Lifeless Eye's | Teen Ink

Lifeless Eye's

January 15, 2015
By Riley Faison BRONZE, Auburn, Alabama
Riley Faison BRONZE, Auburn, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The day began just as any other. I had school, and after that I would go babysit. Months ago I had started a babysitting business and it was booming. This particular night I had gotten a call from a man with six children and was in desperate need of a babysitter. Who was I to refuse his offer? The road I had to take was pitch black, fog lay heavily over it making the drive darker than thought possible. You can imagine the relief I felt when I saw the lights of the house.
     After I parked, I jumped out of my car and jogged up to the door. The gravel of the driveway crunched beneath my feet as I made my way onto the porch. Before I could even knock the large wooden door swung open, but I saw no one behind it. I went into the house cautiously and peered into the living room. The kids were sitting quietly with their back to me as they faced the television set. My eyes were dragged up to the news headline showing on the screen, "Six girls kidnapped within the last week. All were around the age of seventeen and called to the same address. Last seen by their parents saying they were going out to babysit. None have been seen since." The faces of the victims started to show on the screen. I shivered, and walked around to face the children. "Hello, I.." I shrieked loudly, the girls eyes stared at me dull and lifeless, their hair was matted and dirt covered them each head to toe. This can't be happening...  The girls didn't even resemble the pictures shown on the screen, little did the police know is that they were looking for corpses not girls.  A noise behind me caused me to whirl around and I got small glance of the man as he raised his knife and I only had time to mutter one last word, "Daddy?"

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