The Mystery of the Anti-Flush | Teen Ink

The Mystery of the Anti-Flush

January 12, 2015
By Annoying_Writers_Block BRONZE, Gainesville, Florida
Annoying_Writers_Block BRONZE, Gainesville, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All it takes is thirty seconds of insane courage"

I came upon the crime scene. Disgusting. The odorous smell wafting through the air creating a barrier that forbade clean air passage. I covered my mouth with my hand to suppress a gag. I had to make this quick. When you're a detective you need to be able to come across a crime scene and quickly scale it for any obvious clues before delving down into the nitty gritty of finding the details.

Another gag threatened to escape my mouth as I leaned in. Revolting. I circled the sight, intending to make this quick. I held my breath, the piece of evidence clothed in red for later testing, and turned tail to gracefully walk away from the police line.

Free from the blanket of ghastly fumes I clutched my sample tighter in feel of losing it and having to go back into that... Place. I suppressed a shudder and brought my Sherlock Holmes replica hat further down my head.

Collar popped, I made my way back through the winding halls of the victim's house with the destination of my lab on forefront of my brain; studying my sample a littler close in order to pass the time. Definitely a generous sample indeed. Large, red, and a semi-soft texture. With it's details in mind, I racked my brain for a possible lead before I could do some real tests when... it hit me. "I've got it!" I exclaimed.

With widened eyes, I ran my way back through the house pushing off walls to gain speed and sliding on the wood floors. My coat flapping in my tail wind as I ran to the make-shift questioning room that was set up earlier in the investigation. I saw the room and a new burst of speed rushed threw me, hoping it wasn't true, I shouldered the door as I slammed into it while simultaneously turning the handle as not to break the frame and burst into the room. Time froze.

My eyes drifted to a foot, specifically a bare foot, situated right next to a covered foot of the same owner. In a shaking grip, I held up the sample I collected at the scene of the crime. I held it up to the bare foot, and slipped the red sock on, and took a step back. With a hitch in my breath, I compared it to the covered foot belonging to the same owner. A perfect match. Two red socks. One of which was found as the first piece of evidence.

With tears in my eyes I looked to the guilty party.

"Dad, you are under arrest for not flushing the toilet. You have the right to remain silent... But deadly"

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