The Queen's Destiny | Teen Ink

The Queen's Destiny

December 15, 2014
By CassFrass SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
CassFrass SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The queen looked down from her throne and scowled. “Get this thing away from me!” Immediately, the guards removed the homeless man and threw him onto the street outside of the lavish castle. “I don’t ever want to see your worthless self around here ever again,” yelled the guard. The homeless man dusted himself off and stared up at the massive building. What a waste he thought, all of this money wasted on such a terrible person. Queen Lily had ruled the kingdom of Hoverly for 30 years and she was as rotten to the core. During her ruling the people of her kingdom starved and lived on the streets. The streets were lined with rotting garbage and the people were clothed in thin pieces of fabric.

Hoverly had been an amazing place to live before Queen Lily’s rule, when her father ruled, King Edward. The kingdom was always bustling with activity. The streets were always filled with visitors from distant lands that would travel to see the amazing Hoverly. There was always enough food for the citizens and no one lived on the streets. But something terrible happened to King Edward at the peak of his success. He fell deathly ill and not even the best doctors in the land could save him. In the midst of winter Hoverly’s best king died a peaceful death. The whole kingdom mourned for months on end and sadness filled the hearts of many. No one knew who would rule the kingdom next, because Lily had only just turned 6 and her mother had died giving birth to her long ago. But she was the only heir to the throne, she had no choice but to take control of the kingdom. Silently the man gazed down at the dirty streets and began to plan the murder of Queen Lilly.

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