Hunchman Cemetery | Teen Ink

Hunchman Cemetery

November 6, 2014
By Gennesis_56 BRONZE, Tinnie, New Mexico
Gennesis_56 BRONZE, Tinnie, New Mexico
2 articles 4 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Failure is the condiment that gives success it's flavor

It was another boring day in Biology. Katlyn and her three friends, Julie, Paul, and Micheal, couldn’t wait for school to dismiss.

             “Are you ready for the best night ever?” Paul shouted.
             “Heck yeah!” exclaimed Julie. “I’m going to be a Devil Witch.”
             “You always go as a Devil Witch,” said Katlyn
              “I’m going to be a zombie!” Paul shouted.( He didn't have an indoor voice. )
              “I’m going to be a werewolf!” Micheal yelled, trying to compete with Paul for who was loudest.
              “What about you, Katie? What are you going to be?” Julie asked.
              “I’m going to be a corpse bride,” replied Katlyn excitedly.
              “I can’t wait! This is going to be the best Halloween yet!” said Julie. The three nodded in agreement.
              “Make sure you guys bring an extra bag with you. I plan on us going all the way to Bakersville. I heard they give out giant candy bars instead of the fun-sized ones,” explained Katlyn.
              “Bakersville! No way!” shouted Paul. “We would have to go through Hunchman Cemetery!”
              “Giant candy bars sound great, but it’s not worth going through Hunchman Cemetery and risking our lives!” Julie exclaimed.
               “What do you mean risk our lives?” asked Katlyn.
              “There are ghosts in the shadows, and monsters lurking in every corner,” Micheal said with fear in his eyes. “Besides, if one of us were to step on a grave, even if it were an accident, he or she would be pulled underground by the dead corpse they’ve disturbed.”
              “Seriously!” exclaimed Katlyn. “You guys need to grow up. There is no such thing as monsters or ghosts. And that story about the graves isn’t even true. I bet your parents just made it up to scare you.”
               “No!” Julie screamed. “Those stories are true whether you believe us or not!”
               “We’re not going with you to that cemetery, Katie.” Paul said, quietly now.
               “This is stupid! I can’t believe you guys actually believe in that grave story,” Katlyn said, annoyed. “I’ll prove to you that these stories are lies. I’ll prove it! I’m going to Hunchman Cemetary tonight!”
                “Katie no!” Micheal interrupted her.
               “I’ll stand on a grave myself, and plunge a knife in the center of it to prove I was there!” Katlyn stormed out of the classroom just as the bell rang.
           As the sun kissed the sky goodnight, darkness filled the evening sky. Trick-or-treaters ran from door to door, filling their bags with candy, one handful at a time.
           Katlyn was dressed in a long, white, blood-splattered dress that dragged along the floor when she walked. It suited the theme of her costume, a corpse bride. I’ll prove it, she told herself.
           Katlyn left her house around 10:30pm. It didn’t take her long to reach the cemetery. It was cold and dark. An unsettling fog slowly drifted on the ground. The metal gate creaked as Katlyn pushed it open. Hunchman Cemetery. “Lets get this over with,” she said. Katlyn felt an eerie sensation go up her spine. Maybe this isn’t such a good idea, she thought. But she had to do this. Katlyn had to prove her friends wrong.
           With the knife ready in her hand, Katlyn chose the grave directly infront of her. The tombstone read "A loving father and a loyal husband." Katlyn stared at the grave for a few moments as she realized what she was about to do. 
           Katlyn closed her eyes tight, held her breath, and took two steps forward. She then plunged the knife into the cold grave. She opened her eyes. Nothing happened. She let out a heavy sigh of relief and smiled. “Wait until they see I'm still above ground.” She laughed. Katlyn was proud of herself. As she was about to step off the grave something tugged at her dress. Its grip grew tighter as she struggled. “Help! Something’s got me!” Katlyn yelled. “It’s pulling me in! Help! I don’t want to die!”
          The police found Katlyn the next morning. She was pale white and ice cold, and her hair had turned from pitch black to a bright white. Katlyn’s dress was found pinned to the cold grave with what looked like a small knife. It was noted that she had died of fright. Her friends couldn't bear to witness the horrific scene. 

          From that day foward, Paul, Julie, and Micheal agreed to visit Katlyn's grave every halloween night, in Hunchman Cemetery. 

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