In the woods | Teen Ink

In the woods

February 9, 2015
By Jesus Medina BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Jesus Medina BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

One evening Sarah was going to her friend’s house to finish a project that was due the next day. Her mom let her, but warned her to not go through the woods because it was dangerous and plus it was also getting dark. As Sarah walked out the door she said bye to her mom and went off to her friend’s house. She thought of going through the woods since it’s the fastest way to get to her friend’s house but she decided not to and took the long way. When she arrived at Amy’s house, they started working on the project and got it finished. When Sarah realized that it was 10:30, she said bye to her friend and told her she had to go because her mom was going to be worried about her and they wouldn’t give her permission to come over and do the homework at her house again.
She left in such a hurry that this time she decided to take the woods to arrive faster at her house and save herself some time since she was tired already. She walked really fast, but then she saw something far deep in the woods. It looked like an older women. Sarah called out “Ma’am are you alright?” She kept on staring at her and then something moved in the bushes on the other side and caught Sarah’s attention so she turned around to see a squirrel climbing a tree. She looked back to see the elder women, but the women was already gone and Sarah looked all around to see if she could help her but there was no sign of her. Chills ran down her spine and went running towards her house. When she got there her mom was really worried, but seeing her daughter okay made her calm down a little bit. Her mom was a little angry and she told her that it was the last time she will be late to her house, and if she did it again, she would not be able to go to Amy’s house anymore. So Sarah told her mom to not worry about it and went to her room and went to sleep.
The next Morning Sarah got up and went to school and presented her project with her friend Amy. After class they walked to their house by going through the woods because they were curious about what Sarah had seen the day before. As they were walking, they saw 2 older women talking and one of them was the same one Sarah has seen the night before. They went and walked towards them and were caught by another older women behind them that they had not seen and the girls went missing from then and nobody knows what happened to them and till this day no one has heard of them since then.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 3 2015 at 2:49 pm
Esteban Hurtado BRONZE, Grand Prairie, Texas
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
One of the best stories I have read tbh