to be very careful and cautious since she was only 14 years of age.

“The man we think attacked the amusement park is Tim Edmunds. He was at the park when we got there and a lot of his appearance seemed the same as a victim told about the whole incident. I need one or two of you girls to talk to him to get the information that we need out of him to see if he is really telling the truth or being framed for an offense he did not commit,” Noelle’s dad said.

“ Dad, I could try getting the information out of him. This seems like a good challenge for me to do. I could try to improve on my sleuthing skills,” Noelle responded. She picked Skyler to help her with getting the information while Colleen and Macy would get information from the computers and from other files.Mr. Winter and his assistant would be checking up on them while looking at other recent crimes or cases in the town. It was around 8:00 P.M. when the other three girls reached their homes and Noelle also walked with her dad to her house which was a few blocks away.

Kids in halloween costumes with bags of candy were walking on different streets and going to various houses. When Noelle and her dad got home, Mrs. Winter and Noelle’s twin brother Colton were sitting at the dining table eating some pasta while quietly talking about the recent events in the park.

“I should go to bed now,” he said softly to Mrs. Winter. He ran up a flight of stairs into his bedroom and closed the door.

“Noelle, you should get some good rest,” Mrs. Winter said with a grin. She gave her daughter a tight hug and Noelle walked slowly up to her neat and tidy room. While she passed her room, she saw Colton making his bed and brushing his teeth.


“Colton, why did you leave the room suddenly when I walked in? Did I do something wrong? I’m sorry if I hurt you,” Noelle told her brother. She began to worry if she hurt her brother’s feelings unknowingly. Hurting people was something that she hated the most.

“Noelle, you would never try to hurt me ever. I just thought that you were embarrassed of me since I am your twin brother. I wish I were a lot like you. You’re very smart and a favorite with many teachers and students. I’m the total opposite of you and that’s why I was sad,” he told in a heavy, sad voice.

Noelle gave Colton a warm hug and responded,” That’s not true at all. You know, sometimes I wish I were you. You are an amazing brother to me so I would never feel ashamed that you’re my brother. I’m very happy to have you as a sibling, Colton. You should go to bed now.” She ran quickly to her bedroom, shut the door, and started to brush her teeth.

She drifted off to a deep sleep and woke up at 6:30 the next morning. It was heavily raining outside so she decided to wear her blue jeans, red sweater, and boots. As she ran down the set of stairs, her mom prepared bagels with cream cheese on top so she took one bagel with a napkin and ate it on her way to the police station.
When she reached the station, she saw her dad, his assistant Holly, and her friends. They let out a sigh of relief on seeing her and they all walked into Mr. Winter’s office and they looked at Tim Edmunds’ file. Noelle took the file and went to another room with Skylar where Tim Edmunds was sitting on a hard, cold chair. He looked about the age of 40 and had most of the features described by the victim.

“Your name is Tim Edmunds right? It says that you have been accused of killing a CEO of the park and stealing the place. Tell me, Mr. Edmunds, where were you on the night on October 31th?” Noelle questioned sitting in a chair across from the man.

“I was finding my tickets to the park so I could go and have fun with my wife and my two teenage boys. The tickets fell out of my pocket and I couldn’t find them until the police officer found me. I’m telling you the truth, I’m innocent,” he responded in a calm, steady voice. This response made Noelle doubt if he was the real killer and she voiced her thoughts to Skylar.
“Skylar, I don’t think this is the guy. He seems to be very honest and by what he told us he seems to be telling the truth,” she whispered to Skyler who was standing right behind her.
“ I’ll go tell your dad that he’s not the suspect,” she replied walking briskly out the room and closing the door quietly behind her.

Noelle told the man the whole meeting is over and that he was free to leave. She followed after him and went into her father’s office where Macy and Colleen were looking through the files.

“That was not the suspect. He didn’t seem to exactly match up to the description to the man in the crime scene,” she told the others.

“Macy and I found another person who seemed to match up. The guy’s name is Adam Fisher who is 16 years old and attends our school,” Colleen replied.

“We happen to know him and we think that he and some of his buddies attacked the park. I don’t know why they would do that though. I think it’s because he was failing in school and he wanted to get some attention,” Macy added on to Colleen’s comment.

“That seems like a very reasonable prediction of why he attacked the place,” Noelle responded thinking it through her head.

Colleen, Mr. Winter, and Holly came into the room and heard what the girls were talking about. The group decided to investigate more. The girls went to visit Mr. Fisher at his house but Noelle’s father warned them to be very safe and cautious there.

The house they needed to visit was 15 minutes away from the police station. The girls decided to drive in Mr. Winter’s small blue Prius and made sure they were prepared with safety weapons in case if the man tried to attack them. When they arrived at Adam Fisher’s house, they saw a small quaint gray house surrounded by several bushes. The girls walked slowly up a few stairs and to a wooden red door and rang the bell. The door was opened by a middle-aged woman who had an apron on her clothes, her hair was tied up in a messy bun, and her eyes were hazel that shone bright like stars.

“ What do you need?” she asked in a soft tender voice.
“ We would like to see a man named Adam Fisher if he lives here that is. We only want to talk to him for a few minutes,” Macy responded to the woman.
“ Adam!” she called to her son. A tall, skinny boy around 16 came down the stairs and had features just like his mom and also had dark hair and hazel eyes.
“ We would like to talk to you, Adam. It should only take us about 20 minutes,” Skyler told Adam.
The girls stepped inside the house and sat on a comfy brown sofa and Adam sat on a wooden chair. Mrs. Fisher made some biscuits for the girls and poured some glasses of water. Adam had an uncomfortable expression on his face which the girls noticed right away when they walked into the house.
“ What would you like to talk about? Wait a minute, are you from my school? I’ve seen you around there and I finally get to meet you. This is actually kinda cool,” told Adam.

“ Adam, we are from your school but that’s not what we wanted to talk about. We actually wanted to talk about the mystery at Thrillville Amusement Park. We were wondering about what happened,” Colleen responded.
“ You think I did it!! I’m telling you I didn’t do it! Why do you suspect me out of all people?” he replied to Colleen. His expression changed almost immediately into a worried, guilty face.

“ Adam, we suspect that you and some of your friends at school killed the man to get the park for yourselves. Why did you do that? You know you didn’t have to do it but you made the choice to do it,” Noelle told.

After a few seconds, Adam confessed,“ Alright, I did do it! I’ll tell you why I did it. I wanted to take over the park because I was in depression and my grades were suffering at school. My future was going to hurt so much because of my grades and other bad things that have been happening at school.  I decided to take over the park to feel like I did something better,” The girls knew that what he did was wrong but they felt really bad for him. The teenager didn’t deserve bad treatment at school and he could have tried harder to get help.

The girls called the police and Mr. Winter to Adam’s house. Adam and his friends were taken to the police station and charges were pressed on them. The girls were excited and relieved in solving their first mystery together and hoped to solve another one again soon.

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