Dead Rising | Teen Ink

Dead Rising

November 13, 2014
By _Brock_Shauf_ BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
_Brock_Shauf_ BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

       As her ice cold breath ran down his neck it was all him could do not to shiver. As rick slowly turned his head he could tell Mary wasn’t Mary any longer. They had met in college and fell in love at first sight. But since the plague broke out they had been feeling more and more distant. But he wouldn’t ever wish this on her he loved her but he loved knew what he had to do. As he reached into his pocket and pulled his knife he knew he had to stab her in the heart to make her pass on. She let out an ear splitting scream and she was gone.

As rick sprinted from his room into his sons no he was mumbling “no please no” but he was sadly to late Mary had already made to Ray “no you take my wife and son away what’s next”.

       As rick pulled on his pants and shirt and grabbed his gun he screamed that he was going to kill whoever did this to his wife and only son. But deep down he knew that he would never step foot on this earth as a human again.

The author's comments:

thriller about the zombie apocalypse.

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